#!/usr/bin/env bash # **stack.sh** is an opinionated openstack developer installation. # This script installs and configures *nova*, *glance*, *dashboard* and *keystone* # This script allows you to specify configuration options of what git # repositories to use, enabled services, network configuration and various # passwords. If you are crafty you can run the script on multiple nodes using # shared settings for common resources (mysql, rabbitmq) and build a multi-node # developer install. # To keep this script simple we assume you are running on an **Ubuntu 11.04 # Natty** machine. It should work in a VM or physical server. Additionally we # put the list of *apt* and *pip* dependencies and other configuration files in # this repo. So start by grabbing this script and the dependencies. # Learn more and get the most recent version at http://devstack.org # Sanity Check # ============ # Warn users who aren't on natty, but allow them to override check and attempt # installation with ``FORCE=yes ./stack`` if ! grep -q natty /etc/lsb-release; then echo "WARNING: this script has only been tested on natty" if [[ "$FORCE" != "yes" ]]; then echo "If you wish to run this script anyway run with FORCE=yes" exit 1 fi fi # stack.sh keeps the list of **apt** and **pip** dependencies in external # files, along with config templates and other useful files. You can find these # in the ``files`` directory (next to this script). We will reference this # directory using the ``FILES`` variable in this script. FILES=`pwd`/files if [ ! -d $FILES ]; then echo "ERROR: missing devstack/files - did you grab more than just stack.sh?" exit 1 fi # Keep track of the current devstack directory. TOP_DIR=$(cd $(dirname "$0") && pwd) # OpenStack is designed to be run as a regular user (Dashboard will fail to run # as root, since apache refused to startup serve content from root user). If # stack.sh is run as root, it automatically creates a stack user with # sudo privileges and runs as that user. if [[ $EUID -eq 0 ]]; then echo "You are running this script as root." echo "In 10 seconds, we will create a user 'stack' and run as that user" sleep 10 # since this script runs as a normal user, we need to give that user # ability to run sudo apt-get update apt-get install -y sudo if ! getent passwd stack >/dev/null; then echo "Creating a user called stack" useradd -U -G sudo -s /bin/bash -m stack fi echo "Giving stack user passwordless sudo priviledges" # natty uec images sudoers does not have a '#includedir'. add one. grep -q "^#includedir.*/etc/sudoers.d" /etc/sudoers || echo "#includedir /etc/sudoers.d" >> /etc/sudoers ( umask 226 && echo "stack ALL=(ALL) NOPASSWD:ALL" \ > /etc/sudoers.d/50_stack_sh ) echo "Copying files to stack user" STACK_DIR="/home/stack/${PWD##*/}" cp -r -f "$PWD" "$STACK_DIR" chown -R stack "$STACK_DIR" if [[ "$SHELL_AFTER_RUN" != "no" ]]; then exec su -c "set -e; cd $STACK_DIR; bash stack.sh; bash" stack else exec su -c "set -e; cd $STACK_DIR; bash stack.sh" stack fi exit 1 fi # Settings # ======== # This script is customizable through setting environment variables. If you # want to override a setting you can either:: # # export MYSQL_PASSWORD=anothersecret # ./stack.sh # # You can also pass options on a single line ``MYSQL_PASSWORD=simple ./stack.sh`` # # Additionally, you can put any local variables into a ``localrc`` file, like:: # # MYSQL_PASSWORD=anothersecret # MYSQL_USER=hellaroot # # We try to have sensible defaults, so you should be able to run ``./stack.sh`` # in most cases. # # We our settings from ``stackrc``. This file is distributed with devstack and # contains locations for what repositories to use. If you want to use other # repositories and branches, you can add your own settings with another file # called ``localrc`` # # If ``localrc`` exists, then ``stackrc`` will load those settings. This is # useful for changing a branch or repostiory to test other versions. Also you # can store your other settings like **MYSQL_PASSWORD** or **ADMIN_PASSWORD** instead # of letting devstack generate random ones for you. source ./stackrc # Destination path for installation ``DEST`` DEST=${DEST:-/opt/stack} # Set the destination directories for openstack projects NOVA_DIR=$DEST/nova DASH_DIR=$DEST/dash GLANCE_DIR=$DEST/glance KEYSTONE_DIR=$DEST/keystone NOVACLIENT_DIR=$DEST/python-novaclient OPENSTACKX_DIR=$DEST/openstackx NOVNC_DIR=$DEST/noVNC # Specify which services to launch. These generally correspond to screen tabs ENABLED_SERVICES=${ENABLED_SERVICES:-g-api,g-reg,key,n-api,n-cpu,n-net,n-sch,n-vnc,dash,mysql,rabbit} # Nova hypervisor configuration. We default to **kvm** but will drop back to # **qemu** if we are unable to load the kvm module. Stack.sh can also install # an **LXC** based system. LIBVIRT_TYPE=${LIBVIRT_TYPE:-kvm} # nova supports pluggable schedulers. ``SimpleScheduler`` should work in most # cases unless you are working on multi-zone mode. SCHEDULER=${SCHEDULER:-nova.scheduler.simple.SimpleScheduler} # Use the first IP unless an explicit is set by ``HOST_IP`` environment variable if [ ! -n "$HOST_IP" ]; then HOST_IP=`LC_ALL=C /sbin/ifconfig | grep -m 1 'inet addr:'| cut -d: -f2 | awk '{print $1}'` fi # Generic helper to configure passwords function read_password { set +o xtrace var=$1; msg=$2 pw=${!var} localrc=$TOP_DIR/localrc # If the password is not defined yet, proceed to prompt user for a password. if [ ! $pw ]; then # If there is no localrc file, create one if [ ! -e $localrc ]; then touch $localrc fi # Presumably if we got this far it can only be that our localrc is missing # the required password. Prompt user for a password and write to localrc. echo '' echo '################################################################################' echo $msg echo '################################################################################' echo "This value will be written to your localrc file so you don't have to enter it again." echo "It is probably best to avoid spaces and weird characters." echo "If you leave this blank, a random default value will be used." echo "Enter a password now:" read $var pw=${!var} if [ ! $pw ]; then pw=`openssl rand -hex 10` fi eval "$var=$pw" echo "$var=$pw" >> $localrc fi set -o xtrace } # Nova Network Configuration # -------------------------- # FIXME: more documentation about why these are important flags. Also # we should make sure we use the same variable names as the flag names. PUBLIC_INTERFACE=${PUBLIC_INTERFACE:-eth0} FIXED_RANGE=${FIXED_RANGE:-} FIXED_NETWORK_SIZE=${FIXED_NETWORK_SIZE:-256} FLOATING_RANGE=${FLOATING_RANGE:-} NET_MAN=${NET_MAN:-FlatDHCPManager} EC2_DMZ_HOST=${EC2_DMZ_HOST:-$HOST_IP} FLAT_NETWORK_BRIDGE=${FLAT_NETWORK_BRIDGE:-br100} VLAN_INTERFACE=${VLAN_INTERFACE:-$PUBLIC_INTERFACE} # Multi-host is a mode where each compute node runs its own network node. This # allows network operations and routing for a VM to occur on the server that is # running the VM - removing a SPOF and bandwidth bottleneck. MULTI_HOST=${MULTI_HOST:-0} # If you are using FlatDHCP on multiple hosts, set the ``FLAT_INTERFACE`` # variable but make sure that the interface doesn't already have an # ip or you risk breaking things. # # **DHCP Warning**: If your flat interface device uses DHCP, there will be a # hiccup while the network is moved from the flat interface to the flat network # bridge. This will happen when you launch your first instance. Upon launch # you will lose all connectivity to the node, and the vm launch will probably # fail. # # If you are running on a single node and don't need to access the VMs from # devices other than that node, you can set the flat interface to the same # value as ``FLAT_NETWORK_BRIDGE``. This will stop the network hiccup from # occuring. FLAT_INTERFACE=${FLAT_INTERFACE:-eth0} ## FIXME(ja): should/can we check that FLAT_INTERFACE is sane? # MySQL & RabbitMQ # ---------------- # We configure Nova, Dashboard, Glance and Keystone to use MySQL as their # database server. While they share a single server, each has their own # database and tables. # By default this script will install and configure MySQL. If you want to # use an existing server, you can pass in the user/password/host parameters. # You will need to send the same ``MYSQL_PASSWORD`` to every host if you are doing # a multi-node devstack installation. MYSQL_USER=${MYSQL_USER:-root} read_password MYSQL_PASSWORD "ENTER A PASSWORD TO USE FOR MYSQL." MYSQL_HOST=${MYSQL_HOST:-localhost} # don't specify /db in this string, so we can use it for multiple services BASE_SQL_CONN=${BASE_SQL_CONN:-mysql://$MYSQL_USER:$MYSQL_PASSWORD@$MYSQL_HOST} # Rabbit connection info RABBIT_HOST=${RABBIT_HOST:-localhost} RABBIT_PASSWORD=${RABBIT_PASSWORD:-`openssl rand -hex 12`} read_password RABBIT_PASSWORD "ENTER A PASSWORD TO USE FOR RABBIT." # Glance connection info. Note the port must be specified. GLANCE_HOSTPORT=${GLANCE_HOSTPORT:-$HOST_IP:9292} # Keystone # -------- # Service Token - Openstack components need to have an admin token # to validate user tokens. read_password SERVICE_TOKEN "ENTER A SERVICE_TOKEN TO USE FOR THE SERVICE ADMIN TOKEN." # Dash currently truncates usernames and passwords at 20 characters read_password ADMIN_PASSWORD "ENTER A PASSWORD TO USE FOR DASH AND KEYSTONE (20 CHARS OR LESS)." LOGFILE=${LOGFILE:-"$PWD/stack.sh.$$.log"} ( # So that errors don't compound we exit on any errors so you see only the # first error that occured. trap failed ERR failed() { local r=$? set +o xtrace [ -n "$LOGFILE" ] && echo "${0##*/} failed: full log in $LOGFILE" exit $r } # Print the commands being run so that we can see the command that triggers # an error. It is also useful for following along as the install occurs. set -o xtrace sudo mkdir -p $DEST sudo chown `whoami` $DEST # Install Packages # ================ # # Openstack uses a fair number of other projects. # install apt requirements sudo apt-get update sudo apt-get install -qqy `cat $FILES/apts/* | cut -d\# -f1 | grep -Ev "mysql-server|rabbitmq-server"` # install python requirements sudo PIP_DOWNLOAD_CACHE=/var/cache/pip pip install `cat $FILES/pips/*` # git clone only if directory doesn't exist already. Since ``DEST`` might not # be owned by the installation user, we create the directory and change the # ownership to the proper user. function git_clone { if [ ! -d $2 ]; then sudo mkdir $2 sudo chown `whoami` $2 git clone $1 $2 cd $2 # This checkout syntax works for both branches and tags git checkout $3 fi } # compute service git_clone $NOVA_REPO $NOVA_DIR $NOVA_BRANCH # image catalog service git_clone $GLANCE_REPO $GLANCE_DIR $GLANCE_BRANCH # unified auth system (manages accounts/tokens) git_clone $KEYSTONE_REPO $KEYSTONE_DIR $KEYSTONE_BRANCH # a websockets/html5 or flash powered VNC console for vm instances git_clone $NOVNC_REPO $NOVNC_DIR $NOVNC_BRANCH # django powered web control panel for openstack git_clone $DASH_REPO $DASH_DIR $DASH_BRANCH $DASH_TAG # python client library to nova that dashboard (and others) use git_clone $NOVACLIENT_REPO $NOVACLIENT_DIR $NOVACLIENT_BRANCH # openstackx is a collection of extensions to openstack.compute & nova # that is *deprecated*. The code is being moved into python-novaclient & nova. git_clone $OPENSTACKX_REPO $OPENSTACKX_DIR $OPENSTACKX_BRANCH # Initialization # ============== # setup our checkouts so they are installed into python path # allowing ``import nova`` or ``import glance.client`` cd $NOVA_DIR; sudo python setup.py develop cd $NOVACLIENT_DIR; sudo python setup.py develop cd $KEYSTONE_DIR; sudo python setup.py develop cd $GLANCE_DIR; sudo python setup.py develop cd $OPENSTACKX_DIR; sudo python setup.py develop cd $DASH_DIR/django-openstack; sudo python setup.py develop cd $DASH_DIR/openstack-dashboard; sudo python setup.py develop # Add a useful screenrc. This isn't required to run openstack but is we do # it since we are going to run the services in screen for simple cp $FILES/screenrc ~/.screenrc ## TODO: update current user to allow sudo for all commands in files/sudo/* # Rabbit # --------- if [[ "$ENABLED_SERVICES" =~ "rabbit" ]]; then # Install and start rabbitmq-server sudo apt-get install -y -q rabbitmq-server # change the rabbit password since the default is "guest" sudo rabbitmqctl change_password guest $RABBIT_PASSWORD fi # Mysql # --------- if [[ "$ENABLED_SERVICES" =~ "mysql" ]]; then # Seed configuration with mysql password so that apt-get install doesn't # prompt us for a password upon install. cat <$HOME/.my.cnf [client] user=$MYSQL_USER password=$MYSQL_PASSWORD host=$MYSQL_HOST EOF chmod 0600 $HOME/.my.cnf fi # Install and start mysql-server sudo apt-get -y -q install mysql-server # Update the DB to give user ‘$MYSQL_USER’@’%’ full control of the all databases: sudo mysql -uroot -p$MYSQL_PASSWORD -e "GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON *.* TO '$MYSQL_USER'@'%' identified by '$MYSQL_PASSWORD';" # Edit /etc/mysql/my.cnf to change ‘bind-address’ from localhost ( to any ( and restart the mysql service: sudo sed -i 's/' /etc/mysql/my.cnf sudo service mysql restart fi # Dashboard # --------- # Setup the django dashboard application to serve via apache/wsgi if [[ "$ENABLED_SERVICES" =~ "dash" ]]; then # Dash currently imports quantum even if you aren't using it. Instead # of installing quantum we can create a simple module that will pass the # initial imports mkdir -p $DASH_DIR/openstack-dashboard/quantum || true touch $DASH_DIR/openstack-dashboard/quantum/__init__.py touch $DASH_DIR/openstack-dashboard/quantum/client.py # ``local_settings.py`` is used to override dashboard default settings. cp $FILES/dash_settings.py $DASH_DIR/openstack-dashboard/local/local_settings.py cd $DASH_DIR/openstack-dashboard dashboard/manage.py syncdb # create an empty directory that apache uses as docroot sudo mkdir -p $DASH_DIR/.blackhole ## Configure apache's 000-default to run dashboard sudo cp $FILES/000-default.template /etc/apache2/sites-enabled/000-default sudo sed -e "s,%USER%,$USER,g" -i /etc/apache2/sites-enabled/000-default sudo sed -e "s,%DASH_DIR%,$DASH_DIR,g" -i /etc/apache2/sites-enabled/000-default fi # Glance # ------ if [[ "$ENABLED_SERVICES" =~ "g-reg" ]]; then GLANCE_IMAGE_DIR=$DEST/glance/images # Delete existing images rm -rf $GLANCE_IMAGE_DIR # Use local glance directories mkdir -p $GLANCE_IMAGE_DIR # (re)create glance database mysql -u$MYSQL_USER -p$MYSQL_PASSWORD -e 'DROP DATABASE IF EXISTS glance;' mysql -u$MYSQL_USER -p$MYSQL_PASSWORD -e 'CREATE DATABASE glance;' # Copy over our glance-registry.conf GLANCE_CONF=$GLANCE_DIR/etc/glance-registry.conf cp $FILES/glance-registry.conf $GLANCE_CONF sudo sed -e "s,%SQL_CONN%,$BASE_SQL_CONN/glance,g" -i $GLANCE_CONF sudo sed -e "s,%SERVICE_TOKEN%,$SERVICE_TOKEN,g" -i $GLANCE_CONF sudo sed -e "s,%DEST%,$DEST,g" -i $GLANCE_CONF GLANCE_API_CONF=$GLANCE_DIR/etc/glance-api.conf cp $FILES/glance-api.conf $GLANCE_API_CONF sudo sed -e "s,%DEST%,$DEST,g" -i $GLANCE_API_CONF sudo sed -e "s,%SERVICE_TOKEN%,$SERVICE_TOKEN,g" -i $GLANCE_API_CONF fi # Nova # ---- # We are going to use the sample http middleware configuration from the keystone # project to launch nova. This paste config adds the configuration required # for nova to validate keystone tokens - except we need to switch the config # to use our admin token instead (instead of the token from their sample data). sudo sed -e "s,999888777666,$SERVICE_TOKEN,g" -i $KEYSTONE_DIR/examples/paste/nova-api-paste.ini if [[ "$ENABLED_SERVICES" =~ "n-cpu" ]]; then # Virtualization Configuration # ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ # attempt to load modules: network block device - used to manage qcow images sudo modprobe nbd || true # Check for kvm (hardware based virtualization). If unable to load kvm, # set the libvirt type to qemu. Note: many systems come with hardware # virtualization disabled in BIOS. if [[ "$LIBVIRT_TYPE" == "kvm" ]]; then sudo modprobe kvm || true if [ ! -e /dev/kvm ]; then echo "WARNING: Switching to QEMU" LIBVIRT_TYPE=qemu fi fi # Install and configure **LXC** if specified. LXC is another approach to # splitting a system into many smaller parts. LXC uses cgroups and chroot # to simulate multiple systems. if [[ "$LIBVIRT_TYPE" == "lxc" ]]; then sudo apt-get install lxc -y # lxc requires cgroups to be configured on /cgroup sudo mkdir -p /cgroup if ! grep -q cgroup /etc/fstab; then echo none /cgroup cgroup cpuacct,memory,devices,cpu,freezer,blkio 0 0 | sudo tee -a /etc/fstab fi if ! mount -n | grep -q cgroup; then sudo mount /cgroup fi fi # User needs to be member of libvirtd group for nova-compute to use libvirt. sudo usermod -a -G libvirtd `whoami` # if kvm wasn't running before we need to restart libvirt to enable it sudo /etc/init.d/libvirt-bin restart # Instance Storage # ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ # Nova stores each instance in its own directory. mkdir -p $NOVA_DIR/instances # if there is a partition labeled nova-instances use it (ext filesystems # can be labeled via e2label) ## FIXME: if already mounted this blows up... if [ -L /dev/disk/by-label/nova-instances ]; then sudo mount -L nova-instances $NOVA_DIR/instances sudo chown -R `whoami` $NOVA_DIR/instances fi # Clean out the instances directory. sudo rm -rf $NOVA_DIR/instances/* fi if [[ "$ENABLED_SERVICES" =~ "n-net" ]]; then # delete traces of nova networks from prior runs sudo killall dnsmasq || true rm -rf $NOVA_DIR/networks mkdir -p $NOVA_DIR/networks fi function add_nova_flag { echo "$1" >> $NOVA_DIR/bin/nova.conf } # (re)create nova.conf rm -f $NOVA_DIR/bin/nova.conf add_nova_flag "--verbose" add_nova_flag "--nodaemon" add_nova_flag "--scheduler_driver=$SCHEDULER" add_nova_flag "--dhcpbridge_flagfile=$NOVA_DIR/bin/nova.conf" add_nova_flag "--network_manager=nova.network.manager.$NET_MAN" add_nova_flag "--my_ip=$HOST_IP" add_nova_flag "--public_interface=$PUBLIC_INTERFACE" add_nova_flag "--vlan_interface=$VLAN_INTERFACE" add_nova_flag "--sql_connection=$BASE_SQL_CONN/nova" add_nova_flag "--libvirt_type=$LIBVIRT_TYPE" add_nova_flag "--osapi_extensions_path=$OPENSTACKX_DIR/extensions" add_nova_flag "--vncproxy_url=http://$HOST_IP:6080" add_nova_flag "--vncproxy_wwwroot=$NOVNC_DIR/" add_nova_flag "--api_paste_config=$KEYSTONE_DIR/examples/paste/nova-api-paste.ini" add_nova_flag "--image_service=nova.image.glance.GlanceImageService" add_nova_flag "--ec2_dmz_host=$EC2_DMZ_HOST" add_nova_flag "--rabbit_host=$RABBIT_HOST" add_nova_flag "--rabbit_password=$RABBIT_PASSWORD" add_nova_flag "--glance_api_servers=$GLANCE_HOSTPORT" add_nova_flag "--flat_network_bridge=$FLAT_NETWORK_BRIDGE" if [ -n "$FLAT_INTERFACE" ]; then add_nova_flag "--flat_interface=$FLAT_INTERFACE" fi if [ -n "$MULTI_HOST" ]; then add_nova_flag "--multi_host=$MULTI_HOST" fi # Nova Database # ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ # All nova components talk to a central database. We will need to do this step # only once for an entire cluster. if [[ "$ENABLED_SERVICES" =~ "mysql" ]]; then # (re)create nova database mysql -u$MYSQL_USER -p$MYSQL_PASSWORD -e 'DROP DATABASE IF EXISTS nova;' mysql -u$MYSQL_USER -p$MYSQL_PASSWORD -e 'CREATE DATABASE nova;' # (re)create nova database $NOVA_DIR/bin/nova-manage db sync # create a small network $NOVA_DIR/bin/nova-manage network create private $FIXED_RANGE 1 $FIXED_NETWORK_SIZE # create some floating ips $NOVA_DIR/bin/nova-manage floating create $FLOATING_RANGE fi # Keystone # -------- if [[ "$ENABLED_SERVICES" =~ "key" ]]; then # (re)create keystone database mysql -u$MYSQL_USER -p$MYSQL_PASSWORD -e 'DROP DATABASE IF EXISTS keystone;' mysql -u$MYSQL_USER -p$MYSQL_PASSWORD -e 'CREATE DATABASE keystone;' # FIXME (anthony) keystone should use keystone.conf.example KEYSTONE_CONF=$KEYSTONE_DIR/etc/keystone.conf cp $FILES/keystone.conf $KEYSTONE_CONF sudo sed -e "s,%SQL_CONN%,$BASE_SQL_CONN/keystone,g" -i $KEYSTONE_CONF sudo sed -e "s,%DEST%,$DEST,g" -i $KEYSTONE_CONF # keystone_data.sh creates our admin user and our ``SERVICE_TOKEN``. KEYSTONE_DATA=$KEYSTONE_DIR/bin/keystone_data.sh cp $FILES/keystone_data.sh $KEYSTONE_DATA sudo sed -e "s,%HOST_IP%,$HOST_IP,g" -i $KEYSTONE_DATA sudo sed -e "s,%SERVICE_TOKEN%,$SERVICE_TOKEN,g" -i $KEYSTONE_DATA sudo sed -e "s,%ADMIN_PASSWORD%,$ADMIN_PASSWORD,g" -i $KEYSTONE_DATA # initialize keystone with default users/endpoints BIN_DIR=$KEYSTONE_DIR/bin bash $KEYSTONE_DATA fi # Launch Services # =============== # nova api crashes if we start it with a regular screen command, # so send the start command by forcing text into the window. # Only run the services specified in ``ENABLED_SERVICES`` # our screen helper to launch a service in a hidden named screen function screen_it { NL=`echo -ne '\015'` if [[ "$ENABLED_SERVICES" =~ "$1" ]]; then screen -S nova -X screen -t $1 screen -S nova -p $1 -X stuff "$2$NL" fi } # create a new named screen to run processes in screen -d -m -S nova -t nova sleep 1 # launch the glance registery service if [[ "$ENABLED_SERVICES" =~ "g-reg" ]]; then screen_it g-reg "cd $GLANCE_DIR; bin/glance-registry --config-file=etc/glance-registry.conf" fi # launch the glance api and wait for it to answer before continuing if [[ "$ENABLED_SERVICES" =~ "g-api" ]]; then screen_it g-api "cd $GLANCE_DIR; bin/glance-api --config-file=etc/glance-api.conf" while ! wget -q -O- http://$GLANCE_HOSTPORT; do echo "Waiting for g-api ($GLANCE_HOSTPORT) to start..." sleep 1 done fi # launch the keystone and wait for it to answer before continuing if [[ "$ENABLED_SERVICES" =~ "key" ]]; then screen_it key "cd $KEYSTONE_DIR && $KEYSTONE_DIR/bin/keystone --config-file $KEYSTONE_CONF -d" while ! wget -q -O-; do echo "Waiting for keystone to start..." sleep 1 done fi # launch the nova-api and wait for it to answer before continuing if [[ "$ENABLED_SERVICES" =~ "n-api" ]]; then screen_it n-api "cd $NOVA_DIR && $NOVA_DIR/bin/nova-api" while ! wget -q -O-; do echo "Waiting for nova-api to start..." sleep 1 done fi # Launching nova-compute should be as simple as running ``nova-compute`` but # have to do a little more than that in our script. Since we add the group # ``libvirtd`` to our user in this script, when nova-compute is run it is # within the context of our original shell (so our groups won't be updated). # Use 'sg' to execute nova-compute as a member of the libvirtd group. screen_it n-cpu "cd $NOVA_DIR && sg libvirtd $NOVA_DIR/bin/nova-compute" screen_it n-net "cd $NOVA_DIR && $NOVA_DIR/bin/nova-network" screen_it n-sch "cd $NOVA_DIR && $NOVA_DIR/bin/nova-scheduler" screen_it n-vnc "cd $NOVNC_DIR && ./utils/nova-wsproxy.py 6080 --web . --flagfile=../nova/bin/nova.conf" screen_it dash "cd $DASH_DIR && sudo /etc/init.d/apache2 restart; sudo tail -f /var/log/apache2/error.log" # Install Images # ============== # Upload an image to glance. # # The default image is a small ***TTY*** testing image, which lets you login # the username/password of root/password. # # TTY also uses cloud-init, supporting login via keypair and sending scripts as # userdata. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CloudInit for more on cloud-init # # Override IMAGE_URL if you would to launch a different image. Some other options: # natty: http://uec-images.ubuntu.com/natty/current/natty-server-cloudimg-amd64.tar.gz if [[ "$ENABLED_SERVICES" =~ "g-reg" ]]; then # Create a directory for the downloadedthe images tarballs. mkdir -p $FILES/images # Downloads the image (uec ami+aki style), then extracts it. IMAGE_FNAME=`echo "$IMAGE_URL" | python -c "import sys; print sys.stdin.read().split('/')[-1]"` IMAGE_NAME=`echo "$IMAGE_FNAME" | python -c "import sys; print sys.stdin.read().split('.tar.gz')[0].split('.tgz')[0]"` if [ ! -f $FILES/$IMAGE_FNAME ]; then wget -c $IMAGE_URL -O $FILES/$IMAGE_FNAME fi # Extract ami and aki files tar -zxf $FILES/$IMAGE_FNAME -C $FILES/images # Upload to glance with the glance cli tool. RVAL=`glance add -A $SERVICE_TOKEN name="$IMAGE_NAME-kernel" is_public=true container_format=aki disk_format=aki < $FILES/images/$IMAGE_NAME-vmlinuz*` KERNEL_ID=`echo $RVAL | cut -d":" -f2 | tr -d " "` glance add -A $SERVICE_TOKEN name="$IMAGE_NAME" is_public=true container_format=ami disk_format=ami kernel_id=$KERNEL_ID < $FILES/images/$IMAGE_NAME.img fi # Fin # === ) 2>&1 | tee "${LOGFILE}" # Check that the left side of the above pipe succeeded for ret in "${PIPESTATUS[@]}"; do [ $ret -eq 0 ] || exit $ret; done ( # Using the cloud # =============== # If you installed the dashboard on this server, then you should be able # to access the site using your browser. if [[ "$ENABLED_SERVICES" =~ "dash" ]]; then echo "dashboard is now available at http://$HOST_IP/" fi # If keystone is present, you can point nova cli to this server if [[ "$ENABLED_SERVICES" =~ "key" ]]; then echo "keystone is serving at http://$HOST_IP:5000/v2.0/" echo "examples on using novaclient command line is in exercise.sh" echo "the default users are: admin and demo" echo "the password: $ADMIN_PASSWORD" fi # indicate how long this took to run (bash maintained variable 'SECONDS') echo "stack.sh completed in $SECONDS seconds." ) | tee -a "$LOGFILE"