#!/bin/bash -e # build_pxe_boot.sh - Create a PXE boot environment # # build_pxe_boot.sh [-k kernel-version] destdir # # Assumes syslinux is installed # Assumes devstack files are in `pwd`/pxe # Only needs to run as root if the destdir permissions require it UBUNTU_MIRROR=http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/dists/natty/main/installer-amd64/current/images/netboot/ubuntu-installer/amd64 MEMTEST_VER=4.10 MEMTEST_BIN=memtest86+-${MEMTEST_VER}.bin MEMTEST_URL=http://www.memtest.org/download/${MEMTEST_VER}/ KVER=`uname -r` if [ "$1" = "-k" ]; then KVER=$2 shift;shift fi DEST_DIR=${1:-/tmp}/tftpboot PXEDIR=${PXEDIR:-/root/pxe} OPWD=`pwd` PROGDIR=`dirname $0` mkdir -p $DEST_DIR/pxelinux.cfg cd $DEST_DIR for i in memdisk menu.c32 pxelinux.0; do cp -p /usr/lib/syslinux/$i $DEST_DIR done DEFAULT=$DEST_DIR/pxelinux.cfg/default cat >$DEFAULT <>$DEFAULT <>$DEFAULT <>$DEFAULT <>$DEFAULT <>$DEFAULT <