#!/usr/bin/env bash # exit on error to stop unexpected errors set -o errexit # Make sure that we have the proper version of ubuntu UBUNTU_VERSION=`cat /etc/lsb-release | grep CODENAME | sed 's/.*=//g'` if [ ! "oneiric" = "$UBUNTU_VERSION" ]; then if [ ! "natty" = "$UBUNTU_VERSION" ]; then echo "This script only works with oneiric and natty" exit 1 fi fi # Clean up any resources that may be in use cleanup() { set +o errexit unmount_images if [ -n "$ROOTFS" ]; then umount $ROOTFS/dev umount $ROOTFS fi # Release NBD devices if [ -n "$NBD" ]; then qemu-nbd -d $NBD fi # Kill ourselves to signal any calling process trap 2; kill -2 $$ } trap cleanup SIGHUP SIGINT SIGTERM SIGQUIT # Echo commands set -o xtrace # Keep track of the current directory TOOLS_DIR=$(cd $(dirname "$0") && pwd) TOP_DIR=`cd $TOOLS_DIR/..; pwd` # Where to store files and instances WORK_DIR=${WORK_DIR:-/opt/kvmstack} # Where to store images IMAGES_DIR=$WORK_DIR/images # Create images dir mkdir -p $IMAGES_DIR # Abort if localrc is not set if [ ! -e $TOP_DIR/localrc ]; then echo "You must have a localrc with ALL necessary passwords defined before proceeding." echo "See stack.sh for required passwords." exit 1 fi cd $TOP_DIR # Source params source ./stackrc # Configure the root password of the vm to be the same as ``ADMIN_PASSWORD`` ROOT_PASSWORD=${ADMIN_PASSWORD:-password} # Base image (natty by default) DIST_NAME=${DIST_NAME:-natty} IMAGE_FNAME=$DIST_NAME.raw # Name of our instance, used by libvirt GUEST_NAME=${GUEST_NAME:-devstack} # Original version of built image BASE_IMAGE=$IMAGES_DIR/$DIST_NAME.raw # Copy of base image, which we pre-install with tasty treats VM_IMAGE=$IMAGES_DIR/$DIST_NAME.$GUEST_NAME.raw # Mop up after previous runs virsh destroy $GUEST_NAME || true # Where this vm is stored VM_DIR=$WORK_DIR/instances/$GUEST_NAME # Create vm dir mkdir -p $VM_DIR # Mount point into copied base image COPY_DIR=$VM_DIR/copy mkdir -p $COPY_DIR # Get the base image if it does not yet exist if [ ! -e $BASE_IMAGE ]; then $TOOLS_DIR/get_uec_image.sh -f raw -r 5000 $DIST_NAME $BASE_IMAGE fi # Create a copy of the base image if [ ! -e $VM_IMAGE ]; then cp -p $BASE_IMAGE $VM_IMAGE fi # Unmount the copied base image function unmount_images() { # unmount the filesystem while df | grep -q $COPY_DIR; do umount $COPY_DIR || echo 'ok' sleep 1 done } # Unmount from failed runs unmount_images # Ctrl-c catcher function kill_unmount() { unmount_images exit 1 } # Install deps if needed dpkg -l kvm libvirt-bin kpartx || apt-get install -y --force-yes kvm libvirt-bin kpartx # Where Openstack code will live in image DEST=${DEST:-/opt/stack} # Mount the file system # For some reason, UEC-based images want 255 heads * 63 sectors * 512 byte sectors = 8225280 mount -t ext4 -o loop,offset=8225280 $VM_IMAGE $COPY_DIR # git clone only if directory doesn't exist already. Since ``DEST`` might not # be owned by the installation user, we create the directory and change the # ownership to the proper user. function git_clone { if [ ! -d $2 ]; then sudo mkdir $2 sudo chown `whoami` $2 git clone $1 $2 cd $2 # This checkout syntax works for both branches and tags git checkout $3 fi } # Make sure that base requirements are installed cp /etc/resolv.conf $COPY_DIR/etc/resolv.conf chroot $COPY_DIR apt-get update chroot $COPY_DIR apt-get install -y --download-only `cat files/apts/* | grep NOPRIME | cut -d\# -f1` chroot $COPY_DIR apt-get install -y --force-yes `cat files/apts/* | grep -v NOPRIME | cut -d\# -f1` chroot $COPY_DIR pip install `cat files/pips/*` # Clean out code repos if directed to do so if [ "$CLEAN" = "1" ]; then rm -rf $COPY_DIR/$DEST fi # Cache openstack code mkdir -p $COPY_DIR/$DEST git_clone $NOVA_REPO $COPY_DIR/$DEST/nova $NOVA_BRANCH git_clone $GLANCE_REPO $COPY_DIR/$DEST/glance $GLANCE_BRANCH git_clone $KEYSTONE_REPO $COPY_DIR/$DESTkeystone $KEYSTONE_BRANCH git_clone $NOVNC_REPO $COPY_DIR/$DEST/noVNC $NOVNC_BRANCH git_clone $HORIZON_REPO $COPY_DIR/$DEST/horizon $HORIZON_BRANCH $HORIZON_TAG git_clone $NOVACLIENT_REPO $COPY_DIR/$DEST/python-novaclient $NOVACLIENT_BRANCH git_clone $OPENSTACKX_REPO $COPY_DIR/$DEST/openstackx $OPENSTACKX_BRANCH git_clone $KEYSTONE_REPO $COPY_DIR/$DEST/keystone $KEYSTONE_BRANCH git_clone $NOVNC_REPO $COPY_DIR/$DEST/noVNC $NOVNC_BRANCH git_clone $CITEST_REPO $COPY_DIR/$DEST/openstack-integration-tests $CITEST_BRANCH # Pre-load an image for testing UEC_NAME=$DIST_NAME-server-cloudimg-amd64 CIVMDIR=${COPY_DIR}${DEST}/openstack-integration-tests/include/sample_vm if [ ! -e $CIVMDIR/$UEC_NAME.tar.gz ]; then mkdir -p $CIVMDIR (cd $CIVMDIR && wget -N http://uec-images.ubuntu.com/$DIST_NAME/current/$UEC_NAME.tar.gz; tar xzf $UEC_NAME.tar.gz;) fi # Back to devstack cd $TOP_DIR # Unmount the filesystems unmount_images # Network configuration variables GUEST_NETWORK=${GUEST_NETWORK:-1} GUEST_RECREATE_NET=${GUEST_RECREATE_NET:-yes} GUEST_IP=${GUEST_IP:-192.168.$GUEST_NETWORK.50} GUEST_CIDR=${GUEST_CIDR:-$GUEST_IP/24} GUEST_NETMASK=${GUEST_NETMASK:-} GUEST_GATEWAY=${GUEST_GATEWAY:-192.168.$GUEST_NETWORK.1} GUEST_MAC=${GUEST_MAC:-"02:16:3e:07:69:`printf '%02X' $GUEST_NETWORK`"} GUEST_RAM=${GUEST_RAM:-1524288} GUEST_CORES=${GUEST_CORES:-1} # libvirt.xml configuration NET_XML=$VM_DIR/net.xml cat > $NET_XML < devstack-$GUEST_NETWORK EOF if [[ "$GUEST_RECREATE_NET" == "yes" ]]; then virsh net-destroy devstack-$GUEST_NETWORK || true virsh net-create $VM_DIR/net.xml fi # libvirt.xml configuration LIBVIRT_XML=$VM_DIR/libvirt.xml cat > $LIBVIRT_XML < $GUEST_NAME $GUEST_RAM hvm $GUEST_CORES EOF # Mount point for instance fs ROOTFS=$VM_DIR/root mkdir -p $ROOTFS # Clean up from previous runs umount $ROOTFS || echo 'ok' # Clean up old runs cd $VM_DIR rm -f $VM_DIR/disk # Create our instance fs qemu-img create -f qcow2 -b $VM_IMAGE disk # Finds the next available NBD device # Exits script if error connecting or none free # map_nbd image # returns full nbd device path function map_nbd { for i in `seq 0 15`; do if [ ! -e /sys/block/nbd$i/pid ]; then NBD=/dev/nbd$i # Connect to nbd and wait till it is ready qemu-nbd -c $NBD $1 if ! timeout 60 sh -c "while ! [ -e ${NBD}p1 ]; do sleep 1; done"; then echo "Couldn't connect $NBD" exit 1 fi break fi done if [ -z "$NBD" ]; then echo "No free NBD slots" exit 1 fi echo $NBD } # Make sure we have nbd-ness modprobe nbd max_part=63 # Set up nbd NBD=`map_nbd disk` NBD_DEV=`basename $NBD` # Mount the instance mount ${NBD}p1 $ROOTFS # Configure instance network INTERFACES=$ROOTFS/etc/network/interfaces cat > $INTERFACES <> $ROOTFS/etc/sudoers # Gracefully cp only if source file/dir exists function cp_it { if [ -e $1 ] || [ -d $1 ]; then cp -pRL $1 $2 fi } # Copy over your ssh keys and env if desired COPYENV=${COPYENV:-1} if [ "$COPYENV" = "1" ]; then cp_it ~/.ssh $ROOTFS/$DEST/.ssh cp_it ~/.ssh/id_rsa.pub $ROOTFS/$DEST/.ssh/authorized_keys cp_it ~/.gitconfig $ROOTFS/$DEST/.gitconfig cp_it ~/.vimrc $ROOTFS/$DEST/.vimrc cp_it ~/.bashrc $ROOTFS/$DEST/.bashrc fi # pre-cache uec images for image_url in ${IMAGE_URLS//,/ }; do IMAGE_FNAME=`basename "$image_url"` if [ ! -f $IMAGES_DIR/$IMAGE_FNAME ]; then wget -c $image_url -O $IMAGES_DIR/$IMAGE_FNAME fi cp $IMAGES_DIR/$IMAGE_FNAME $ROOTFS/$DEST/devstack/files done # Configure the runner RUN_SH=$ROOTFS/$DEST/run.sh cat > $RUN_SH < /$DEST/run.sh.log echo >> /$DEST/run.sh.log echo >> /$DEST/run.sh.log echo "All done! Time to start clicking." >> /$DEST/run.sh.log cat $DEST/run.sh.log EOF chmod 755 $RUN_SH # Make runner launch on boot RC_LOCAL=$ROOTFS/etc/init.d/zlocal cat > $RC_LOCAL < /etc/hostname hostname $GUEST_NAME su -c "$DEST/run.sh" stack EOF chmod +x $RC_LOCAL chroot $ROOTFS sudo update-rc.d zlocal defaults 99 # Make our ip address hostnames look nice at the command prompt echo "export PS1='${debian_chroot:+($debian_chroot)}\\u@\\H:\\w\\$ '" >> $ROOTFS/$DEST/.bashrc echo "export PS1='${debian_chroot:+($debian_chroot)}\\u@\\H:\\w\\$ '" >> $ROOTFS/etc/profile # Give stack ownership over $DEST so it may do the work needed chroot $ROOTFS chown -R stack $DEST # Set the hostname echo $GUEST_NAME > $ROOTFS/etc/hostname # We need the hostname to resolve for rabbit to launch if ! grep -q $GUEST_NAME $ROOTFS/etc/hosts; then echo "$GUEST_IP $GUEST_NAME" >> $ROOTFS/etc/hosts fi # GRUB 2 wants to see /dev mount -o bind /dev $ROOTFS/dev # Change boot params so that we get a console log G_DEV_UUID=`blkid -t LABEL=cloudimg-rootfs -s UUID -o value | head -1` sed -e "s/GRUB_TIMEOUT=.*$/GRUB_TIMEOUT=3/" -i $ROOTFS/etc/default/grub sed -e "s,GRUB_CMDLINE_LINUX_DEFAULT=.*$,GRUB_CMDLINE_LINUX_DEFAULT=\"console=ttyS0 console=tty0 ds=nocloud ubuntu-pass=pass\",g" -i $ROOTFS/etc/default/grub sed -e 's/[#]*GRUB_TERMINAL=.*$/GRUB_TERMINAL="serial console"/' -i $ROOTFS/etc/default/grub echo 'GRUB_SERIAL_COMMAND="serial --unit=0"' >>$ROOTFS/etc/default/grub echo 'GRUB_DISABLE_OS_PROBER=true' >>$ROOTFS/etc/default/grub echo "GRUB_DEVICE_UUID=$G_DEV_UUID" >>$ROOTFS/etc/default/grub chroot $ROOTFS update-grub umount $ROOTFS/dev # Pre-generate ssh host keys and allow password login chroot $ROOTFS dpkg-reconfigure openssh-server sed -e 's/^PasswordAuthentication.*$/PasswordAuthentication yes/' -i $ROOTFS/etc/ssh/sshd_config # Unmount umount $ROOTFS || echo 'ok' ROOTFS="" qemu-nbd -d $NBD NBD="" # Create the instance cd $VM_DIR && virsh create libvirt.xml # Tail the console log till we are done WAIT_TILL_LAUNCH=${WAIT_TILL_LAUNCH:-1} if [ "$WAIT_TILL_LAUNCH" = "1" ]; then # Done creating the container, let's tail the log echo echo "=============================================================" echo " -- YAY! --" echo "=============================================================" echo echo "We're done launching the vm, about to start tailing the" echo "stack.sh log. It will take a second or two to start." echo echo "Just CTRL-C at any time to stop tailing." while [ ! -e "$VM_DIR/console.log" ]; do sleep 1 done tail -F $VM_DIR/console.log & TAIL_PID=$! function kill_tail() { kill $TAIL_PID exit 1 } # Let Ctrl-c kill tail and exit trap kill_tail SIGINT set +o xtrace echo "Waiting stack.sh to finish..." while ! cat $VM_DIR/console.log | grep -q 'All done' ; do sleep 1 done set -o xtrace kill $TAIL_PID if ! grep -q "^stack.sh completed in" $VM_DIR/console.log; then exit 1 fi echo "" echo "Finished - Zip-a-dee Doo-dah!" fi