#!/usr/bin/env bash # Head node host, which runs glance, api, keystone HEAD_HOST=${HEAD_HOST:-} COMPUTE_HOSTS=${COMPUTE_HOSTS:-,} # Networking params NAMESERVER=${NAMESERVER:-} GATEWAY=${GATEWAY:-} # Variables common amongst all hosts in the cluster COMMON_VARS="MYSQL_HOST=$HEAD_HOST RABBIT_HOST=$HEAD_HOST GLANCE_HOSTPORT=$HEAD_HOST:9292 NET_MAN=FlatDHCPManager FLAT_INTERFACE=eth0" # Helper to launch containers function run_lxc { # For some reason container names with periods can cause issues :/ CONTAINER=$1 CONTAINER_IP=$2 CONTAINER_GATEWAY=$GATEWAY NAMESERVER=$NAMESERVER STACKSH_PARAMS="$COMMON_VARS $3" ./build_lxc.sh } # Launch the head node - headnode uses a non-ip domain name, # because rabbit won't launch with an ip addr hostname :( run_lxc STACKMASTER $HEAD_HOST "ENABLED_SERVICES=g-api,g-reg,key,n-api,n-sch,n-vnc,dash,mysql,rabbit" # Wait till the head node is up while ! wget -q -O- http://$HEAD_HOST | grep -q username; do echo "Waiting for head node ($HEAD_HOST) to start..." sleep 5 done # Launch the compute hosts for compute_host in ${COMPUTE_HOSTS//,/ }; do run_lxc $compute_host $compute_host "ENABLED_SERVICES=n-cpu,n-net,n-api" done