#!/bin/bash PROGDIR=`dirname $0` CHROOTCACHE=${CHROOTCACHE:-/root/cache} # Source params source ./stackrc # TODO: make dest not hardcoded NAME=$1 DEST="/nfs/$NAME" # remove old nfs filesystem if one exists rm -rf $DEST # clean install of natty if [ ! -d $CHROOTCACHE/natty-base ]; then $PROGDIR/make_image.sh -C natty $CHROOTCACHE/natty-base # copy kernel modules... # NOTE(ja): is there a better way to do this? cp -pr /lib/modules/`uname -r` $CHROOTCACHE/natty-base/lib/modules # a simple password - pass echo root:pass | chroot $CHROOTCACHE/natty-base chpasswd fi # prime natty with as many apt/pips as we can if [ ! -d $CHROOTCACHE/natty-dev ]; then rsync -azH $CHROOTCACHE/natty-base/ $CHROOTCACHE/natty-dev/ chroot $CHROOTCACHE/natty-dev apt-get install -y `cat files/apts/* | cut -d\# -f1 | egrep -v "(rabbitmq|libvirt-bin|mysql-server)"` chroot $CHROOTCACHE/natty-dev pip install `cat files/pips/*` # Create a stack user that is a member of the libvirtd group so that stack # is able to interact with libvirt. chroot $CHROOTCACHE/natty-dev groupadd libvirtd chroot $CHROOTCACHE/natty-dev useradd stack -s /bin/bash -d /opt -G libvirtd # a simple password - pass echo stack:pass | chroot $CHROOTCACHE/natty-dev chpasswd # and has sudo ability (in the future this should be limited to only what # stack requires) echo "stack ALL=(ALL) NOPASSWD: ALL" >> $CHROOTCACHE/natty-dev/etc/sudoers fi # clone git repositories onto the system # ====================================== if [ ! -d $CHROOTCACHE/natty-stack ]; then rsync -azH $CHROOTCACHE/natty-dev/ $CHROOTCACHE/natty-stack/ fi # git clone only if directory doesn't exist already. Since ``DEST`` might not # be owned by the installation user, we create the directory and change the # ownership to the proper user. function git_clone { # clone new copy or fetch latest changes CHECKOUT=$CHROOTCACHE/natty-stack$2 if [ ! -d $CHECKOUT ]; then mkdir -p $CHECKOUT git clone $1 $CHECKOUT else pushd $CHECKOUT git fetch popd fi # FIXME(ja): checkout specified version (should works for branches and tags) pushd $CHECKOUT # checkout the proper branch/tag git checkout $3 # force our local version to be the same as the remote version git reset --hard origin/$3 popd # give ownership to the stack user chroot $CHROOTCACHE/natty-stack/ chown -R stack $2 } git_clone $NOVA_REPO /opt/stack/nova $NOVA_BRANCH git_clone $GLANCE_REPO /opt/stack/glance $GLANCE_BRANCH git_clone $KEYSTONE_REPO /opt/stack/keystone $KEYSTONE_BRANCH git_clone $NOVNC_REPO /opt/stack/novnc $NOVNC_BRANCH git_clone $DASH_REPO /opt/stack/dash $DASH_BRANCH $DASH_TAG git_clone $NOVACLIENT_REPO /opt/stack/python-novaclient $NOVACLIENT_BRANCH git_clone $OPENSTACKX_REPO /opt/stack/openstackx $OPENSTACKX_BRANCH chroot $CHROOTCACHE/natty-stack mkdir -p /opt/stack/files wget -c http://images.ansolabs.com/tty.tgz -O $CHROOTCACHE/natty-stack/opt/stack/files/tty.tgz cp -pr $CHROOTCACHE/natty-stack $DEST # set hostname echo $NAME > $DEST/etc/hostname echo " localhost $NAME" > $DEST/etc/hosts # copy kernel modules cp -pr /lib/modules/`uname -r` $DEST/lib/modules # copy openstack installer and requirement lists to a new directory. mkdir -p $DEST/opt # inject stack.sh and dependant files cp -r files $DEST/opt/files cp stack.sh $DEST/opt/stack.sh # injecting root's public ssh key if it exists if [ -f /root/.ssh/id_rsa.pub ]; then mkdir $DEST/root/.ssh chmod 700 $DEST/root/.ssh cp /root/.ssh/id_rsa.pub $DEST/root/.ssh/authorized_keys fi