#!/bin/bash # Abort if localrc is not set if [ ! -e ../../localrc ]; then echo "You must have a localrc with ALL necessary passwords defined before proceeding." echo "See the xen README for required passwords." exit 1 fi # This directory TOP_DIR=$(cd $(dirname "$0") && pwd) # Source params cd ../.. && source ./stackrc && cd $TOP_DIR # Echo commands set -o xtrace # Name of this guest GUEST_NAME=${GUEST_NAME:-ALLINONE} # dom0 ip HOST_IP=${HOST_IP:-`ifconfig xenbr0 | grep "inet addr" | cut -d ":" -f2 | sed "s/ .*//"`} # Our nova host's network info VM_IP=${VM_IP:-} # A host-only ip that let's the interface come up, otherwise unused MGT_IP=${MGT_IP:-} PUB_IP=${PUB_IP:-} # Public network PUB_BR=${PUB_BR:-xenbr0} PUB_NETMASK=${PUB_NETMASK:-} # VM network params VM_NETMASK=${VM_NETMASK:-} VM_BR=${VM_BR:-xenbr1} VM_VLAN=${VM_VLAN:-100} # MGMT network params MGT_NETMASK=${MGT_NETMASK:-} MGT_BR=${MGT_BR:-xenbr2} MGT_VLAN=${MGT_VLAN:-101} # VM Password GUEST_PASSWORD=${GUEST_PASSWORD:-secrete} # Size of image VDI_MB=${VDI_MB:-2500} # Make sure we have git if ! which git; then GITDIR=/tmp/git-1.7.7 cd /tmp rm -rf $GITDIR* wget http://git-core.googlecode.com/files/git-1.7.7.tar.gz tar xfv git-1.7.7.tar.gz cd $GITDIR ./configure make install cd $TOP_DIR fi # Helper to create networks function create_network() { if ! xe network-list | grep bridge | grep -q $1; then echo "Creating bridge $1" xe network-create name-label=$1 fi } # Create host, vm, mgmt, pub networks create_network xapi0 create_network $VM_BR create_network $MGT_BR create_network $PUB_BR # Get the uuid for our physical (public) interface PIF=`xe pif-list --minimal device=eth0` # Create networks/bridges for vm and management VM_NET=`xe network-list --minimal bridge=$VM_BR` MGT_NET=`xe network-list --minimal bridge=$MGT_BR` # Helper to create vlans function create_vlan() { pif=$1 vlan=$2 net=$3 if ! xe vlan-list | grep tag | grep -q $vlan; then xe vlan-create pif-uuid=$pif vlan=$vlan network-uuid=$net fi } # Create vlans for vm and management create_vlan $PIF $VM_VLAN $VM_NET create_vlan $PIF $MGT_VLAN $MGT_NET # Setup host-only nat rules HOST_NET= if ! iptables -L -v -t nat | grep -q $HOST_NET; then iptables -t nat -A POSTROUTING -s $HOST_NET -j SNAT --to-source $HOST_IP iptables -I FORWARD 1 -s $HOST_NET -j ACCEPT /etc/init.d/iptables save fi # Set up ip forwarding if ! grep -q "FORWARD_IPV4=YES" /etc/sysconfig/network; then # FIXME: This doesn't work on reboot! echo "FORWARD_IPV4=YES" >> /etc/sysconfig/network fi # Also, enable ip forwarding in rc.local, since the above trick isn't working if ! grep -q "echo 1 >/proc/sys/net/ipv4/ip_forward" /etc/rc.local; then echo "echo 1 >/proc/sys/net/ipv4/ip_forward" >> /etc/rc.local fi # Enable ip forwarding at runtime as well echo 1 > /proc/sys/net/ipv4/ip_forward # Directory where we stage the build STAGING_DIR=$TOP_DIR/stage # Option to clean out old stuff CLEAN=${CLEAN:-0} if [ "$CLEAN" = "1" ]; then rm -rf $STAGING_DIR fi # Download our base image. This image is made using prepare_guest.sh BASE_IMAGE_URL=${BASE_IMAGE_URL:-http://images.ansolabs.com/xen/stage.tgz} if [ ! -e $STAGING_DIR ]; then if [ ! -e /tmp/stage.tgz ]; then wget $BASE_IMAGE_URL -O /tmp/stage.tgz fi tar xfz /tmp/stage.tgz cd $TOP_DIR fi # Free up precious disk space rm -f /tmp/stage.tgz # Make sure we have a stage if [ ! -d $STAGING_DIR/etc ]; then echo "Stage is not properly set up!" exit 1 fi # Directory where our conf files are stored FILES_DIR=$TOP_DIR/files TEMPLATES_DIR=$TOP_DIR/templates # Directory for supporting script files SCRIPT_DIR=$TOP_DIR/scripts # Version of ubuntu with which we are working UBUNTU_VERSION=`cat $STAGING_DIR/etc/lsb-release | grep "DISTRIB_CODENAME=" | sed "s/DISTRIB_CODENAME=//"` KERNEL_VERSION=`ls $STAGING_DIR/boot/vmlinuz* | head -1 | sed "s/.*vmlinuz-//"` # Setup fake grub rm -rf $STAGING_DIR/boot/grub/ mkdir -p $STAGING_DIR/boot/grub/ cp $TEMPLATES_DIR/menu.lst.in $STAGING_DIR/boot/grub/menu.lst sed -e "s,@KERNEL_VERSION@,$KERNEL_VERSION,g" -i $STAGING_DIR/boot/grub/menu.lst # Setup fstab, tty, and other system stuff cp $FILES_DIR/fstab $STAGING_DIR/etc/fstab cp $FILES_DIR/hvc0.conf $STAGING_DIR/etc/init/ # Put the VPX into UTC. rm -f $STAGING_DIR/etc/localtime # Configure dns (use same dns as dom0) cp /etc/resolv.conf $STAGING_DIR/etc/resolv.conf # Copy over devstack rm -f /tmp/devstack.tar tar --exclude='stage' --exclude='xen/xvas' --exclude='xen/nova' -cvf /tmp/devstack.tar $TOP_DIR/../../../devstack cd $STAGING_DIR/opt/stack/ tar xf /tmp/devstack.tar cd $TOP_DIR # Configure OVA VDI_SIZE=$(($VDI_MB*1024*1024)) PRODUCT_BRAND=${PRODUCT_BRAND:-openstack} PRODUCT_VERSION=${PRODUCT_VERSION:-001} BUILD_NUMBER=${BUILD_NUMBER:-001} LABEL="$PRODUCT_BRAND $PRODUCT_VERSION-$BUILD_NUMBER" OVA=$STAGING_DIR/tmp/ova.xml cp $TEMPLATES_DIR/ova.xml.in $OVA sed -e "s,@VDI_SIZE@,$VDI_SIZE,g" -i $OVA sed -e "s,@PRODUCT_BRAND@,$PRODUCT_BRAND,g" -i $OVA sed -e "s,@PRODUCT_VERSION@,$PRODUCT_VERSION,g" -i $OVA sed -e "s,@BUILD_NUMBER@,$BUILD_NUMBER,g" -i $OVA # Directory for xvas XVA_DIR=$TOP_DIR/xvas # Create xva dir mkdir -p $XVA_DIR # Clean nova if desired if [ "$CLEAN" = "1" ]; then rm -rf $TOP_DIR/nova fi # Checkout nova if [ ! -d $TOP_DIR/nova ]; then git clone git://github.com/cloudbuilders/nova.git git checkout diablo fi # Run devstack on launch cat <$STAGING_DIR/etc/rc.local GUEST_PASSWORD=$GUEST_PASSWORD STAGING_DIR=/ DO_TGZ=0 bash /opt/stack/devstack/tools/xen/prepare_guest.sh su -c "/opt/stack/run.sh > /opt/stack/run.sh.log" stack exit 0 EOF # Install plugins cp -pr $TOP_DIR/nova/plugins/xenserver/xenapi/etc/xapi.d /etc/ chmod a+x /etc/xapi.d/plugins/* yum --enablerepo=base install -y parted mkdir -p /boot/guest # Set local storage il8n SR_UUID=`xe sr-list --minimal name-label="Local storage"` xe sr-param-set uuid=$SR_UUID other-config:i18n-key=local-storage # Shutdown previous runs DO_SHUTDOWN=${DO_SHUTDOWN:-1} if [ "$DO_SHUTDOWN" = "1" ]; then # Shutdown all domU's that created previously xe vm-list --minimal name-label="$LABEL" | xargs ./scripts/uninstall-os-vpx.sh # Destroy any instances that were launched for uuid in `xe vm-list | grep -1 instance | grep uuid | sed "s/.*\: //g"`; do echo "Shutting down nova instance $uuid" xe vm-unpause uuid=$uuid || true xe vm-shutdown uuid=$uuid xe vm-destroy uuid=$uuid done fi # Path to head xva. By default keep overwriting the same one to save space USE_SEPARATE_XVAS=${USE_SEPARATE_XVAS:-0} if [ "$USE_SEPARATE_XVAS" = "0" ]; then XVA=$XVA_DIR/$UBUNTU_VERSION.xva else XVA=$XVA_DIR/$UBUNTU_VERSION.$GUEST_NAME.xva fi # Clean old xva. In the future may not do this every time. rm -f $XVA # Configure the hostname echo $GUEST_NAME > $STAGING_DIR/etc/hostname # Hostname must resolve for rabbit cat <$STAGING_DIR/etc/hosts $MGT_IP $GUEST_NAME localhost localhost.localdomain EOF # Configure the network INTERFACES=$STAGING_DIR/etc/network/interfaces cp $TEMPLATES_DIR/interfaces.in $INTERFACES sed -e "s,@ETH1_IP@,$VM_IP,g" -i $INTERFACES sed -e "s,@ETH1_NETMASK@,$VM_NETMASK,g" -i $INTERFACES sed -e "s,@ETH2_IP@,$MGT_IP,g" -i $INTERFACES sed -e "s,@ETH2_NETMASK@,$MGT_NETMASK,g" -i $INTERFACES sed -e "s,@ETH3_IP@,$PUB_IP,g" -i $INTERFACES sed -e "s,@ETH3_NETMASK@,$PUB_NETMASK,g" -i $INTERFACES # Gracefully cp only if source file/dir exists function cp_it { if [ -e $1 ] || [ -d $1 ]; then cp -pRL $1 $2 fi } # Copy over your ssh keys and env if desired COPYENV=${COPYENV:-1} if [ "$COPYENV" = "1" ]; then cp_it ~/.ssh $STAGING_DIR/opt/stack/.ssh cp_it ~/.ssh/id_rsa.pub $STAGING_DIR/opt/stack/.ssh/authorized_keys cp_it ~/.gitconfig $STAGING_DIR/opt/stack/.gitconfig cp_it ~/.vimrc $STAGING_DIR/opt/stack/.vimrc cp_it ~/.bashrc $STAGING_DIR/opt/stack/.bashrc fi # Configure run.sh cat <$STAGING_DIR/opt/stack/run.sh #!/bin/bash cd /opt/stack/devstack killall screen UPLOAD_LEGACY_TTY=yes HOST_IP=$PUB_IP VIRT_DRIVER=xenserver FORCE=yes MULTI_HOST=1 $STACKSH_PARAMS ./stack.sh EOF chmod 755 $STAGING_DIR/opt/stack/run.sh # Create xva if [ ! -e $XVA ]; then rm -rf /tmp/mkxva* UID=0 $SCRIPT_DIR/mkxva -o $XVA -t xva -x $OVA $STAGING_DIR $VDI_MB /tmp/ fi # Start guest $TOP_DIR/scripts/install-os-vpx.sh -f $XVA -v $VM_BR -m $MGT_BR -p $PUB_BR # If we have copied our ssh credentials, use ssh to monitor while the installation runs WAIT_TILL_LAUNCH=${WAIT_TILL_LAUNCH:-1} if [ "$WAIT_TILL_LAUNCH" = "1" ] && [ -e ~/.ssh/id_rsa.pub ] && [ "$COPYENV" = "1" ]; then # Done creating the container, let's tail the log echo echo "=============================================================" echo " -- YAY! --" echo "=============================================================" echo echo "We're done launching the vm, about to start tailing the" echo "stack.sh log. It will take a second or two to start." echo echo "Just CTRL-C at any time to stop tailing." set +o xtrace while ! ssh -q stack@$PUB_IP "[ -e run.sh.log ]"; do sleep 1 done ssh stack@$PUB_IP 'tail -f run.sh.log' & TAIL_PID=$! function kill_tail() { kill $TAIL_PID exit 1 } # Let Ctrl-c kill tail and exit trap kill_tail SIGINT echo "Waiting stack.sh to finish..." while ! ssh -q stack@$PUB_IP "grep -q 'stack.sh completed in' run.sh.log"; do sleep 1 done kill $TAIL_PID if ssh -q stack@$PUB_IP "grep -q 'stack.sh failed' run.sh.log"; then exit 1 fi echo "" echo "Finished - Zip-a-dee Doo-dah!" echo "You can then visit the OpenStack Dashboard" echo "at http://$PUB_IP, and contact other services at the usual ports." else echo "################################################################################" echo "" echo "All Finished!" echo "Now, you can monitor the progress of the stack.sh installation by " echo "tailing /opt/stack/run.sh.log from within your domU." echo "" echo "ssh into your domU now: 'ssh stack@$PUB_IP' using your password" echo "and then do: 'tail -f /opt/stack/run.sh.log'" echo "" echo "When the script completes, you can then visit the OpenStack Dashboard" echo "at http://$PUB_IP, and contact other services at the usual ports." fi