#!/usr/bin/env bash # **stack.sh** is rackspace cloudbuilder's opinionated openstack installation. # Quit script on error set -o errexit # Log commands as they are run for debugging set -o xtrace DIR=`pwd` DEST=/opt CMD=$1 # Set hte destination directories for openstack projects NOVA_DIR=$DEST/nova DASH_DIR=$DEST/dash GLANCE_DIR=$DEST/glance KEYSTONE_DIR=$DEST/keystone NOVACLIENT_DIR=$DEST/python-novaclient API_DIR=$DEST/openstackx NOVNC_DIR=$DEST/noVNC # Use the first IP unless an explicit is set by a HOST_IP environment variable if [ ! -n "$HOST_IP" ]; then HOST_IP=`LC_ALL=C ifconfig | grep -m 1 'inet addr:'| cut -d: -f2 | awk '{print $1}'` fi # NOVA CONFIGURATION INTERFACE=${INTERFACE:-eth0} FLOATING_RANGE=${FLOATING_RANGE:-} FIXED_RANGE=${FIXED_RANGE:-} LIBVIRT_TYPE=${LIBVIRT_TYPE:-qemu} NET_MAN=${NET_MAN:-VlanManager} # NOTE(vish): If you are using FlatDHCP on multiple hosts, set the interface # below but make sure that the interface doesn't already have an # ip or you risk breaking things. # FLAT_INTERFACE=eth0 SQL_CONN=sqlite:///$NOVA_DIR/nova.sqlite # clone a git repository to a location, or if it already # exists, fetch and checkout remote master function clone_or_up { if [ -d $2 ]; then cd $2 git fetch origin git checkout origin/master else git clone $1 $2 fi } # You should only have to run this once if [ "$CMD" == "install" ]; then # install apt requirements apt-get install -y -q `cat $DIR/apts/* | cut -d\# -f1` # install python requirements pip install `cat $DIR/pips/*` # TODO: kill openstackx clone_or_up https://github.com/cloudbuilders/nova.git $NOVA_DIR clone_or_up https://github.com/cloudbuilders/openstackx.git $API_DIR clone_or_up https://github.com/cloudbuilders/noVNC.git $NOVNC_DIR clone_or_up https://github.com/cloudbuilders/openstack-dashboard.git $DASH_DIR clone_or_up https://github.com/cloudbuilders/python-novaclient.git $NOVACLIENT_DIR clone_or_up https://github.com/cloudbuilders/keystone.git $KEYSTONE_DIR clone_or_up https://github.com/cloudbuilders/glance.git $GLANCE_DIR mkdir -p $NOVA_DIR/instances mkdir -p $NOVA_DIR/networks # these components are imported into each other... cd $NOVACLIENT_DIR; python setup.py develop cd $KEYSTONE_DIR; python setup.py develop cd $GLANCE_DIR; python setup.py develop cd $API_DIR; python setup.py develop cd $DASH_DIR/django-openstack; python setup.py develop cd $DASH_DIR/openstack-dashboard; python setup.py develop # HACK: dash currently imports quantum even if you aren't using it cd $DASH_DIR/openstack-dashboard mkdir quantum touch quantum/__init__.py touch quantum/client.py # attempt to load kvm and nbd modules modprobe kvm || true modprobe nbd || true /etc/init.d/libvirt-bin restart # install dashboard cd $DASH_DIR/openstack-dashboard cp local/local_settings.py.example local/local_settings.py dashboard/manage.py syncdb # setup apache mkdir $DASH_DIR/.blackhole cat > /etc/apache2/sites-enabled/000-default < WSGIScriptAlias / $DASH_DIR/openstack-dashboard/dashboard/wsgi/django.wsgi WSGIDaemonProcess dashboard user=www-data group=www-data processes=3 threads=10 WSGIProcessGroup dashboard DocumentRoot $DASH_DIR/.blackhole/ Alias /media $DASH_DIR/openstack-dashboard/media Options FollowSymLinks AllowOverride None Options Indexes FollowSymLinks MultiViews AllowOverride None Order allow,deny allow from all ErrorLog /var/log/apache2/error.log LogLevel warn CustomLog /var/log/apache2/access.log combined EOF chown -R www-data:www-data $DASH_DIR mkdir -p /var/log/glance mkdir -p $DEST/images wget -c http://images.ansolabs.com/tty.tgz tar -C $DEST/images -zxf tty.tgz exit fi # Configure screen cat >~/.screenrc <> $NOVA_DIR/bin/nova.conf } if [ "$CMD" == "run" ] || [ "$CMD" == "run_detached" ]; then rm -f $NOVA_DIR/bin/nova.conf add_nova_flag "--verbose" add_nova_flag "--nodaemon" add_nova_flag "--dhcpbridge_flagfile=$NOVA_DIR/bin/nova.conf" add_nova_flag "--network_manager=nova.network.manager.$NET_MAN" add_nova_flag "--my_ip=$HOST_IP" add_nova_flag "--public_interface=$INTERFACE" add_nova_flag "--vlan_interface=$INTERFACE" add_nova_flag "--sql_connection=$SQL_CONN" add_nova_flag "--libvirt_type=$LIBVIRT_TYPE" add_nova_flag "--osapi_extensions_path=$API_DIR/extensions" add_nova_flag "--vncproxy_url=http://$HOST_IP:6080" add_nova_flag "--vncproxy_wwwroot=$NOVNC_DIR/noVNC/noVNC" if [ -n "$FLAT_INTERFACE" ]; then add_nova_flag "--flat_interface=$FLAT_INTERFACE" fi add_nova_flag "--api_paste_config=$KEYSTONE_DIR/examples/paste/nova-api-paste.ini" add_nova_flag "--image_service=nova.image.glance.GlanceImageService" killall dnsmasq || true screen -d -m -S nova -t nova sleep 1 rm -f $NOVA_DIR/nova.sqlite rm -rf $NOVA_DIR/instances mkdir -p $NOVA_DIR/instances rm -rf $NOVA_DIR/networks mkdir -p $NOVA_DIR/networks # create the database $NOVA_DIR/bin/nova-manage db sync rm -f keystone.db # add default data curl -OL https://raw.github.com/cloudbuilders/deploy.sh/master/initial_data.sh BIN_DIR=$KEYSTONE_DIR/bin bash initial_data.sh # create a small network $NOVA_DIR/bin/nova-manage network create private $FIXED_RANGE 1 32 # create some floating ips $NOVA_DIR/bin/nova-manage floating create $FLOATING_RANGE # nova api crashes if we start it with a regular screen command, # so send the start command by forcing text into the window. rm -rf /var/lib/glance/images/* rm -f $GLANCE_DIR/glance.sqlite screen_it n-api "$NOVA_DIR/bin/nova-api" screen_it g-api "cd $GLANCE_DIR; bin/glance-api --config-file=etc/glance-api.conf" screen_it g-reg "cd $GLANCE_DIR; bin/glance-registry --config-file=etc/glance-registry.conf" screen_it cpu "$NOVA_DIR/bin/nova-compute" screen_it net "$NOVA_DIR/bin/nova-network" screen_it sched "$NOVA_DIR/bin/nova-scheduler" screen_it key "$KEYSTONE_DIR/bin/keystone --config-file $KEYSTONE_DIR/etc/keystone.conf" screen_it vnc "$NOVA_DIR/bin/nova-vncproxy" screen_it dash "/etc/init.d/apache2 restart; tail -f /var/log/apache2/error.log" # FIXME: switch to just importing images # remove previously converted images rm -rf $DIR/images/[0-9a-f][0-9a-f][0-9a-f][0-9a-f][0-9a-f][0-9a-f][0-9a-f][0-9a-f] $NOVA_DIR/bin/nova-manage image convert $DIR/images if [ "$CMD" != "run_detached" ]; then screen -S nova -x fi fi if [ "$CMD" == "run" ] || [ "$CMD" == "terminate" ]; then virsh list | grep i- | awk '{print $1}' | xargs -n1 virsh destroy $NOVA_DIR/tools/clean-vlans echo "FIXME: clean networks?" fi if [ "$CMD" == "run" ] || [ "$CMD" == "clean" ]; then screen -S nova -X quit rm -f *.pid* fi