#!/usr/bin/env python2.5 # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- from __future__ import with_statement __author__ = "M. Dietrich , F. Gau , Thomas Gstaedner (thomas (a) gstaedtner (.) net)" __version__ = "prototype" __copyright__ = "Copyright (c) 2009" __license__ = "GPL3" from epydial import * STYLE = """ DEFAULT='font=Sans font_size=18 align=left color=#808080 wrap=word valign=top' h1='+ font_size=38 font=Bookman' /h1='- \\n \\n' p='+ ' /p='- \\n \\n' br='\\n' red='+ color=#660000' /red='-' center='+ align=center' /center='-' right='+ align=right' /right='-' big='+ font_size=40' /big='-' """ class AudioScreen(): toggle = False volume = 10 def register_pyneo_callbacks(self): PyneoController.register_callback("on_get_music_tags", self.on_get_music_tags) PyneoController.register_callback("on_get_music_position", self.on_get_music_position) def __init__(self, screen_manager): PyneoController.set_volume(self.volume/100.0) self.buttons = {} self.canvas = screen_manager.get_evas() self.bg = evas.Image(self.canvas, pos=(0, 0), size=(WIDTH, HEIGHT), file=PyneoController.set_bg_image) self.bg.fill = 0, 0, WIDTH, HEIGHT self.bg.layer = 99 def headline_callback(source, event): if source: PyneoController.set_playlist_from_dir(MUSIC_FILE_PATH) print 'headline' self.headline = evas.Text(self.canvas, text="music", font=("Sans:style=Bold,Edje-Vera", 60), color="#808080") self.headline.layer = 99 self.headline.pos = ((480-self.headline.horiz_advance)/2, 25) self.headline.on_mouse_up_add(headline_callback) self.cover = evas.Image(self.canvas, pos=(10, 120), size=(160, 155), file="%scover.png" % THEME_IMAGES) self.cover.fill = 0, 0, 160, 155 self.cover.layer = 99 self.title_tags = evas.Textblock(self.canvas, pos=(190, 130), size=(280, 150), ) self.title_tags.style_set(STYLE) self.title_tags.layer = 99 self.position_tags = evas.Textblock(self.canvas, pos=(16, 300), size=(448, 150), ) self.position_tags.style_set(STYLE) self.position_tags.layer = 99 self.bargraph = evas.Rectangle(self.canvas, pos=(16, 336), color="#808080") self.bargraph.layer = 99 self.volume_caption = evas.Text(self.canvas, text="volume %d%%" % self.volume, font=("Sans:style=Bold, Edje-Vera", 18), color="#808080") self.volume_caption.layer = 99 self.volume_caption.pos = ((480-self.volume_caption.horiz_advance)/2, 432) for pos, text in enumerate(["back", "previous", "play", "next"]): self.buttons[text] = self.init_button(text, (pos+1)*16+pos*100, 524, 100, 100) for pos, text in enumerate(["player-minus", "player-plus"]): self.buttons[text] = self.init_button(text, (pos+1)*16+pos*332, 400, 100, 100) def init_button(self, name, x, y, dx, dy): def button_callback(source, event): if name == 'back': PyneoController.show_screen(AUDIOSORT_SCREEN_NAME) elif name == 'next': PyneoController.next_music() elif name == 'previous': PyneoController.previous_music() elif name == 'play': if not self.toggle: self.buttons['play'].file_set('%spause.png' % THEME_IMAGES) self.buttons['play'].fill = 0, 0, 100, 100 PyneoController.play_music() PyneoController.get_music_tags() self.toggle = True elif self.toggle: self.buttons['play'].file_set('%splay.png' % THEME_IMAGES) self.buttons['play'].fill = 0, 0, 100, 100 PyneoController.pause_music() self.toggle = False elif name == 'player-plus' and self.volume < 100: self.volume += 10 PyneoController.set_volume(self.volume/100.0) self.volume_caption.text = 'volume %d%%' % self.volume elif name == 'player-minus' and self.volume > 0: self.volume -= 10 PyneoController.set_volume(self.volume/100.0) self.volume_caption.text = 'volume %d%%' % self.volume print '--- ', name button = evas.Image(self.canvas, pos=(x,y), size=(dx,dy), file="%s%s.png" % (THEME_IMAGES, name)) button.fill = 0, 0, dx, dy button.layer = 99 button.on_mouse_up_add(button_callback) return button def cover_search(self, dir, extension): '''searches in a dir for files with a given file extension''' path = os.getcwd() # get current path os.chdir(dir) # change dir searchstring = '*.%s' % extension # create the string for search firstfind = glob.glob(searchstring)[0] # get the first image os.chdir(path) # change back to the dir before return firstfind def on_get_cover(self, status): '''When a Cover in the music directory exists it will be set''' dir = status['file'].rsplit('/', 1)[0] # get the dir path out of the status message with filename extensions = ['jpg', 'jpeg', 'png', 'gif'] # file extension for searching for i in extensions: try: cover = self.cover_search(dir, i) print '--- set cover %s from dir' % cover self.cover.file_set('%s/%s' % (dir, cover)) self.cover.fill = 0, 0, 160, 160 break # exit the loop, we need only the first return True except IndexError: print '--- no %s cover found' % i return False def on_get_amazon_cover(self, status): cover_name = '%s_%s' % (status['artist'], status['album']) self.cover_path = COVER_FILE_PATH + cover_name def update_image(*args): self.cover.file_set(self.cover_path.encode("utf8")) x, y = self.cover.image_size self.cover.fill = 0, 0, 160, 160 def error(msg): print '--- error on cover lookup:', msg if not os.path.isfile(self.cover_path): print '--- cover in coverdir not exists' PyneoController.get_amazon_cover( '%s %s' % (status['artist'].encode("utf-8"), status['album'].encode("utf-8")), cover_name, update_image, error) else: print '--- cover exists' update_image() def on_get_music_position(self, position, duration): if position != -1 and duration != -1: self.position_tags.text_markup_set('%s

%s' % ( time.ctime(position)[14:][:5], time.ctime(duration)[14:][:5])) else: self.position_tags.text_markup_set('
') self.bargraph.size = position*448/duration, 10 def on_get_music_tags(self, status): tag_unknown = False for tag in ["artist", "album"]: if not tag in status: status[tag] = 'unknown %s' % tag tag_unknown = True if tag_unknown: self.cover.file_set('%scover.png' % THEME_IMAGES) self.cover.fill = 0, 0, 160, 160 print '--- set placeholder' # if self.on_get_cover(status) == False: self.on_get_amazon_cover(status) # get cover from amazon when it exists if not 'title' in status: status['title'] = 'unknown title' self.title_tags.text_markup_set(('%s
%s' % ( status['artist'], status['album'], status['title'])).encode("utf8")) def show(self): self.bg.show() self.headline.show() self.cover.show() self.title_tags.show() self.position_tags.show() self.volume_caption.show() self.bargraph.show() for text in ["back", "previous", "play", "next", "player-plus", "player-minus"]: self.buttons[text].show() def hide(self): self.bg.hide() self.headline.hide() self.cover.hide() self.title_tags.hide() self.position_tags.hide() self.volume_caption.hide() self.bargraph.hide() for text in ["back", "previous", "play", "next", "player-plus", "player-minus"]: self.buttons[text].hide()