#!/usr/bin/env python2.5 # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- __author__ = "Patrick Beck (pbeck (a) yourse (.) de)" __version__ = "prototype" __copyright__ = "Copyright (c) 2009" __license__ = "GPL3" # TODO # the description text will not be displayed always - sometimes on the half of the text will be displayed # you can test it when you go back and forward from epydial import * STYLE = """ DEFAULT='font=Sans font_size=18 align=left color=#ffffff wrap=word valign=top' h1='+ font_size=38 font=Bookman' /h1='- \\n \\n' p='+ ' /p='- \\n \\n' br='\\n' red='+ color=#660000' /red='-' center='+ align=center' /center='-' big='+ font_size=40' /big='-' """ class SimImporter(): def register_pyneo_callbacks(self): pass def __init__(self, screen_manager): self.FONT_COLOR = PyneoController.set_font_color self.red = int(self.FONT_COLOR[3:5], 16) self.green = int(self.FONT_COLOR[5:7], 16) self.blue = int(self.FONT_COLOR[7:], 16) self.alpha = int(self.FONT_COLOR[1:3], 16) self.buttons = {} self.canvas = screen_manager.get_evas() self.bg = evas.Image(self.canvas, pos=(0, 0), size=(WIDTH, HEIGHT), file=PyneoController.set_bg_image) self.bg.fill = 0, 0, WIDTH, HEIGHT self.bg.layer = 97 self.headline = evas.Text(self.canvas, text="SIM - Importer", font=("Sans:style=Bold,Edje-Vera", 50), color=self.FONT_COLOR) self.headline.layer = 99 self.headline.pos = ((WIDTH-self.headline.horiz_advance)/2, 25) self.description_background = evas.Rectangle(self.canvas, pos=(0,135), size=(480,100), color='#%02x%02x%02x%02x' % (self.alpha/2, self.red, self.green, self.blue)) self.description_background.layer = 99 self.description = evas.Textblock(self.canvas, pos=(0,155), size=(480,100), color=self.FONT_COLOR ) self.description.layer = 99 text = '%s%s' % ('
SIM - Importer synchronize contacts from

', '
your sim-card to your phonebook database
') self.description.text_markup_set(text) self.description.style_set(STYLE) self.status = evas.Textblock(self.canvas, pos=(0,480), size=(480,50), ) self.status.layer = 99 self.status.style_set(STYLE) for pos, text in enumerate(["back"]): self.buttons[text] = self.init_button(text, (pos+1)*16+pos*100, 524, 100, 100) self.buttons["sync_button"] = self.init_button("sync_button", 88,300, 303, 120) def init_button(self, name, x, y, dx, dy): def button_callback(source, event): if name == 'sync_button': self.status.text_markup_set("
Syncing started ...
") self.on_get_phbook() elif name == 'back': self.status.text_markup_set("") PyneoController.show_screen(FONTCOLOR_SCREEN_NAME) print name button = evas.Image(self.canvas, pos=(x,y), size=(dx,dy), file="%s%s.png" % (THEME_IMAGES, name)) button.fill = 0, 0, dx, dy button.layer = 99 button.on_mouse_up_add(button_callback) return button def on_get_phbook(self): def error_cb(msg): self.status.text_markup_set("
Not possible to get the sim contacts
") # it's none when a error comes up def ok_cb(status): contactssim = PyneoController.get_phbook(status) self.check_db(contactssim) # when all right, go over to check the database PyneoController.get_phbook_raw(ok_cb, error_cb) def show(self): self.bg.show() self.headline.show() self.description_background.show() self.description.show() self.status.show() for text in ["sync_button", "back"]: self.buttons[text].show() def hide(self): self.bg.hide() self.headline.hide() self.description_background.hide() self.description.hide() self.status.hide() for text in ["sync_button", "back"]: self.buttons[text].hide() def check_db(self, contactssim): # check if the contacts already in the database print '-----', 'check if the contacts new' print '-----', 'Connecting to the database - to read' contactsdb = DatabaseController.get_allcontacts() newsimcontacts = {} for i in contactssim: # compare the two dicts, if not in database => add it if not i in contactsdb: newsimcontacts[i] = contactssim[i] if not newsimcontacts: self.status.text_markup_set("
All contacts already in your phonebook
") print '-----', 'All contacts already in your phonebook' else: self.sync_with_db(newsimcontacts) def sync_with_db(self, newsimcontacts): print '-----', 'add the new contacts to the datbase' print 'Connecting to the database' print 'This contacts are added to the database' for key, item in newsimcontacts.iteritems(): # split the dict into name and number DatabaseController.insert_contact(item, key) # Databasecontroller to add contacts to the db through epydial print key, ':', item self.status.text_markup_set("
All new contacts added to the database