# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- # pyglet # Copyright (c) 2006-2008 Alex Holkner # All rights reserved. # # Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without # modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions # are met: # # * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright # notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. # * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright # notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in # the documentation and/or other materials provided with the # distribution. # * Neither the name of pyglet nor the names of its # contributors may be used to endorse or promote products # derived from this software without specific prior written # permission. # # THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS # "AS IS" AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT # LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS # FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE # COPYRIGHT OWNER OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, # INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, # BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; # LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER # CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT # LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN # ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE # POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. # ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- # $Id:$ '''Access byte arrays as arrays of vertex attributes. Use `create_attribute` to create an attribute accessor given a simple format string. Alternatively, the classes may be constructed directly. Attribute format strings ======================== An attribute format string specifies the format of a vertex attribute. Format strings are accepted by the `create_attribute` function as well as most methods in the `pyglet.graphics` module. Format strings have the following (BNF) syntax:: attribute ::= ( name | index 'g' 'n'? ) count type ``name`` describes the vertex attribute, and is one of the following constants for the predefined attributes: ``c`` Vertex color ``e`` Edge flag ``f`` Fog coordinate ``n`` Normal vector ``s`` Secondary color ``t`` Texture coordinate ``v`` Vertex coordinate You can alternatively create a generic indexed vertex attribute by specifying its index in decimal followed by the constant ``g``. For example, ``0g`` specifies the generic vertex attribute with index 0. If the optional constant ``n`` is present after the ``g``, the attribute is normalised to the range ``[0, 1]`` or ``[-1, 1]`` within the range of the data type. ``count`` gives the number of data components in the attribute. For example, a 3D vertex position has a count of 3. Some attributes constrain the possible counts that can be used; for example, a normal vector must have a count of 3. ``type`` gives the data type of each component of the attribute. The following types can be used: ``b`` ``GLbyte`` ``B`` ``GLubyte`` ``s`` ``GLshort`` ``S`` ``GLushort`` ``i`` ``GLint`` ``I`` ``GLuint`` ``f`` ``GLfloat`` ``d`` ``GLdouble`` Some attributes constrain the possible data types; for example, normal vectors must use one of the signed data types. The use of some data types, while not illegal, may have severe performance concerns. For example, the use of ``GLdouble`` is discouraged, and colours should be specified with ``GLubyte``. Whitespace is prohibited within the format string. Some examples follow: ``v3f`` 3-float vertex position ``c4b`` 4-byte colour ``1eb`` Edge flag ``0g3f`` 3-float generic vertex attribute 0 ``1gn1i`` Integer generic vertex attribute 1, normalized to [-1, 1] ``2gn4B`` 4-byte generic vertex attribute 2, normalized to [0, 1] (because the type is unsigned) ''' __docformat__ = 'restructuredtext' __version__ = '$Id: $' import ctypes import re from pyglet.gl import * from pyglet.graphics import vertexbuffer _c_types = { GL_BYTE: ctypes.c_byte, GL_UNSIGNED_BYTE: ctypes.c_ubyte, GL_SHORT: ctypes.c_short, GL_UNSIGNED_SHORT: ctypes.c_ushort, GL_INT: ctypes.c_int, GL_UNSIGNED_INT: ctypes.c_uint, GL_FLOAT: ctypes.c_float, GL_DOUBLE: ctypes.c_double, } _gl_types = { 'b': GL_BYTE, 'B': GL_UNSIGNED_BYTE, 's': GL_SHORT, 'S': GL_UNSIGNED_SHORT, 'i': GL_INT, 'I': GL_UNSIGNED_INT, 'f': GL_FLOAT, 'd': GL_DOUBLE, } _attribute_format_re = re.compile(r''' (?P [cefnstv] | (?P[0-9]+) g (?Pn?)) (?P[1234]) (?P[bBsSiIfd]) ''', re.VERBOSE) _attribute_cache = {} def _align(v, align): return ((v - 1) & ~(align - 1)) + align def interleave_attributes(attributes): '''Interleave attribute offsets. Adjusts the offsets and strides of the given attributes so that they are interleaved. Alignment constraints are respected. :Parameters: `attributes` : sequence of `AbstractAttribute` Attributes to interleave in-place. ''' stride = 0 max_size = 0 for attribute in attributes: stride = _align(stride, attribute.align) attribute.offset = stride stride += attribute.size max_size = max(max_size, attribute.size) stride = _align(stride, max_size) for attribute in attributes: attribute.stride = stride def serialize_attributes(count, attributes): '''Serialize attribute offsets. Adjust the offsets of the given attributes so that they are packed serially against each other for `count` vertices. :Parameters: `count` : int Number of vertices. `attributes` : sequence of `AbstractAttribute` Attributes to serialze in-place. ''' offset = 0 for attribute in attributes: offset = _align(offset, attribute.align) attribute.offset = offset offset += count * attribute.stride def create_attribute(format): '''Create a vertex attribute description from a format string. The initial stride and offset of the attribute will be 0. :Parameters: `format` : str Attribute format string. See the module summary for details. :rtype: `AbstractAttribute` ''' try: cls, args = _attribute_cache[format] return cls(*args) except KeyError: pass match = _attribute_format_re.match(format) assert match, 'Invalid attribute format %r' % format count = int(match.group('count')) gl_type = _gl_types[match.group('type')] generic_index = match.group('generic_index') if generic_index: normalized = match.group('generic_normalized') attr_class = GenericAttribute args = int(generic_index), normalized, count, gl_type else: name = match.group('name') attr_class = _attribute_classes[name] if attr_class._fixed_count: assert count == attr_class._fixed_count, \ 'Attributes named "%s" must have count of %d' % ( name, attr_class._fixed_count) args = (gl_type,) else: args = (count, gl_type) _attribute_cache[format] = attr_class, args return attr_class(*args) class AbstractAttribute(object): '''Abstract accessor for an attribute in a mapped buffer. ''' _fixed_count = None def __init__(self, count, gl_type): '''Create the attribute accessor. :Parameters: `count` : int Number of components in the attribute. `gl_type` : int OpenGL type enumerant; for example, ``GL_FLOAT`` ''' assert count in (1, 2, 3, 4), 'Component count out of range' self.gl_type = gl_type self.c_type = _c_types[gl_type] self.count = count self.align = ctypes.sizeof(self.c_type) self.size = count * self.align self.stride = self.size self.offset = 0 def enable(self): '''Enable the attribute using ``glEnableClientState``.''' raise NotImplementedError('abstract') def set_pointer(self, offset): '''Setup this attribute to point to the currently bound buffer at the given offset. ``offset`` should be based on the currently bound buffer's ``ptr`` member. :Parameters: `offset` : int Pointer offset to the currently bound buffer for this attribute. ''' raise NotImplementedError('abstract') def get_region(self, buffer, start, count): '''Map a buffer region using this attribute as an accessor. The returned region can be modified as if the buffer was a contiguous array of this attribute (though it may actually be interleaved or otherwise non-contiguous). The returned region consists of a contiguous array of component data elements. For example, if this attribute uses 3 floats per vertex, and the `count` parameter is 4, the number of floats mapped will be ``3 * 4 = 12``. :Parameters: `buffer` : `AbstractMappable` The buffer to map. `start` : int Offset of the first vertex to map. `count` : int Number of vertices to map :rtype: `AbstractBufferRegion` ''' byte_start = self.stride * start byte_size = self.stride * count array_count = self.count * count if self.stride == self.size: # non-interleaved ptr_type = ctypes.POINTER(self.c_type * array_count) return buffer.get_region(byte_start, byte_size, ptr_type) else: # interleaved byte_start += self.offset byte_size -= self.offset elem_stride = self.stride // ctypes.sizeof(self.c_type) elem_offset = self.offset // ctypes.sizeof(self.c_type) ptr_type = ctypes.POINTER( self.c_type * (count * elem_stride - elem_offset)) region = buffer.get_region(byte_start, byte_size, ptr_type) return vertexbuffer.IndirectArrayRegion( region, array_count, self.count, elem_stride) def set_region(self, buffer, start, count, data): '''Set the data over a region of the buffer. :Parameters: `buffer` : AbstractMappable` The buffer to modify. `start` : int Offset of the first vertex to set. `count` : int Number of vertices to set. `data` : sequence Sequence of data components. ''' if self.stride == self.size: # non-interleaved byte_start = self.stride * start byte_size = self.stride * count array_count = self.count * count data = (self.c_type * array_count)(*data) buffer.set_data_region(data, byte_start, byte_size) else: # interleaved region = self.get_region(buffer, start, count) region[:] = data class ColorAttribute(AbstractAttribute): '''Color vertex attribute.''' plural = 'colors' def __init__(self, count, gl_type): assert count in (3, 4), 'Color attributes must have count of 3 or 4' super(ColorAttribute, self).__init__(count, gl_type) def enable(self): glEnableClientState(GL_COLOR_ARRAY) def set_pointer(self, pointer): glColorPointer(self.count, self.gl_type, self.stride, self.offset + pointer) class EdgeFlagAttribute(AbstractAttribute): '''Edge flag attribute.''' plural = 'edge_flags' _fixed_count = 1 def __init__(self, gl_type): assert gl_type in (GL_BYTE, GL_UNSIGNED_BYTE, GL_BOOL), \ 'Edge flag attribute must have boolean type' super(EdgeFlagAttribute, self).__init__(1, gl_type) def enable(self): glEnableClientState(GL_EDGE_FLAG_ARRAY) def set_pointer(self, pointer): glEdgeFlagPointer(self.stride, self.offset + pointer) class FogCoordAttribute(AbstractAttribute): '''Fog coordinate attribute.''' plural = 'fog_coords' def __init__(self, count, gl_type): super(FogCoordAttribute, self).__init__(count, gl_type) def enable(self): glEnableClientState(GL_FOG_COORD_ARRAY) def set_pointer(self, pointer): glFogCoordPointer(self.count, self.gl_type, self.stride, self.offset + pointer) class NormalAttribute(AbstractAttribute): '''Normal vector attribute.''' plural = 'normals' _fixed_count = 3 def __init__(self, gl_type): assert gl_type in (GL_BYTE, GL_SHORT, GL_INT, GL_FLOAT, GL_DOUBLE), \ 'Normal attribute must have signed type' super(NormalAttribute, self).__init__(3, gl_type) def enable(self): glEnableClientState(GL_NORMAL_ARRAY) def set_pointer(self, pointer): glNormalPointer(self.gl_type, self.stride, self.offset + pointer) class SecondaryColorAttribute(AbstractAttribute): '''Secondary color attribute.''' plural = 'secondary_colors' _fixed_count = 3 def __init__(self, gl_type): super(SecondaryColorAttribute, self).__init__(3, gl_type) def enable(self): glEnableClientState(GL_SECONDARY_COLOR_ARRAY) def set_pointer(self, pointer): glSecondaryColorPointer(3, self.gl_type, self.stride, self.offset + pointer) class TexCoordAttribute(AbstractAttribute): '''Texture coordinate attribute.''' plural = 'tex_coords' def __init__(self, count, gl_type): assert gl_type in (GL_SHORT, GL_INT, GL_INT, GL_FLOAT, GL_DOUBLE), \ 'Texture coord attribute must have non-byte signed type' super(TexCoordAttribute, self).__init__(count, gl_type) def enable(self): glEnableClientState(GL_TEXTURE_COORD_ARRAY) def set_pointer(self, pointer): glTexCoordPointer(self.count, self.gl_type, self.stride, self.offset + pointer) class VertexAttribute(AbstractAttribute): '''Vertex coordinate attribute.''' plural = 'vertices' def __init__(self, count, gl_type): assert count > 1, \ 'Vertex attribute must have count of 2, 3 or 4' assert gl_type in (GL_SHORT, GL_INT, GL_INT, GL_FLOAT, GL_DOUBLE), \ 'Vertex attribute must have signed type larger than byte' super(VertexAttribute, self).__init__(count, gl_type) def enable(self): glEnableClientState(GL_VERTEX_ARRAY) def set_pointer(self, pointer): glVertexPointer(self.count, self.gl_type, self.stride, self.offset + pointer) class GenericAttribute(AbstractAttribute): '''Generic vertex attribute, used by shader programs.''' def __init__(self, index, normalized, count, gl_type): self.normalized = bool(normalized) self.index = index super(GenericAttribute, self).__init__(count, gl_type) def enable(self): glEnableVertexAttribArray(self.index) def set_pointer(self, pointer): glVertexAttribPointer(self.index, self.count, self.gl_type, self.normalized, self.stride, self.offset + pointer) _attribute_classes = { 'c': ColorAttribute, 'e': EdgeFlagAttribute, 'f': FogCoordAttribute, 'n': NormalAttribute, 's': SecondaryColorAttribute, 't': TexCoordAttribute, 'v': VertexAttribute, }