# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- # pyglet # Copyright (c) 2006-2008 Alex Holkner # All rights reserved. # # Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without # modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions # are met: # # * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright # notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. # * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright # notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in # the documentation and/or other materials provided with the # distribution. # * Neither the name of pyglet nor the names of its # contributors may be used to endorse or promote products # derived from this software without specific prior written # permission. # # THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS # "AS IS" AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT # LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS # FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE # COPYRIGHT OWNER OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, # INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, # BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; # LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER # CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT # LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN # ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE # POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. # ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- '''Load application resources from a known path. Loading resources by specifying relative paths to filenames is often problematic in Python, as the working directory is not necessarily the same directory as the application's script files. This module allows applications to specify a search path for resources. Relative paths are taken to be relative to the application's __main__ module. ZIP files can appear on the path; they will be searched inside. The resource module also behaves as expected when applications are bundled using py2exe or py2app. As well as providing file references (with the `file` function), the resource module also contains convenience functions for loading images, textures, fonts, media and documents. 3rd party modules or packages not bound to a specific application should construct their own `Loader` instance and override the path to use the resources in the module's directory. Path format ^^^^^^^^^^^ The resource path `path` (see also `Loader.__init__` and `Loader.path`) is a list of locations to search for resources. Locations are searched in the order given in the path. If a location is not valid (for example, if the directory does not exist), it is skipped. Locations in the path beginning with an ampersand (''@'' symbol) specify Python packages. Other locations specify a ZIP archive or directory on the filesystem. Locations that are not absolute are assumed to be relative to the script home. Some examples:: # Search just the `res` directory, assumed to be located alongside the # main script file. path = ['res'] # Search the directory containing the module `levels.level1`, followed # by the `res` directory. path = ['@levels.level1', 'res'] Paths are always case-sensitive, even if the filesystem is not. This avoids a common programmer error when porting applications between platforms. The default path is ``['.']``. If you modify the path, you must call `reindex`. :since: pyglet 1.1 ''' __docformat__ = 'restructuredtext' __version__ = '$Id: $' import operator import os import weakref import sys import zipfile import StringIO import pyglet class ResourceNotFoundException(Exception): '''The named resource was not found on the search path.''' def __init__(self, name): message = ('Resource "%s" was not found on the path. ' 'Ensure that the filename has the correct captialisation.') % name Exception.__init__(self, message) def get_script_home(): '''Get the directory containing the program entry module. For ordinary Python scripts, this is the directory containing the ``__main__`` module. For executables created with py2exe the result is the directory containing the running executable file. For OS X bundles created using Py2App the result is the Resources directory within the running bundle. If none of the above cases apply and the file for ``__main__`` cannot be determined the working directory is returned. :rtype: str ''' frozen = getattr(sys, 'frozen', None) if frozen in ('windows_exe', 'console_exe'): return os.path.dirname(sys.executable) elif frozen == 'macosx_app': return os.environ['RESOURCEPATH'] else: main = sys.modules['__main__'] if hasattr(main, '__file__'): return os.path.dirname(main.__file__) # Probably interactive return '' def get_settings_path(name): '''Get a directory to save user preferences. Different platforms have different conventions for where to save user preferences, saved games, and settings. This function implements those conventions. Note that the returned path may not exist: applications should use ``os.makedirs`` to construct it if desired. On Linux, a hidden directory `name` in the user's home directory is returned. On Windows (including under Cygwin) the `name` directory in the user's ``Application Settings`` directory is returned. On Mac OS X the `name` directory under ``~/Library/Application Support`` is returned. :Parameters: `name` : str The name of the application. :rtype: str ''' if sys.platform in ('cygwin', 'win32'): if 'APPDATA' in os.environ: return os.path.join(os.environ['APPDATA'], name) else: return os.path.expanduser('~/%s' % name) elif sys.platform == 'darwin': return os.path.expanduser('~/Library/Application Support/%s' % name) else: return os.path.expanduser('~/.%s' % name) class Location(object): '''Abstract resource location. Given a location, a file can be loaded from that location with the `open` method. This provides a convenient way to specify a path to load files from, and not necessarily have that path reside on the filesystem. ''' def open(self, filename, mode='rb'): '''Open a file at this locaiton. :Parameters: `filename` : str The filename to open. Absolute paths are not supported. Relative paths are not supported by most locations (you should specify only a filename with no path component). `mode` : str The file mode to open with. Only files opened on the filesystem make use of this parameter; others ignore it. :rtype: file object ''' raise NotImplementedError('abstract') class FileLocation(Location): '''Location on the filesystem. ''' def __init__(self, path): '''Create a location given a relative or absolute path. :Parameters: `path` : str Path on the filesystem. ''' self.path = path def open(self, filename, mode='rb'): return open(os.path.join(self.path, filename), mode) class ZIPLocation(Location): '''Location within a ZIP file. ''' def __init__(self, zip, dir): '''Create a location given an open ZIP file and a path within that file. :Parameters: `zip` : ``zipfile.ZipFile`` An open ZIP file from the ``zipfile`` module. `dir` : str A path within that ZIP file. Can be empty to specify files at the top level of the ZIP file. ''' self.zip = zip self.dir = dir def open(self, filename, mode='rb'): path = os.path.join(self.dir, filename) text = self.zip.read(path) return StringIO.StringIO(text) class URLLocation(Location): '''Location on the network. This class uses the ``urlparse`` and ``urllib2`` modules to open files on the network given a URL. ''' def __init__(self, base_url): '''Create a location given a base URL. :Parameters: `base_url` : str URL string to prepend to filenames. ''' self.base = base_url def open(self, filename, mode='rb'): import urlparse import urllib2 url = urlparse.urljoin(self.base, filename) return urllib2.urlopen(url) class Loader(object): '''Load program resource files from disk. The loader contains a search path which can include filesystem directories, ZIP archives and Python packages. :Ivariables: `path` : list of str List of search locations. After modifying the path you must call the `reindex` method. `script_home` : str Base resource location, defaulting to the location of the application script. ''' def __init__(self, path=None, script_home=None): '''Create a loader for the given path. If no path is specified it defaults to ``['.']``; that is, just the program directory. See the module documentation for details on the path format. :Parameters: `path` : list of str List of locations to search for resources. `script_home` : str Base location of relative files. Defaults to the result of `get_script_home`. ''' if path is None: path = ['.'] if type(path) in (str, unicode): path = [path] self.path = list(path) if script_home is None: script_home = get_script_home() self._script_home = script_home self.reindex() # Map name to image self._cached_textures = weakref.WeakValueDictionary() self._cached_images = weakref.WeakValueDictionary() self._cached_animations = weakref.WeakValueDictionary() # Map bin size to list of atlases self._texture_atlas_bins = {} def reindex(self): '''Refresh the file index. You must call this method if `path` is changed or the filesystem layout changes. ''' self._index = {} for path in self.path: if path.startswith('@'): # Module name = path[1:] try: module = __import__(name) except: continue for component in name.split('.')[1:]: module = getattr(module, component) if hasattr(module, '__file__'): path = os.path.dirname(module.__file__) else: path = '' # interactive elif not os.path.isabs(path): # Add script base unless absolute assert '\\' not in path, \ 'Backslashes not permitted in relative path' path = os.path.join(self._script_home, path) if os.path.isdir(path): # Filesystem directory path = path.rstrip(os.path.pathsep) location = FileLocation(path) for dirpath, dirnames, filenames in os.walk(path): dirpath = dirpath[len(path) + 1:] # Force forward slashes for index if dirpath: parts = filter(None, dirpath.split(os.sep)) dirpath = '/'.join(parts) for filename in filenames: if dirpath: index_name = dirpath + '/' + filename else: index_name = filename self._index_file(index_name, location) else: # Find path component that is the ZIP file. dir = '' while path and not os.path.isfile(path): path, tail_dir = os.path.split(path) dir = '/'.join((tail_dir, dir)) dir = dir.rstrip('/') # path is a ZIP file, dir resides within ZIP if path and zipfile.is_zipfile(path): zip = zipfile.ZipFile(path, 'r') location = ZIPLocation(zip, dir) for zip_name in zip.namelist(): #zip_name_dir, zip_name = os.path.split(zip_name) #assert '\\' not in name_dir #assert not name_dir.endswith('/') if zip_name.startswith(dir): if dir: zip_name = zip_name[len(dir)+1:] self._index_file(zip_name, location) def _index_file(self, name, location): if name not in self._index: self._index[name] = location def file(self, name, mode='rb'): '''Load a resource. :Parameters: `name` : str Filename of the resource to load. `mode` : str Combination of ``r``, ``w``, ``a``, ``b`` and ``t`` characters with the meaning as for the builtin ``open`` function. :rtype: file object ''' try: location = self._index[name] return location.open(name, mode) except KeyError: raise ResourceNotFoundException(name) def location(self, name): '''Get the location of a resource. This method is useful for opening files referenced from a resource. For example, an HTML file loaded as a resource might reference some images. These images should be located relative to the HTML file, not looked up individually in the loader's path. :Parameters: `name` : str Filename of the resource to locate. :rtype: `Location` ''' try: return self._index[name] except KeyError: raise ResourceNotFoundException(name) def add_font(self, name): '''Add a font resource to the application. Fonts not installed on the system must be added to pyglet before they can be used with `font.load`. Although the font is added with its filename using this function, it is loaded by specifying its family name. For example:: resource.add_font('action_man.ttf') action_man = font.load('Action Man') :Parameters: `name` : str Filename of the font resource to add. ''' from pyglet import font file = self.file(name) font.add_file(file) def _alloc_image(self, name): file = self.file(name) img = pyglet.image.load(name, file=file) bin = self._get_texture_atlas_bin(img.width, img.height) if bin is None: return img.get_texture(True) return bin.add(img) def _get_texture_atlas_bin(self, width, height): '''A heuristic for determining the atlas bin to use for a given image size. Returns None if the image should not be placed in an atlas (too big), otherwise the bin (a list of TextureAtlas). ''' # Large images are not placed in an atlas if width > 128 or height > 128: return None # Group images with small height separately to larger height (as the # allocator can't stack within a single row). bin_size = 1 if height > 32: bin_size = 2 try: bin = self._texture_atlas_bins[bin_size] except KeyError: bin = self._texture_atlas_bins[bin_size] = \ pyglet.image.atlas.TextureBin() return bin def image(self, name, flip_x=False, flip_y=False, rotate=0): '''Load an image with optional transformation. This is similar to `texture`, except the resulting image will be packed into a `TextureBin` if it is an appropriate size for packing. This is more efficient than loading images into separate textures. :Parameters: `name` : str Filename of the image source to load. `flip_x` : bool If True, the returned image will be flipped horizontally. `flip_y` : bool If True, the returned image will be flipped vertically. `rotate` : int The returned image will be rotated clockwise by the given number of degrees (a mulitple of 90). :rtype: `Texture` :return: A complete texture if the image is large, otherwise a `TextureRegion` of a texture atlas. ''' if name in self._cached_images: identity = self._cached_images[name] else: identity = self._cached_images[name] = self._alloc_image(name) if not rotate and not flip_x and not flip_y: return identity return identity.get_transform(flip_x, flip_y, rotate) def animation(self, name, flip_x=False, flip_y=False, rotate=0): '''Load an animation with optional transformation. Animations loaded from the same source but with different transformations will use the same textures. :Parameters: `name` : str Filename of the animation source to load. `flip_x` : bool If True, the returned image will be flipped horizontally. `flip_y` : bool If True, the returned image will be flipped vertically. `rotate` : int The returned image will be rotated clockwise by the given number of degrees (a mulitple of 90). :rtype: `Animation` ''' try: identity = self._cached_animations[name] except KeyError: animation = pyglet.image.load_animation(name, self.file(name)) bin = self._get_texture_atlas_bin(animation.get_max_width(), animation.get_max_height()) if bin: animation.add_to_texture_bin(bin) identity = self._cached_animations[name] = animation if not rotate and not flip_x and not flip_y: return identity return identity.get_transform(flip_x, flip_y, rotate) def get_cached_image_names(self): '''Get a list of image filenames that have been cached. This is useful for debugging and profiling only. :rtype: list :return: List of str ''' return self._cached_images.keys() def get_cached_animation_names(self): '''Get a list of animation filenames that have been cached. This is useful for debugging and profiling only. :rtype: list :return: List of str ''' return self._cached_animations.keys() def get_texture_bins(self): '''Get a list of texture bins in use. This is useful for debugging and profiling only. :rtype: list :return: List of `TextureBin` ''' return self._texture_atlas_bins.values() def media(self, name, streaming=True): '''Load a sound or video resource. The meaning of `streaming` is as for `media.load`. Compressed sources cannot be streamed (that is, video and compressed audio cannot be streamed from a ZIP archive). :Parameters: `name` : str Filename of the media source to load. `streaming` : bool True if the source should be streamed from disk, False if it should be entirely decoded into memory immediately. :rtype: `media.Source` ''' from pyglet import media try: location = self._index[name] if isinstance(location, FileLocation): # Don't open the file if it's streamed from disk -- AVbin # needs to do it. path = os.path.join(location.path, name) return media.load(path, streaming=streaming) else: file = location.open(name) return media.load(name, file=file, streaming=streaming) except KeyError: raise ResourceNotFoundException(name) def texture(self, name): '''Load a texture. The named image will be loaded as a single OpenGL texture. If the dimensions of the image are not powers of 2 a `TextureRegion` will be returned. :Parameters: `name` : str Filename of the image resource to load. :rtype: `Texture` ''' if name in self._cached_textures: return self._cached_textures[name] file = self.file(name) texture = pyglet.image.load(name, file=file).get_texture() self._cached_textures[name] = texture return texture def html(self, name): '''Load an HTML document. :Parameters: `name` : str Filename of the HTML resource to load. :rtype: `FormattedDocument` ''' file = self.file(name) return pyglet.text.decode_html(file.read(), self.location(name)) def attributed(self, name): '''Load an attributed text document. See `pyglet.text.formats.attributed` for details on this format. :Parameters: `name` : str Filename of the attribute text resource to load. :rtype: `FormattedDocument` ''' file = self.file(name) return pyglet.text.load(name, file, 'text/vnd.pyglet-attributed') def text(self, name): '''Load a plain text document. :Parameters: `name` : str Filename of the plain text resource to load. :rtype: `UnformattedDocument` ''' file = self.file(name) return pyglet.text.load(name, file, 'text/plain') def get_cached_texture_names(self): '''Get the names of textures currently cached. :rtype: list of str ''' return self._cached_textures.keys() #: Default resource search path. #: #: Locations in the search path are searched in order and are always #: case-sensitive. After changing the path you must call `reindex`. #: #: See the module documentation for details on the path format. #: #: :type: list of str path = [] class _DefaultLoader(Loader): def _get_path(self): return path def _set_path(self, value): global path path = value path = property(_get_path, _set_path) _default_loader = _DefaultLoader() reindex = _default_loader.reindex file = _default_loader.file location = _default_loader.location add_font = _default_loader.add_font image = _default_loader.image animation = _default_loader.animation get_cached_image_names = _default_loader.get_cached_image_names get_cached_animation_names = _default_loader.get_cached_animation_names get_texture_bins = _default_loader.get_texture_bins media = _default_loader.media texture = _default_loader.texture html = _default_loader.html attributed = _default_loader.attributed text = _default_loader.text get_cached_texture_names = _default_loader.get_cached_texture_names