#!/usr/bin/env python """ heroes renaissance copyright 2008 - Johannes 'josch' Schauer This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program. If not, see . """ import pyglet from lib.interface import * from lib.mapset import * class MapView(object): def __init__(self, mapset, window): self.window = window self.mapset = mapset self._first_time_init() self._init_view() # mouse position self.label = pyglet.text.Label('', font_name="", font_size=36, bold=True, color=(128, 128, 128, 128), x=self.window.width - 10, y=0, anchor_x='right', anchor_y='bottom') pyglet.clock.schedule_interval(self.animate_water, 1/6.0) pyglet.clock.schedule_interval(self.update, 1/60.0) def _first_time_init(self): self.tile_size = 32 # size of the viewport self.vp_width = self.window.width-IF_RIGHT-IF_LEFT self.vp_height = self.window.height-IF_BOTTOM-IF_TOP # center map self.x = (self.mapset.width * self.tile_size - self.vp_width + self.tile_size) // 2 self.y = (self.mapset.height * self.tile_size - self.vp_height + self.tile_size) // 2 self.mouse_x = self.mouse_dx = 0 self.mouse_y = self.mouse_dy = 0 def _init_view(self): # initiate new batch self.batch = pyglet.graphics.Batch() # initiate new vertex list self.vl_objects = [None for value in self.mapset.groups] # size of the viewport self.vp_width = self.window.width - IF_RIGHT - IF_LEFT self.vp_height = self.window.height - IF_BOTTOM - IF_TOP # center map when viewport is too large, else check if map still fills # whole viewport and if not adjust position accordingly self.center_x = False if self.mapset.width * self.tile_size < self.vp_width: # center the map in x direction self.center_x = True self.x = (self.mapset.width * self.tile_size - self.vp_width) // 2 elif self.x > self.tile_size * self.mapset.width - self.vp_width: # move map back to the right self.x = self.tile_size * self.mapset.width - self.vp_width elif self.x < 0: # move map to the left self.x = 0 self.center_y = False if self.mapset.height * self.tile_size < self.vp_height: # center the map in y direction self.center_y = True self.y = (self.mapset.height * self.tile_size - self.vp_height) // 2 elif self.y > self.tile_size * self.mapset.height - self.vp_height: # move map up self.y = self.tile_size * self.mapset.height - self.vp_height elif self.y < 0: # move map down self.y = 0 # tiles to be drawn with the current viewport size self.tiles_x = min((self.vp_width // self.tile_size) + 2, self.mapset.width) self.tiles_y = min((self.vp_height // self.tile_size) + 2, self.mapset.height) # undrawn map size in pixels self.undrawn_x = self.tile_size * (self.mapset.width - self.tiles_x) self.undrawn_y = self.tile_size * (self.mapset.height - self.tiles_y) # reset mouse or keyboard movement self.dx = 0 self.dy = 0 # calculate modulo pixel position of the map if self.x - self.tile_size > self.undrawn_x: # dont go right beyond map borders mod_x = self.tile_size - self.x + self.undrawn_x elif self.x > 0: # calculate modulo of current position and tile_size mod_x = (self.tile_size - self.x) % self.tile_size else: # dont go left beyond map borders mod_x = self.tile_size - self.x if self.y - self.tile_size > self.undrawn_y: # dont go up beyond map borders mod_y = self.tile_size - self.y + self.undrawn_y elif self.y > 0: # calculate modulo of current position and tile_size mod_y = (self.tile_size - self.y) % self.tile_size else: # dont go down beyond map borders mod_y = self.tile_size - self.y # calculate tile position of the map, turn y coordinates upside down self.div_x = (self.tile_size - self.x - mod_x) // self.tile_size self.div_y = (self.tile_size - self.y - mod_y) // self.tile_size + \ self.mapset.height - 1 # update vertex lists with the gathered information self.update_vertex_lists() # update current current position that is to be glTranslated # XXX: dont ask me why i have to add 1/4 and 3/2 but when i do not # there are black borders when zooming out # plz explain wtf is going on there self.view_x = mod_x - self.tile_size - (self.tile_size - 32) // 4 self.view_y = mod_y - self.tile_size - ((self.tile_size - 32) * 3) // 2 def on_draw(self): pyglet.gl.glClear(pyglet.gl.GL_COLOR_BUFFER_BIT) pyglet.gl.glPushMatrix() pyglet.gl.glTranslatef(self.view_x+IF_LEFT, self.view_y+IF_BOTTOM, 0) pyglet.gl.glScalef(self.tile_size/32.0, self.tile_size/32.0, 0.0) self.batch.draw() pyglet.gl.glPopMatrix() pyglet.gl.glLoadIdentity() pyglet.gl.glEnable(pyglet.gl.GL_BLEND) pyglet.gl.glColor4f(1, 0, 1, 1) pyglet.gl.glRectf(0, 0, self.window.width, IF_BOTTOM) pyglet.gl.glRectf(self.window.width-IF_RIGHT, 0, self.window.width, self.window.height) pyglet.gl.glRectf(0, self.window.height-IF_TOP, self.window.width, self.window.height) pyglet.gl.glRectf(0, 0, IF_LEFT, self.window.height) self.label.draw() def _move(self, dx, dy): # new map position new_x = self.x - dx new_y = self.y - dy # only update textures and vertices when necessary retex = False # if x or y jump is too big, adjust new position accordingly if new_x < 0: # move map to the left new_x = 0 retex = True if new_x > self.tile_size * self.mapset.width - self.vp_width: # move map to the right new_x = self.tile_size * self.mapset.width - self.vp_width retex = True if new_y < 0: # move map down new_y = 0 retex = True if new_y > self.tile_size * self.mapset.height - self.vp_height: # move map up new_y = self.tile_size * self.mapset.height - self.vp_height retex = True # find out how many steps and pixels we have to move and wether we have # to retex if new_x - self.tile_size > self.undrawn_x: # we are at the right border mod_x = self.tile_size - new_x + self.undrawn_x # only retex if the last position was not at the border if self.x - self.tile_size <= self.undrawn_x: retex = True elif new_x > 0: # normal movement: calculate the amount of steps and the modulo div_x, mod_x = divmod(self.tile_size - new_x, self.tile_size) # only retex if the number of moved steps is not equal to last if div_x != (self.tile_size - self.x) // self.tile_size: retex = True else: # we are at the left border mod_x = self.tile_size - new_x if new_y - self.tile_size > self.undrawn_y: # we are at the top mod_y = self.tile_size - new_y + self.undrawn_y # only retex if the last position was not at the border if self.y - self.tile_size <= self.undrawn_y: retex = True elif new_y > 0: # normal movement: calculate the amount of steps and the modulo div_y, mod_y = divmod(self.tile_size - new_y, self.tile_size) # only retex if the number of moved steps is not equal to last if div_y != (self.tile_size - self.y) // self.tile_size: retex = True else: # we are at the bottom mod_y = self.tile_size - new_y # if we have to update vertices and textures if retex: # calculate the current position on the tilemap self.div_x = (self.tile_size - new_x - mod_x) // \ self.tile_size self.div_y = (self.tile_size - new_y - mod_y) // \ self.tile_size + self.mapset.height - 1 self.update_vertex_lists() # update position if not centered # XXX: dont ask me why i have to add 1/4 and 3/2 but when i do not # there are black borders when zooming out # plz explain wtf is going on there if not self.center_x: self.view_x = mod_x-self.tile_size-(self.tile_size-32)//4 self.x = new_x if not self.center_y: self.view_y = mod_y-self.tile_size-((self.tile_size-32)*3)//2 self.y = new_y def update_vertex_lists(self): # initiate lists of vertex lists, vertices, texture coords, vertices # counts and map objects for each group vertices = [[] for value in self.mapset.groups] tex_coords = [[] for value in self.mapset.groups] count = [0 for value in self.mapset.groups] self.cur_objects = [[] for value in self.mapset.groups] # for each tile in the viewport, update the list of the specific group for obj, coords in self.mapset.get_tiles(self.tiles_x, self.tiles_y, self.div_x, self.div_y): tex_coords[obj.group].extend(obj.tex_coords) vertices[obj.group].extend(coords) count[obj.group]+=4 if isinstance(obj, Animation): self.cur_objects[obj.group].append(obj) for i, group in enumerate(self.mapset.groups): if count[i] == 0: if self.vl_objects[i] is None: # let the vertex list be None pass else: # there was a vertex list but now no more - delete it self.vl_objects[i].delete() self.vl_objects[i] = None else: if self.vl_objects[i] is None: # there was no vertex list but ther now is one - create it self.vl_objects[i] = self.batch.add(count[i], pyglet.gl.GL_QUADS, group, ('v2i', vertices[i]), ('t3f', tex_coords[i]), ('c4B', (255,255,255,255)*count[i])) else: # there already is a vertex list - resize and refill self.vl_objects[i].resize(count[i]) self.vl_objects[i].tex_coords = tex_coords[i] self.vl_objects[i].vertices = vertices[i] self.vl_objects[i].colors = (255,255,255,255)*count[i] # make object list unique self.cur_objects[i] = list(set(self.cur_objects[i])) def update(self, dt): try: if self.window.keys[pyglet.window.key.LCTRL] and \ any([self.window.keys[pyglet.window.key.UP], self.window.keys[pyglet.window.key.DOWN], self.window.keys[pyglet.window.key.LEFT], self.window.keys[pyglet.window.key.RIGHT]]): if self.window.keys[pyglet.window.key.LEFT]: x = 1 elif self.window.keys[pyglet.window.key.RIGHT]: x = -1 else: x = 0 if self.window.keys[pyglet.window.key.UP]: y = -1 elif self.window.keys[pyglet.window.key.DOWN]: y = 1 else: y = 0 self.dx += x*8 self.dy += y*8 elif self.window.keys[pyglet.window.key.PLUS] and \ self.tile_size < 32: self.tile_size+=8 self._init_view() elif self.window.keys[pyglet.window.key.MINUS] and \ self.tile_size > 16: self.tile_size-=8 self._init_view() except KeyError: pass if self.dx or self.dy: self._move(self.dx, self.dy) self.dx = 0 self.dy = 0 # mouse position: if self.mouse_x != self.mouse_dx or self.mouse_y != self.mouse_dy: self.mouse_x = self.mouse_dx self.mouse_y = self.mouse_dy x = (self.mouse_x-IF_LEFT-self.view_x -(self.tile_size-32)//4)//self.tile_size y = (self.mouse_y-IF_BOTTOM-self.view_y -((self.tile_size-32)*3)//2)//self.tile_size self.label.text = "%03d %03d"%(x-self.div_x, self.div_y-y) def on_mouse_drag(self, x, y, dx, dy, buttons, modifiers): self.dx += dx self.dy += dy self.mouse_dx = x self.mouse_dy = y return pyglet.event.EVENT_HANDLED def on_mouse_motion(self, x, y, dx, dy): self.mouse_dx = x self.mouse_dy = y return pyglet.event.EVENT_HANDLED def on_resize(self, width, height): self._init_view() def animate_water(self, dt): for i, group in enumerate(self.mapset.groups): if len(self.cur_objects[i]) > 0: pyglet.gl.glBindTexture(self.cur_objects[i][0].tex.target, self.cur_objects[i][0].tex.id) for obj in self.cur_objects[i]: pyglet.gl.glTexSubImage2D(obj.tex.owner.target, obj.tex.owner.level, obj.tex.x, obj.tex.y, obj.tex.width, obj.tex.height, pyglet.gl.GL_RGBA, pyglet.gl.GL_UNSIGNED_BYTE, obj.next_frame())