You cannot select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

143 lines
3.3 KiB

//--- 010 Editor v2.1.3 Binary Template
// File: H3C SoD Template
// Author: crackedmind
// Revision: 001
// Purpose: just for fun :)
#include "heroes3/"
#include "heroes3/"
struct Header {
uint32 magic; // 05 00 00 00 - AB
// 06 00 00 00 - SoD
// ?? ?? ?? ?? - RoE
uchar map_number; // CampText.txt
hstring name;
hstring description;
uchar canPlayerChooseDifficult;
uchar whatMusic; // CmpMusic.txt, start from 0
struct ScenarioTravel {
uchar whatHeroKeep; // bit 1 - expirience
// bit 2 - primary skills
// bit 3 - secondary skills
// bit 4 - spells
// bit 5 - artefacts
uchar whatMonstresHeroKeep[19];
uchar whatArtifactsHeroKeep[18];
uchar startOptions; // 01 - start bonus
// 02 - traveling hero
// 03 - hero options
if ( startOptions == 1 ) {
uchar playerColor;
uchar bonusCount;
local int i;
for ( i = 0; i < bonusCount; i++ ) {
uchar bonusType;
case 0: //spell
uint16 heroName; //0xFDFF - most powerfull hero
// other names from hotraits.txt
uchar spell;
case 1: // monster
uint16 heroName; //0xFDFF - most powerfull hero
// other names from hotraits.txt
uint16 monsterType;
uint16 count;
case 2: // building
case 3:
uint16 heroName; //0xFDFF - most powerfull hero
// other names from hotraits.txt
uint16 artefact;
case 4: // spell scroll
uint16 heroName; //0xFDFF - most powerfull hero
// other names from hotraits.txt
uchar spell;
case 5: // primary skills
uint16 heroName; //0xFDFF - most powerfull hero
// other names from hotraits.txt
uchar primarySkills[4];
case 6: // secondary skills
uint16 heroName; //0xFDFF - most powerfull hero
// other names from hotraits.txt
secskill_tag secskill;
case 7: // resource
uchar type; // 0 - wood, 1 - Mercury
// 2 - ore, 3 - sulfur
// 4 - crystal, 5 - gem
// 6 - gold, FD - wood+ore
// FE - mercury+sulfur+crystal+gem
uint32 count;
} else if ( startOptions == 2 ) {
uchar count;
local uchar i;
for ( i = 0; i < count; i++) {
uchar whichPlayer; // player color
uchar fromWhatScenario;
} else if ( startOptions == 3 ) {
uchar heroesCount; // max is 3
local uchar i;
for (i =0; i < heroesCount; i++ ) {
uchar playerColor;
uint16 hero; // FF FF is random
struct Scenario {
hstring map_name;
uint32 packedMapSize;
uchar preconditionRegion; // if equal to 0, then no region
uchar regionColor;
uchar difficult;
hstring regionText;
struct ScenarioProlog {
uchar isProlog;
if ( isProlog == 1 ) {
uchar prologVideo; // from CmpMovie.txt
uchar prologMusic; // from CmpMusic.txt
hstring prologText;
} prolog;
ScenarioProlog epilog;
ScenarioTravel travel;
Header header;
if ( header.magic != 0x00000006 ) {
Warning( "File is not a Heroes III SoD Company file. Template stopped." );
return -1;
// here must be a loop, iterations == map regions number, but it's hardcoded feature :(
Scenario scenario;