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10 years ago
#!/bin/sh -ex
# start this script without arguments and then start sbuild as:
# sbuild --chroot-setup-commands='/home/ chroot-setup' --pre-realbuild-commands='/home/ pre-realbuild' --post-realbuild-commands='/home/ post-realbuild'
10 years ago
if [ "$#" -eq 0 ]; then
rm -rf /home/myfifo /home/myfifo2 /tmp/pkglists
# fifo to receive data
mkfifo /home/myfifo
# fifo to acknowledge reception
mkfifo /home/myfifo2
# make sure the sbuild user can write to the fifos
chmod a+w /home/myfifo
chmod a+w /home/myfifo2
10 years ago
mkdir -p /tmp/pkglists
# strip the architecture qualifier
cat /home/myfifo | sort > initialselection.list
echo > /home/myfifo2
cat /home/myfifo | sort > fullselection.list
echo > /home/myfifo2
10 years ago
# get all packages that were installed on top of the base packages
comm -13 initialselection.list fullselection.list > bdselection.list
while true; do
pkgnamever=`cat /home/myfifo`
echo > /home/myfifo2
10 years ago
# end loop when packagename is empty
[ -z "$pkgnamever" ] && break
10 years ago
# check if the package was installed as its build dependencies
if grep --line-regexp $pkgnamever bdselection.list; then
cat /home/myfifo | sort > "/tmp/pkglists/$pkgnamever"
10 years ago
cat /home/myfifo > /dev/null
10 years ago
echo > /home/myfifo2
10 years ago
cat /home/myfifo | sed 's/, \+/\n/'g \
10 years ago
| sed 's/\([a-zA-Z0-9][a-zA-Z0-9+.-]*\).*/\1/' \
> /tmp/sbuild-dummy-depends
echo > /home/myfifo2
SCHROOT_SESSION_ID=`cat /home/myfifo`;
echo > /home/myfifo2
10 years ago
# start fatrace in the mounted directory
cd /var/lib/schroot/mount/$SCHROOT_SESSION_ID;
fatrace --current-mount > /home/fatrace.log &
10 years ago
cat /home/myfifo > /dev/null;
echo > /home/myfifo2
10 years ago
# clean up the fatrace log to only include unique paths
sed 's/\/var\/lib\/schroot\/mount\/[^\/]\+//' /home/fatrace.log \
10 years ago
| awk '{ print $3; }' \
| grep -v ^/build \
| sort \
| uniq \
> accessed.log
# now get all packages in /tmp/pkglists that have files that never appear in the collected trace
while read namever; do
name=`echo $namever | cut -d '=' -f 1 | cut -d ':' -f 1`
10 years ago
# FIXME: the following cannot handle dependencies on virtual packages
if [ -z "`comm -12 accessed.log /tmp/pkglists/$namever`" ] \
&& grep --line-regexp "$name" /tmp/sbuild-dummy-depends > /dev/null; then
echo $namever
10 years ago
done > unneededdepends.list < bdselection.list
case "$1" in
dpkg --list | awk '$1 == "ii" { print $2"="$3 }' > /home/myfifo
cat /home/myfifo2 > /dev/null
10 years ago
# get the current selection so that the parent script can find the additional packages that were installed
dpkg --list | awk '$1 == "ii" { print $2"="$3 }' > /home/myfifo
cat /home/myfifo2 > /dev/null
10 years ago
# output the files belonging to all packages
dpkg --list | awk '$1 == "ii" { print $2, $3 }' | while read namever; do
set -- $namever
echo "${name}=${ver}" > /home/myfifo
cat /home/myfifo2 > /dev/null
dpkg -L $name > /home/myfifo
cat /home/myfifo2 > /dev/null
10 years ago
# output an empty line to indicate the end
echo > /home/myfifo
cat /home/myfifo2 > /dev/null
10 years ago
# output the dependencies of the sbuild dummy package
dpkg --get-selections | awk '{ print $1; }' \
| grep sbuild-build-depends \
| grep -v sbuild-build-depends-core-dummy \
| grep -v sbuild-build-depends-essential-dummy \
| grep -v sbuild-build-depends-lintian-dummy \
| xargs -I {} dpkg-query --showformat='${Depends}\n' --show {} \
> /home/myfifo
cat /home/myfifo2 > /dev/null
10 years ago
# output the schroot id to start tracing
echo $SCHROOT_SESSION_ID > /home/myfifo
cat /home/myfifo2 > /dev/null
10 years ago
echo "done" > /home/myfifo
cat /home/myfifo2 > /dev/null
# create and install a package with same name and version but without dependencies
# removing Source: field because of bug#751942
apt-cache show --no-all-versions $namever
| grep -v "^Pre-Depends:" \
| grep -v "^Depends:" \
| grep -v "^Recommends:" \
| grep -v "^Suggests:" \
| grep -v "^Conflicts:" \
| grep -v "^Breaks:" \
| grep -v "^Provides:" \
| grep -v "^Replaces:" \
| grep -v "^Source:" \
| equivs-build -
name=`echo $namever | cut -d '=' -f 1 | cut -d ':' -f 1`
# we use a wildcard because there should only be a single file anyways
dpkg -i ${name}_*.deb
10 years ago
echo "invalid argument: $1" >&2