
384 lines
14 KiB
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2010-11-05 17:57:01 +00:00
import tables
import os.path
from itertools import izip
from math import ceil, floor
default_fields = []
default_types = []
def create_flowtools_value_reader(fields):
def get_fields(record):
x = tuple(getattr(record,attr) for attr in fields)
return x
return get_fields
#class RecordsTable(object):
# def __init__(self, file_path, tree_path, id_size):
# if os.path.exists(file_path):
# self.file_path = file_path
# else:
# raise IOError("File %s cannot be accessed."%file_path)
# self.tree_path = tree_path
# # open for reading
# self.file = tables.openFile(self.file_path, mode="r+")
# try:
# #try to open the table as specified by path if node does not
# #exist create it
# self.table = self.file.getNode(self.tree_path)
# except tables.exceptions.NoSuchNodeError:
# raise IOError("file %s does not contain table %s"%
# (self.file_path,self.tree_path))
# self.fields = tuple(self.table.description._v_names)
# self.types = tuple([self.table.description._v_dtypes[name]
# for name in self.fields])
# # add the id field base on row number:
# self.fields += ('rec_id',)
# self.types += (id_size,)
# def __del__(self):
# self.file.close()
# def close(self):
# self.file.close()
class Table(object):
def __init__(self, file_path, id_size):
if os.path.exists(file_path):
self.file_path = file_path
raise IOError("File %s cannot be accessed."%file_path)
# open for reading
self.file = tables.openFile(self.file_path, mode="r+")
# Returns the names of the fields that matter at the filter stage.
# i.e. srcport/dstport/prot/srcip/...
var_nodes = ['/' + field
for field in self.file.root._v_attrs.variable_fields]
self.table = self.file.getNode("/fixed_length_fields")
# print var_nodes
self.tables =[self.table.iterrows()] + map(self.file.getNode, var_nodes)
# print self.tables
self.fixed_fields = self.file.root._v_attrs.fixed_fields
# print self.fixed_fields
self.variable_fields = self.file.root._v_attrs.variable_fields
# add the id field base on row number:
self.fields = tuple(['rec_id'] +
self.fixed_fields +
self.types = tuple([id_size] +
self.file.root._v_attrs.fixed_types +
# print self.file.root._v_attrs.variable_fields
def __del__(self):
def close(self):
def flush(self):
class FlowRecordsTable(Table):
"""A reader object for an HDF table of flow records"""
def __init__(self, file_path, expected_id_size = tables.UInt32Col()):
Table.__init__(self, file_path, id_size = expected_id_size)
def __iter__(self):
for row in izip(self.iterate_fixed_fields(), *self.tables[1:]):
yield row[0] + tuple(row[1:])
def iterate_fixed_fields(self):
for row in self.table:
yield tuple([row.nrow] +
[row[field] for field in self.fixed_fields])
raise StopIteration
def read_row(self, row_n):
row = [r for r in self.table.iterrows(row_n, row_n + 1)][0] #Is iterrows actually heavy itself?
fixed = tuple([row[field] for field in self.fixed_fields])
variable = tuple(table.read(row_n)[0] for table in self.tables[1:])
# print (row_n,) + fixed + variable
return (row_n,) + fixed + variable
def read_rows_list(self, rows_list):
for row_n in rows_list:
yield self.read_row(row_n)
def iter_ids(self, id_list):
return self.table.readCoordinates(id_list)
def get_record_by_id(self,id):
return self.table[id]
def __del__(self):
def append(self, record):
self.row = self.table.row
for field in self.fixed_fields:
self.row[field] = getattr(record, field)
for field in self.variable_fields:
getattr(self.file.root, field).append(getattr(record, field))
def get_current_row(self):
return self.row.nrow
def len(self):
return self.table.nrows
class TimeIndex(FlowRecordsTable):
def __init__(self, fname, id_size_bytes=4):
FlowRecordsTable.__init__(self, fname, id_size_bytes)
self.start_time = self.file.root._v_attrs.start_time
self.delta = self.file.root._v_attrs.delta
self.id_size = id_size_bytes
self.index = self.tables[0]
def get_intervals_list(self, stime, etime):
start_interval = int(floor((stime - self.start_time) / self.delta))
end_interval = int(ceil((etime - self.start_time) / self.delta))
if start_interval < 1 or end_interval < 1:
raise ValueError("Something's wrong with index intervals")
return xrange(start_interval, end_interval)
def get_intervals_before(self, record, time_before):
res = self.get_intervals_list(record.stime - time_before, record.stime)
return res
def get_intervals_after(self, record, time_after):
res = self.get_intervals_list(record.etime, record.etime + time_after)
return res
def during(self, record):
return self.index.get_intervals_list
def time_to_index_row(self, time):
return int(floor((time - self.start_time) / self.delta))
def index(self, record):
for i in self.get_intervals_list(record.stime, record.etime):
self.index[i] = self.index[i].append(record.rec_id)
#class FlowRecordsTable(RecordsTable):
# """A reader object for an HDF table of flow records"""
# def __init__(self, file_path, expected_id_size = tables.UInt32Col()):
# RecordsTable.__init__(self, file_path, "/flow_records",
# id_size = expected_id_size)
# def __iter__(self):
# for row in self.table:
# yield row[:] + (row.nrow,) # tuple concatenation
# raise StopIteration
# def iter_ids(self, id_list):
# return self.table.readCoordinates(id_list)
# def get_record_by_id(self,id):
# return self.table[id]
# def __del__(self):
# self.file.close()
# def append(self,args):
# self.row = self.table.row
## print zip(self.fields, args)
# for field, val in zip(self.fields, args):
# self.row[field]= val
# self.row.append()
def create_Table(file, fields, table_name, field_types, filters):
file.createTable(file.root, table_name, field_types,
"Records Table", filters=filters)
def create_VLArray(file, name, atom, description, filters):
array = file.createVLArray(file.root, name,
"variable length field "+name,
array.flavor = 'python'
#def create_table_file(file_path, field_types, table_name="flow_records",
# complib='lzo', complevel=9):
# if os.path.exists(file_path):
# raise IOError("File %s already exists"%file_path)
# file = tables.openFile(file_path, mode="w")
# filters = tables.Filters(complevel=complevel, complib=complib)
# file.createTable(file.root, table_name, field_types,
# "Records Table", filters=filters)
# file.close()
def create_index_file(file_path, start_time, delta, id_size_bytes,
complib='lzo', complevel=9, itemsize_in_bytes = 4):
if os.path.exists(file_path):
raise IOError("File %s already exists"%file_path)
file = tables.openFile(file_path, mode="w")
filters = tables.Filters(complevel=complevel, complib=complib)
array = create_VLArray(file.root, 'time_index',
"time_index", filters=filters)
array.flavor = 'python'
file.root._v_attrs.variable_fields = ['time_index']
file.root._v_attrs.variable_types = [
file.root._v_attrs.start_time = start_time
file.root._v_attrs.delta = delta
def create_table_file(file_path, field_types,
complib='lzo', complevel=9):
if os.path.exists(file_path):
raise IOError("File %s already exists"%file_path)
file = tables.openFile(file_path, mode="w")
filters = tables.Filters(complevel=complevel, complib=complib)
# filters = tables.Filters()
if 'rec_id' in field_types:
del field_types['rec_id']
fixed_length_fields = {}
variable_length_fields = {}
for k, v in field_types.iteritems():
# print str(type(v)), str(type(v)).find('atom')
if str(type(v)).find('atom') == -1:
fixed_length_fields[k] = v
variable_length_fields[k] = v
file.createTable(file.root, "fixed_length_fields", fixed_length_fields,
"Records Table", filters=filters)
for field_name, atom in variable_length_fields.iteritems():
array = file.createVLArray(file.root, field_name, atom, "field "
+ field_name, filters)
array.flavor = 'python'
file.root._v_attrs.fixed_fields = fixed_length_fields.keys()
file.root._v_attrs.fixed_types = fixed_length_fields.values()
file.root._v_attrs.variable_fields = variable_length_fields.keys()
file.root._v_attrs.variable_types = variable_length_fields.values()
class GroupsMembersTable(object):
def __init__(self, file_path, tree_path):
self.file_path = file_path
self.tree_path = tree_path
# open for reading
self.file = tables.openFile(self.file_path, mode="r+")
#try to open the table as specified by path if node does not
#exist create it
self.table = self.file.getNode(self.tree_path)
except tables.exceptions.NoSuchNodeError:
raise IOError("file %s does not contain table %s"%
def __iter__(self):
for row in self.table:
yield row
raise StopIteration
def iter_ids(self, id_list):
for id in id_list:
yield self.table[id]
def get_group_by_id(self):
return self.table[id]
def __del__(self):
# self.table.flush()
def append(self, val_list):
# Performs ungrouping, based on the iterator of group records and an
# iterator over flow records
class GroupsExpander(object):
def __init__(self, groups_file_path, records_file_path):
self.groups = GroupsMembersTable(groups_file_path, "gr1")
self.records = FlowRecordsTable(self.records_file_path)
def group_members(self,group_id):
grp_member_ids = self.groups.get_group_by_id(group_id)
return self.record.iter_ids(grp_member_ids)
default_ft_types = {
'dFlows' : tables.UInt32Col(), 'bytes' : tables.UInt32Col(),
'dPkts' : tables.UInt32Col(), 'dst_as' : tables.UInt16Col(),
'dst_mask' : tables.UInt8Col(), 'dst_tag' : tables.UInt32Col(),
'dstip' : tables.UInt32Col(), 'dstport' : tables.UInt16Col(),
'engine_id' : tables.UInt8Col(), 'engine_type' : tables.UInt8Col(),
'exaddr' : tables.UInt32Col(), 'extra_pkts' : tables.UInt32Col(),
'stime' : tables.UInt32Col(), 'in_encaps' : tables.UInt8Col(),
'input' : tables.UInt16Col(), 'etime' : tables.UInt32Col(),
'marked_tos' : tables.UInt8Col(), 'nexthop' : tables.UInt32Col(),
'out_encaps' : tables.UInt8Col(), 'output' : tables.UInt16Col(),
'peer_nexthop' : tables.UInt32Col(), 'prot' : tables.UInt8Col(),
'router_sc' : tables.UInt32Col(), 'src_as' : tables.UInt16Col(),
'src_mask' : tables.UInt8Col(), 'src_tag' : tables.UInt32Col(),
'srcip' : tables.UInt32Col(), 'srcport' : tables.UInt16Col(),
'sysUpTime' : tables.UInt32Col(), 'tcp_flags' : tables.UInt8Col(),
'tos' : tables.UInt8Col(), 'unix_nsecs' : tables.UInt32Col(),
'unix_secs' : tables.UInt32Col()
#tab = FlowRecordsTable("../dynZip9.h5")
#for x in tab:
# print x
#print tab.fields
#wr = TableWriter("../test.h5","/dumps/table1")
#create_group_file("../grptest.h5", "gr1")
#grp = GroupsMembersTable("../grptest.h5", "/gr1")
#for ls in grp.iter_ids([1,2]):
# print ls
#print [1,4,543,32]
#from os import remove
#fname = "../comp.h5"
#field_types = {'info': tables.UInt8Col(),
# 'records': tables.UInt8Atom(), 'info_list': tables.UInt8Atom()}
#create_complex_file(fname, field_types)
##h5f = tables.openFile(fname, 'r')
##print h5f.root._v_attrs.fixed_fields
##print h5f.root._v_attrs.fixed_types
##print h5f.root._v_attrs.variable_fields
##print h5f.root._v_attrs.variable_types
#cread = FlRecordsTable(fname)
#read = FlRecordsTable(fname)
#for r in read:
# print r