from time import time import threading import sys from collections import deque try: from resource import getrusage, RUSAGE_SELF except ImportError: RUSAGE_SELF = 0 def getrusage(who=0): return [0.0, 0.0] # on non-UNIX platforms cpu_time always 0.0 p_stats = None p_start_time = None def profiler(frame, event, arg): if event not in ('call','return'): return profiler #### gather stats #### rusage = getrusage(RUSAGE_SELF) t_cpu = rusage[0] + rusage[1] # user time + system time code = frame.f_code fun = (code.co_name, code.co_filename, code.co_firstlineno) #### get stack with functions entry stats #### ct = threading.currentThread() try: p_stack = ct.p_stack except AttributeError: ct.p_stack = deque() p_stack = ct.p_stack #### handle call and return #### if event == 'call': p_stack.append((time(), t_cpu, fun)) elif event == 'return': try: t,t_cpu_prev,f = p_stack.pop() assert f == fun except IndexError: # TODO investigate t,t_cpu_prev,f = p_start_time, 0.0, None call_cnt, t_sum, t_cpu_sum = p_stats.get(fun, (0, 0.0, 0.0)) p_stats[fun] = (call_cnt+1, t_sum+time()-t, t_cpu_sum+t_cpu-t_cpu_prev) return profiler def profile_on(): global p_stats, p_start_time p_stats = {} p_start_time = time() threading.setprofile(profiler) sys.setprofile(profiler) def profile_off(): threading.setprofile(None) sys.setprofile(None) def get_profile_stats(): """ returns dict[function_tuple] -> stats_tuple where function_tuple = (function_name, filename, lineno) stats_tuple = (call_cnt, real_time, cpu_time) """ return p_stats #### EXAMPLE ################################################################## if __name__ == '__main__': from time import sleep from threading import Thread import random def test_function(): pass class T(Thread): def __init__(self): Thread.__init__(self) def run(self): # takes about 5 seconds for i in xrange(100): self.test_method() test_function() def test_method(self): sleep(random.random() / 10) profile_on() ####################### threads = [T() for i in xrange(3)] for t in threads: t.start() for i in xrange(100): test_function() for t in threads: t.join() ####################### profile_off() from pprint import pprint pprint(get_profile_stats())