from Queue import Queue from Queue import Empty import profiler class Splitter(object): def __init__(self, name_to_br, filter): self.branches = name_to_br.values() # Returns the actual implementaion of Branches A and B, their values self.name_to_branch = name_to_br self.filter = filter print "Splitter initiated" def go(self): count = 0 # Exactly rec and branch are returned, since that is specified # by the 'generator' function, denoted by 'yield' inside the # __iter__ function. Every time an __iter__ is called, one tuple # of (rec, branch) is returned for rec, branch in self.filter: self.split(branch, rec) count = count + 1 print count self.ready() def split(self, branch_mask, record): # print zip(self.branches, branch_mask) for branch, active in zip(self.branches, branch_mask): # print active, branch if active: branch.put(record) # if == 'A': print record # if == 'B': print record # print branch def ready(self): print "Filters ready" for br in self.branches: br.ready = True class Branch(Queue): def __init__(self, name): Queue.__init__(self, 0) = name self.ready = False def __iter__(self): while(True): if self.empty() and self.ready: raise StopIteration try: record = self.get(timeout=3) yield record self.task_done() except Empty: if self.ready: raise StopIteration