import record import options from aggr_operators import count import time import profiler class UnsatisfiableDelta(Exception): pass class Grouper(object): def __init__(self, id, modules, aggr_ops, records, branch_name): self.modules = modules self.records = records self.aggr_ops = aggr_ops self.group_record_fields = self.create_gr_record_fields_list() self.group_record_fields = ('rec_id',) + self.group_record_fields self.group_record_types = self.create_gr_record_fields_types() self.group_records = [] self.branch_name = branch_name self.Record = record.get_record_class(self.group_record_fields) #profiler.profile_on() #profiler.profile_off() #import pickle #stats = profiler.get_profile_stats() #sorted_stats = sorted(stats.iteritems(), key=lambda a: a[1][1]/a[1][0]) #for st in sorted_stats: # print st # print def new_group(self, record): group = Group(record, self.modules, self.aggr_ops) return group def __iter__(self): count = 0 start2 = time.clock() #print "Grouping started at:", start2 # For each of the records that have passed either # of the branched conditions we try to find a for record in self.records: # print record matched = False count = count + 1 # print len(self.group_records) del_list = [] try: for i, group_record in enumerate(self.group_records): # print i if group_record.satisfiable: if group_record.match(record): # match from Group class matched = True break else: yield self.Record(*((count,)+group_record.export())) count += 1 del_list.append(i) except ValueError: # Group Records list is empty # WARNING may catch ValueError from another place # group list is still empty matched = False # this will signal new group creation if not matched: self.group_records.append(self.new_group(record)) # remove exported groups: for n_removed, i in enumerate(del_list): # count removed elements with n_removed and compensate # because positions change when removing elements # Fortunately del_list is sorted so '-' works as # a compensation, as all removed elements are before the # current one del self.group_records[i - n_removed] print "Number of records in branch "+self.branch_name, count for group_record in self.group_records: yield self.Record(*((count,)+group_record.export())) count += 1 print "Finished grouping branch "+self.branch_name #time_elapsed2 = (time.clock() - start2) #print "Grouping time finished for branch "+self.branch_name, time_elapsed2 #print "Current time is: ", time.clock() def create_gr_record_fields_list(self): field_list = [] for module in self.modules: for op in module.aggr_ops: field_list.append(op.gr_field) for op in self.aggr_ops: field_list.append(op.gr_field) return tuple(field_list) def create_gr_record_fields_types(self): type_list = [None] for module in self.modules: for op in module.aggr_ops: type_list.append(op.field_type) for op in self.aggr_ops: if type(op) == count: type_list[0] = op.field_type # set the type for rec_id type_list.append(op.field_type) return tuple(type_list) class AggrOp(object): def __init__(self, op, field, gr_field, field_type): self.op = op self.field = field self.gr_field = gr_field # field name used for the grouping of a set of common entries self.field_type = field_type def new_op(self): return self.op(self.field, self.gr_field, self.field_type) class GrouperModule(object): def __init__(self, name, rules, aggr_ops): = name self.rules = rules self.aggr_ops = aggr_ops # set of the defined aggregation operations, plus 3 implicit operations def match(self, record, group): for rule in self.rules: if not rule.match(record, group): return False return True class GrouperRule(object): def __init__(self, op, old_rec_field, new_record_field, delta=None, relative=False): self.op = op self.old_rec_field = old_rec_field self.new_rec_field = new_record_field = delta self.relative = relative self.is_shortcut = self.check_is_shortcut() # print self.op, self.old_rec_field, self.new_rec_field def check_is_shortcut(self): if if (self.old_rec_field in ('stime', 'etime') and self.new_rec_field in ('stime', 'etime')): return True return False def match(self, record, group): new = getattr(record, self.new_rec_field) if self.relative: old = getattr(group.last_record, self.old_rec_field) else: old = getattr(group.first_record, self.old_rec_field) if if self.op(abs(new - old), return True elif (self.is_shortcut and not self.op(abs(new - old), * options.unsat_delta_threshold_mul )): # print abs(new - old)/1000.0, ( * options.unsat_delta_threshold_mul)/1000.0 raise UnsatisfiableDelta else: return True else: return self.op(old, new) class Group(object): __slots__ = ['modules', 'modules_aggr_ops', 'aggr_ops', 'records', 'first_record', 'last_record', 'satisfiable', 'n_unsatisfiable_deltas', 'max_unsat_deltas'] def __init__(self, first_record, modules, aggr_ops, max_unsat_deltas=options.max_unsatisfiable_deltas): self.first_record = first_record self.last_record = first_record # changes with each new matched record self.modules = modules # list of lists of aggr_ops each corresponding to a module self.modules_aggr_ops = self.create_modules_aggr() self.aggr_ops = self.create_aggr_ops(aggr_ops) self.satisfiable = True self.n_unsatisfiable_deltas = 0 self.max_unsat_deltas = max_unsat_deltas def create_modules_aggr(self): modules_aggr_ops = [] for module in self.modules: aggr = [op.new_op() for op in module.aggr_ops] for op in aggr: op(self.first_record) modules_aggr_ops.append(aggr) return modules_aggr_ops def create_aggr_ops(self, aggr_ops): aggr = [op.new_op() for op in aggr_ops] for op in aggr: op(self.first_record) return aggr def match(self, record): matched = False for module, aggr_ops in zip(self.modules, self.modules_aggr_ops): try: if module.match(record, self): for op in aggr_ops: op(record) matched = True except UnsatisfiableDelta: if matched: continue self.n_unsatisfiable_deltas += 1 if self.n_unsatisfiable_deltas > self.max_unsat_deltas: self.satisfiable = False if matched: # self.aggr_ops contains the fields from the aggregation statement of the grouper module # as well as 3 other implicitly stated aggregation operations (etime, stime, records...) for aggr_op in self.aggr_ops: aggr_op(record) # print aggr_op.gr_field, aggr_op() # print self.records self.n_unsatisfiable_deltas = 0 return True else: return False def export(self): fields = [] for aggr_ops in self.modules_aggr_ops: for op in aggr_ops: fields.append(op()) for op in self.aggr_ops: fields.append(op()) return tuple(fields)