from validator_common import * from copy import deepcopy from tables import UIntCol from merger import MergerStorage from merger import Merger as MergerImpl from merger import MergerBranch as MergerBranchImpl from merger import MergerLastBranch as MergerLastBranchImpl from merger import MergerRejectBranch as MergerRejectBranchImpl from merger import MergerRule as MergerRuleImpl import itertools import allen_ops import pytables import record import options class MergerValidator(object): def __init__(self, parser, gr_filter_validator): self.parser = parser self.gr_filter_validator = gr_filter_validator self.mergers = deepcopy(parser.mergers) # The last field returns a list of the present fields for each branch # ('rec_id', 'etime', 'stime', 'records', 'srcip', 'dstip', 'bytes', 'n', 'flags', 'srcports') # ('rec_id', 'etime', 'stime', 'records', 'srcip', 'dstip', 'bytes', 'n', 'flags', 'dstports') self.branches_fields = gr_filter_validator.branches_fields # A simple dictionary mapptin of branch name to a GroupFilter # {'A': , 'B': } self.br_name_to_gr_filter = gr_filter_validator.br_name_to_gr_filter # Checks that all the defined merger modules are actually exported # Returns a dictionay of a merger name and module implementation self.megers_export_modules = self.find_mergers_export_modules() # Returns the size of the field type of the 'records' field, 4 bytes self.id_size = self.get_id_size() self.impl = self.get_mergers_impl() # Returns the size of the field type of the 'records' field, 4 bytess def get_id_size(self): rec_reader = self.gr_filter_validator.impl[0].records field_types = dict(zip(rec_reader.group_record_fields, rec_reader.group_record_types)) id_size = field_types['records'].itemsize return id_size # Check for duplicate merger names def check_duplicate_merger_names(self): duplicates = {} for merger in self.mergers: old_val = duplicates.setdefault(, 0) duplicates[] = old_val + 1 duplicate_names = [k for k,v in duplicates.iteritems() if v > 1] if len(duplicate_names) > 0: msg = "Merger(s) %s"%duplicate_names msg += " is/are all defined more than once." raise SyntaxError(msg) # Check for duplicate module names def check_duplicate_module_names(self, merger): duplicates = {} for module in merger.modules: old_val = duplicates.setdefault(, 0) duplicates[] = old_val + 1 duplicate_names = [k for k,v in duplicates.iteritems() if v > 1] if len(duplicate_names) > 0: msg = "Module(s) %s"%duplicate_names msg += " is/are all defined more than once in merger" msg += " %s." raise SyntaxError(msg) # Checks that all the defined merger modules are actually exported # Returns a dictionay of a merger name and module implementation def find_mergers_export_modules(self): merger_to_export_module = {} for merger in self.mergers: exp = None for module in merger.modules: if merger.export == exp = module break if exp: merger_to_export_module[] = exp # print merger_to_export_module else: msg = "Merger %s" msg += " export module %s is not defined."%merger.export return merger_to_export_module #--------------------------------------ALLEN CHECKS-------------------------------------# #All the operations on rules are around a sample set like: {'M': Module('m1', 38, [[Rule('EQ', 40, [Field('A.srcip'), Field('B.dstip')], False)], [Rule('EQ', 41, [Field('A.srcports'), Field('B.dstports')], False)], [Rule('LT', 42, [Field('A.bytes'), Field('B.bytes')], False)], [AllenRule('oi', 43, [Field('B'), Field('A')], False), AllenRule('d', 43, [Field('B'), Field('A')], False)]], ['B', 'A'])} #Returns only the Allen rules def iterate_module_allen_op_groups(self, merger): for module in merger.modules: for rules in module.rules: if type(rules[0]) is not AllenRule: continue else: for op in rules: yield op # Orders allen operations and the branches that they influence in a reverse order, if not already so def order_allen_ops_args(self, merger): order = self.get_merger_branches_order(merger)#Orders merger branches, exported module's branches being first arg_combinaions = tuple(itertools.combinations(order, 2))#combinations('ABCD', 2) --> AB AC AD BC BD CD for allen_op in self.iterate_module_allen_op_groups(merger):#Returns only the Allen rules first, second = allen_op.args[:2] # Returns Field('B') Field('A') op = allen_op.op # operations like oi, d if (, not in arg_combinaions: allen_op.args = [second, first] + allen_op.args[2:]# reverse names allen_op.op = allen_ops.inv_op_str(op)# and operations # A number of different checks of the AllenRule def check_allen_ops(self, merger): allen_arg_pairs = [] arg_pairs_to_line = {} for module in merger.modules: for rules in module.rules: if type(rules[0]) is not AllenRule: continue first_arg = rules[0].args[0].name # Get the branch names influenced by the AllenRule second_arg = rules[0].args[1].name line = rules[0].line order = (first_arg, second_arg) allen_arg_pairs.append(order)# [('B', 'A')] self.check_allen_satisfiability(arg_pairs_to_line, order, line) self.check_allen_consistency(first_arg, second_arg, rules) self.check_allen_deltas(rules) self.check_allen_reachability(allen_arg_pairs, merger) # The following 3 methods run different tests on the allen arguments and rules def check_allen_satisfiability(self, arg_pairs_to_line, order, line): if arg_pairs_to_line.has_key(order): msg = "Unsatisfiable Allen op group. " msg += "All allen ops concerning a pair of branches should" msg += " be connected with and OR into a single group " msg += "within a single module.\n" msg += "Argument pair %s on line %s"%(order, line) msg += " is also used on line %s."%arg_pairs_to_line[order] raise SyntaxError(msg) else: arg_pairs_to_line[order] = line def check_allen_consistency(self, first_arg, second_arg, rules): for al_op in rules: first = al_op.args[0].name second = al_op.args[1].name if (first != first_arg or second != second_arg): msg = "Inconsistent group of Allen statements " msg += "on line %s"%rules[0].line msg += ": %s, %s.\n"%(first, second) msg += "All branches in this group should have " msg += "%s and %s"%(first_arg, second_arg) msg += " as left and righthand side arguments " msg += "respectively." raise SyntaxError(msg) def check_allen_deltas(self, rules): for al_op in rules: if al_op.op == 'LT' or al_op.op == 'GT': if len(al_op.args) < 3: msg = "Allen op < or > on line %s "%al_op.line msg += " should have delta explicitly stated." raise SyntaxError(msg) # A check for reachability of subsequent branches from the first one def check_allen_reachability(self, allen_arg_pairs, merger): br_order = self.get_merger_branches_order(merger) # check reachability through allen index from initial branch # of export module: reachable = br_order[0:1] # list of first branch of exp module unreachable = br_order[1:] change = True while(change): change = False for arg1, arg2 in allen_arg_pairs: if arg1 in reachable and arg2 in unreachable: unreachable.remove(arg2) reachable.append(arg2) change = True if len(unreachable) > 0: msg = "Branch(es): %s"%unreachable msg += " in merger %s" msg += " is/are unreachable through an allen op or chain of" msg += " allen ops from the first branch of the exported module" raise SyntaxError(msg) #--------------------------------------END ALLEN CHECKS---------------------------------# # Orders the merger modules s.t. the exported module comes first def order_modules(self): for merger in self.mergers: exp_module = self.megers_export_modules[] new_modules_order = [exp_module] new_modules_order += [m for m in merger.modules if m != exp_module] merger.modules = new_modules_order # Checks that the modules are interconnected among each other with at least one branch def check_for_disjoint_modules(self): for merger in self.mergers: exp_module = self.megers_export_modules[] exp_branches = set(exp_module.branches) for module in merger.modules: branches = set(module.branches) # NOTE & is set intersection if len(exp_branches & branches) < 1: msg = "Merger module %s.%s"%(, msg += " in has no overlaping branches with the" msg += " export module." raise SyntaxError(msg) # Check the validity of the AllenRule, by seeing if the branch names are all defined def check_branch_id_ref(self, rule, module_branches): for arg in rule.args: if type(arg) is Field: id_ref = if id_ref not in self.br_name_to_gr_filter.keys(): msg = 'Branch %s referenced on line'%id_ref msg += ' %s is not defined.'%rule.line raise SyntaxError(msg) if id_ref not in module_branches: msg = 'Branch %s referenced on line'%id_ref msg += " %s "%rule.line msg += "is not in module's branches statement." raise SyntaxError(msg) # Check the validity of the Rule, GrouperRule and statements like A.bytes def check_qid_field_ref(self, rule, module_branches): for arg in rule.args: if type(arg) is Field: qid_field = branch, _, field = qid_field.partition('.') #Separates statements like A.bytes try: if field not in self.branches_fields[branch]: msg = 'Wrong field %s on line %s. '%(qid_field, rule.line) msg += 'Branch %s does not have field %s.'%(branch, field) raise SyntaxError(msg) except KeyError: msg = 'Branch %s referenced on line'%branch msg += ' %s is not defined'%rule.line raise SyntaxError(msg) if branch not in module_branches: msg = 'Branch %s referenced on line'%branch msg += " %s "%rule.line msg += "is not in module's branches statement." raise SyntaxError(msg) # Orders merger branches with the exported module's branches being first def get_merger_branches_order(self, merger): br_order = [] # first add export module for module in merger.modules: if == merger.export: for br in module.branches: if br not in br_order: br_order.append(br) # add all the others: for module in merger.modules: for br in module.branches: if br not in br_order: br_order.append(br) return br_order # def order_merger_rules(self, merger): """ Produces mapping between incrementally larger available branches tuples (A,B,C,etc) ordered as they will appear in the implementation. """ br_order = self.get_merger_branches_order(merger) needed_brs_to_rule = {} for module in merger.modules: replace_with_vals(module) replace_bound_rules(module) for rules in module.rules: rule_branches = self.get_rule_needed_branches(rules[0]) ordered_branches = tuple(br for br in br_order if br in rule_branches) if len(rules) > 1: rule = Rule('or_op', 0, rules) else: rule = rules[0] needed_brs_to_rule.setdefault(ordered_branches, []).append(rule) avail_to_rules = {} tup = () # create sets - needed for the set intersection operation needed_sets = map(set, needed_brs_to_rule.keys()) # incrementaly add branches to the tuple of available branches # and check which rules have their branch needs satisfied for br in br_order: tup += (br,) # find how many of the needed branches are in this tuple # of branches. It makes elementwise intesection of the sets # of the needed branches and the tuple of available branches intersect = map(set(tup).intersection , needed_sets ) for el, intersection, key in zip(needed_sets , intersect, needed_brs_to_rule.keys()): if len(intersection) == len(el): # Lenght is the same, which means all needed branches # are present. Remove these elements, take the rules from # the needed_brs_to_rule and delete the key their to # keep the zip() in sync needed_sets.remove(el) avail_to_rules[tup] = needed_brs_to_rule[key] del needed_brs_to_rule[key] return avail_to_rules # def get_rule_needed_branches(self, rule): args_list = set() for sub_rule in iterate_subrules(rule): for arg in sub_rule.args: if type(arg) is Field: args_list.add( for arg in rule.args: if type(arg) is Field: args_list.add( if type(rule) is AllenRule: return list(args_list) else: return [qid.partition('.')[0] for qid in args_list] # Validates the correctness of the merger stage def validate(self): self.check_duplicate_merger_names() for merger in self.mergers: self.check_duplicate_module_names(merger) for module in merger.modules: # Checks the whole rule list to see that all # the rules fall into [Rule, GrouperRule, AllenRule] # Returns the actual rules for rule in iterate_rules(module): # Checks that all the rule entries are correctly specified if type(rule) is AllenRule: self.check_branch_id_ref(rule, module.branches) else: self.check_qid_field_ref(rule, module.branches) # Orders allen operations and the branches that they influence in a reverse order self.order_allen_ops_args(merger) # Performs several checks on the branches and the operations (consistency, reachability, etc.) self.check_allen_ops(merger) # Orders the merger modules s.t. the exported module comes first self.order_modules() # Checks that the modules are interconnected among each other with at least one branch self.check_for_disjoint_modules() # Get the allen indexing operations for each branch. def get_branches_allen_index_ops(self, merger): """ Get the allen indexing operations for each branch. """ br_to_allen_ind_ops = {} for module in merger.modules: for rules in module.rules: if type(rules[0]) != AllenRule: continue br = rules[0].args[0].name br_to_allen_ind_ops.setdefault(br, []).append(rules) return br_to_allen_ind_ops # def get_rule_impl(self, rule, br_to_record): if type(rule) == AllenRule: op = find_op(rule, module='allen_ops') args = [ (, None) if type(arg) == Field else arg for arg in rule.args] else: args = [] op = find_op(rule) for arg in rule.args: if type(arg) == Rule: arg_impl = self.get_rule_impl(arg, br_to_record) elif type(arg) == Field: branch, _, field ='.') arg_impl = (branch, field) else: arg_impl = arg args.append(arg_impl) return MergerRuleImpl(op, args, br_to_record) # Create indexing rules implementation for AllenRules def get_index_rule_impl(self, rules): res = [] for or_rules in rules: or_rules_impl = [] for rule in or_rules: op = find_op(rule, 'allen_index') args = [ if type(arg) == Field else arg for arg in rule.args] # replace with values args = [arg.value if type(arg) == Arg else arg for arg in args] #[, ] or_rules_impl.append(op(*args)) res.append(or_rules_impl) return res # Creates a file MergedM.h5 for further storage of the merged files def get_merger_table_impl(self, merger): fields = self.megers_export_modules[].branches types = [UIntCol(self.id_size) for _ in fields] field_types = dict(zip(fields,types)) recordClass = record.get_record_class(fields, types) # TODO fix file names fname = options.temp_path + options.merger_file_prefix fname += + ".h5" if options.delete_temp_files: if_exists_delete(fname) pytables.create_table_file(fname, field_types) mergerTable = FlowRecordsTable(fname) return MergerStorage(, mergerTable, recordClass) # Actual implementation of the merger stage def get_merger_impl(self, merger): # Create merger storage merger_table = self.get_merger_table_impl(merger) # Create indexing rules implementation br_to_index_rule_impl = {} # {'B': [[AllenRule('oi', 43, [Field('B'), Field('A')], False), AllenRule('d', 43, [Field('B'), Field('A')], False)]]} for br, rules in self.get_branches_allen_index_ops(merger).iteritems(): br_to_index_rule_impl[br] = self.get_index_rule_impl(rules)# List of allen index rules implemented for br in self.get_merger_branches_order(merger):#orders branches with the exported branch being first if br not in br_to_index_rule_impl.keys(): br_to_index_rule_impl[br] = [] # some "globals" shared among branches or needed for their creation needed_brs = self.order_merger_rules(merger) # Re-orders the rules as they will appear in the implementation tup = () # tuple of available branches name = br_order = self.get_merger_branches_order(merger) # Returns reversely-ordered branch names of the merger export_branches = self.megers_export_modules[].branches # Returns branch names contained in the export module br_to_record = {} name_to_branch = {} merger_impl = None for br_name in br_order: # For each branch in the ordered branch set tup += (br_name,) next_branches_names = [br for br in br_order if br not in tup] records = self.br_name_to_gr_filter[br_name] # Group-filters associated with each branch index_rules = br_to_index_rule_impl[br_name] # Allen index rule associated with each branch index = records.index # Time index object if len(tup)<2: # If tuple contains only one branch, then execute the initial Merger class # first branch rules = [] impl = MergerImpl(name, br_name, records, name_to_branch, next_branches_names, export_branches, br_to_record, index, index_rules, rules, merger_table) merger_impl = impl else: unimpl_rules = needed_brs[tup] rules = [self.get_rule_impl(rule, br_to_record) for rule in unimpl_rules] if br_name not in export_branches: # Reject branch impl = MergerRejectBranchImpl(br_name, records, name_to_branch, next_branches_names, export_branches, br_to_record, index, index_rules, rules, merger_table) elif not next_branches_names: # Last non-rejecting branch impl = MergerLastBranchImpl(br_name, records, name_to_branch, next_branches_names, export_branches, br_to_record, index, index_rules, rules, merger_table) else: # For normal middle branches execute the MergerBranch class impl = MergerBranchImpl(br_name, records, name_to_branch, next_branches_names, export_branches, br_to_record, index, index_rules, rules, merger_table) name_to_branch[br_name] = impl return merger_impl def get_mergers_impl(self): self.validate() mergers_impl = [self.get_merger_impl(merger) for merger in self.mergers] return mergers_impl