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from math import floor, ceil
def inv_op_str(op_name_string):
inverse = {
'LT' : 'GT',
'GT' : 'LT',
'm' : 'mi',
'mi' : 'm',
'o' : 'oi',
'oi' : 'o',
's' : 'si',
'si' : 's',
'd' : 'di',
'di' : 'd',
'f' : 'fi',
'fi' : 'f',
'=' : '='
return inverse[op_name_string]
class AllenOpIndex(object):
def __init__(self, index):
def LT(self, x, delta):
X < Y
x before y
return x.Last, x.Last + delta
def GT(self, x, delta):
X > Y
x after y
return x.First - delta, x.stime
def m(self, x, delta=1):
X m Y
x meets y (x starts before y)
y should occur at end of x
return x.Last, x.Last + delta
def mi(self, x, delta=1):
X mi Y
inverse x meets y (x starts after y)
y should occur at the beginning of x
return x.First - delta, x.stime
def o(self, x, delta=1):
X o Y
x overlaps y (x starts before y)
y should occur at the end of x
return x.Last-delta, x.Last+delta
def oi(self, x, delta=1):
X oi Y
inverse x overlaps y (x starts after y)
return x.First, x.stime
def d(self, x, delta=0):
X d Y
x during y
return x.First, x.stime
def di(self, x, delta=0):
X di Y
inverse x during y (y during x)
return x.First, x.Last
def f(self, x, delta=1):
X f Y
x finishes y (x starts after y, x and y end together)
# delta disregarded here
return x.Last - delta, x.Last + delta
def fi(self, x, delta=1):
X fi Y
inverse x finishes y (x is finished by y)
return x.Last - delta, x.Last + delta
def s(self, x, delta=1):
X s Y
x starts y (x ends before y, x and y starts together)
return x.First - delta, x.stime + delta
def si(self, x, delta=1):
X si Y
inverse x starts y (x is started by y)
# delta disregarded here
return x.First - delta, x.stime + delta
def EQ(self, x, delta=1):
X = Y
X lasts the same time as Y
# delta disregarded here
return int((x.First + x.Last)/2) - delta, int((x.stime +
x.Last)/2) + delta
def composite_intervals(self, op_x_delta_tuples):
intervals = set()
for op_x_delta in op_x_delta_tuples:
op = op_x_delta[0]
args = op_x_delta[1:]
intervals.update(getattr(self, op)(*args))
res = list(intervals)
return res
def LT(x, y, delta=0):
X < Y
x before y
return x.Last < y.First
def GT(x, y, delta=1):
X > Y
x after y
return x.First > y.Last
def m(x, y, delta=1):
X m Y
x meets y (x starts before y)
y should occur at end of x
return abs(x.Last - y.First) < delta
def mi(x, y, delta=1):
X mi Y
inverse x meets y (x starts after y)
y should occur at the beginning of x
return abs(x.First - y.Last) < delta
def o(x, y, delta=1):
X o Y
x overlaps y (x starts before y)
y should occur at the end of x
return y.First < x.Last < y.Last
def oi(x, y, delta=1):
X oi Y
inverse x overlaps y (x starts after y)
return y.First < x.stime < y.Last
def d(x, y, delta=0):
X d Y
x during y
return y.First < x.stime and x.Last < y.Last
def di(x, y, delta=0):
X di Y
inverse x during y (y during x)
return y.First > x.stime and x.Last > y.Last
def f(x, y, delta=1):
X f Y
x finishes y (x starts after y, x and y end together)
# delta disregarded here
return x.First > y.Last and abs(x.Last - y.Last) < delta
def fi(x, y, delta=1):
X fi Y
inverse x finishes y (x is finished by y)
return x.First < y.Last and abs(x.Last - y.Last) < delta
def s(x, y, delta=1):
X s Y
x starts y (x ends before y, x and y start together)
return x.Last < y.Last and abs(x.First - y.stime) < delta
def si(x, y, delta=1):
X si Y
inverse x starts y (x is started by y)
# delta disregarded here
return x.Last > y.Last and abs(x.First - y.stime) < delta
def EQ(x, y, delta=1):
X fi Y
inverse x finishes y (x is finished by y)
# delta disregarded here
return abs(x.First - y.stime) < delta and abs(x.Last - y.Last) < delta