You cannot select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

151 lines
6.3 KiB

import options
from copy import deepcopy
from validator_common import *
from groupfilter import Rule as RuleImpl
from groupfilter import GroupFilter as GroupFilterImpl
from groupfilter import AcceptGroupFilter as AcceptGroupFilterImpl
from operators import NOT
from timeindex import TimeIndex
import time
class GroupFilterValidator(object):
# The initiation of the GroupFilterValidator happens only ones.
def __init__(self, parser, grouper_validator):
self.parser = parser
self.grouper_validator = grouper_validator
self.filters = deepcopy(parser.group_filters)
self.branches_fields = self.get_branches_fields()
self.br_name_to_grouper = grouper_validator.br_name_to_grouper
self.br_name_to_gr_filter = {}
self.impl = self.create_impl()
def check_duplicate_filter_names(self):
duplicates = {}
for filter in self.filters:
old_val = duplicates.setdefault(, 0)
duplicates[] = old_val + 1
duplicate_names = [k for k,v in duplicates.iteritems() if v > 1]
if len(duplicate_names) > 0:
msg = "Group filter(s) %s"%duplicate_names
msg += " is/are all defined more than once."
raise SyntaxError(msg)
def check_field_refs(self):
"Check record field references, for unknown fields"
for filter in self.filters:
for rule in iterate_rules(filter):
for branch in filter.branches:
for arg in rule.args:
if type(arg) is Field:
if in self.branches_fields[branch]:
msg = 'There is no such field %s, '
msg += 'referenced at line %s'%rule.line
raise SyntaxError(msg)
def get_branches_fields(self):
branches_fields = {}
for grouper in self.grouper_validator.impl:
branches_fields[grouper.branch_name] = grouper.group_record_fields
return branches_fields
def validate(self):
def check_for_unused_filters(self):
for filter in self.filters:
if len(filter.branches) == 0:
msg = "Warning groupfilter %s "
msg += "defined on line %s"%filter.line
msg += " is not used in any branch."
print msg
continue # skips unused filters
def get_rule_impl(self, rule):
op = find_op(rule)
args = [self.get_rule_impl(arg) if type(arg) == Rule else arg
for arg in rule.args]
impl = RuleImpl(None, NOT(op) if rule.NOT else op, args)
return impl
def get_rules_impl(self, filter):
rules_impl = []
for or_rule in filter.rules:
or_rule_list = []
for rule in or_rule:
impl = self.get_rule_impl(rule)
return rules_impl
def create_impl(self):
#start = time.clock()
#print "GF validation started at:", start
group_filters_impl = []
for filter in self.filters:
rules_impl = self.get_rules_impl(filter)
for br_name in filter.branches:
records = self.br_name_to_grouper[br_name]
index = TimeIndex(5000)
grouper = records
# TODO: dont use pytables here
#field_types = dict(zip(grouper.group_record_fields,
# grouper.group_record_types))
# print records
#fname = options.temp_path + options.groups_file_prefix
#fname += br_name+".h5"
#if options.delete_temp_files: if_exists_delete(fname)
#file = pytables.create_table_file(fname, field_types)
#groups_table = pytables.FlowRecordsTable(fname) # Create separate table files for each of the branches
filt_impl = GroupFilterImpl(rules_impl, records, br_name,
groups_table, index)
self.br_name_to_gr_filter = dict((filt.branch_name, filt)
for filt in group_filters_impl)
# Check for branches that don't have group filters and and put accept
# filters on them
for br_name in self.br_name_to_grouper.keys():
if br_name not in self.br_name_to_gr_filter.keys():
# print "We get here if the group-filter is removed"
records = self.br_name_to_grouper[br_name]
index = TimeIndex(5000)
grouper = records
# TODO: dont use pytables here
#field_types = dict(zip(grouper.group_record_fields,
# grouper.group_record_types))
#fname = options.temp_path + options.groups_file_prefix
#fname += br_name+".h5"
#if options.delete_temp_files: if_exists_delete(fname)
#file = pytables.create_table_file(fname, field_types)
#groups_table = pytables.FlowRecordsTable(fname)
filt_impl = AcceptGroupFilterImpl(records, br_name,
groups_table, index) # This class is called in case some branch is missing
# the definition of a group-filter. Essentially a plain
# GroupFilter, but with no rules as an argument.
self.br_name_to_gr_filter[br_name] = filt_impl
#time_elapsed = (time.clock() - start)
#print "GF Validation required:", time_elapsed
return group_filters_impl