142 lines
3.6 KiB
142 lines
3.6 KiB
from parser import Parser
from filter_validator import FilterValidator
from splitter_validator import SplitterValidator
from grouper_validator import GrouperValidator
from groupfilter_validator import GroupFilterValidator
from merger_validator import MergerValidator
from ungrouper_validator import UngrouperValidator
from threading import Thread
import options
import profiler
import time
start = time.clock()
print start
def run(filename):
#valstart_elapsed = (time.clock() - start)
#print "Parsing and validation started:", valstart_elapsed
p = Parser()
file = open(filename)
doc = file.read()
#inps = get_inputs_list(p)
#print get_input_fields_types(inps[0])
# hdf_file = "../testFT2.h5"
# r = pytables.FlowRecordsTable(hdf_file)
# recordReader = record.RecordReader(r)
f = FilterValidator(p)
# fl = f.impl
s = SplitterValidator(p, f)
spl = s.impl
gr = GrouperValidator(p, s)
# grs = gr.impl
gr_filt = GroupFilterValidator(p, gr)
# Returns a number of group-filter instances
# with accordance to the number of branches.
gr_filters = gr_filt.impl
mr = MergerValidator(p, gr_filt)
mergers = mr.impl
#valend_elapsed = (time.clock() - start)
#print "Parsing and validation finished:", valend_elapsed
splitter_thread = Thread(target=spl.go)
gf_threads = [Thread(target=gf.go)for gf in gr_filters]
splitter_elapsed = (time.clock() - start)
print "Splitter time estarted:", splitter_elapsed
groupfil_start= (time.clock() - start)
print "Group filter time started:", groupfil_start
for gf_thread in gf_threads:
#Originally it was after gf_thread.start()
print "Splitter finished"
splitter_elapsed = (time.clock() - start)
print "Splitter time elapsed:", splitter_elapsed
for gf_thread in gf_threads:
groupfil_elapsed = (time.clock() - start)
print "Group filter threads joined:", groupfil_elapsed
merger_threads = [Thread(target=m.go()) for m in mergers]
for merger_thread in merger_threads:
for merger_thread in merger_threads:
merger_elapsed = (time.clock() - start)
print "Merger time elapsed:", merger_elapsed
ung = UngrouperValidator(p, mr)
ungroupers = ung.impl
ungrouper_threads = [Thread(target=u.go) for u in ungroupers]
for ungrouper_thread in ungrouper_threads:
for ungrouper_thread in ungrouper_threads:
# profiler.profile_off()
# import pickle
# stats = profiler.get_profile_stats()
# sorted_stats = sorted(stats.iteritems(), key=lambda a: a[1][1]/a[1][0])
# for st in sorted_stats:
# print st
# print ' '
print "FINISHED!"
overall_elapsed = (time.clock() - start)
print "Overall time elapsed:", overall_elapsed
# fname = mergers[0].merger_table.tuples_table.file_path
# print fname
import ft2hdf
if __name__ == '__main__':
options.delete_temp_files = True
import ply
# import profiler
# profiler.profile_on()
# profiler.profile_off()
# import pickle
# stats = profiler.get_profile_stats()
# sorted_stats = sorted(stats.iteritems(), key=lambda a: a[1][0])
# for st in sorted_stats:
# print st
# f = open('./profile_stats1', 'w')
# pickle.dump(sorted_stats,f)