test.sh Test fails on Fedora 31/Rawhide #75

opened 3 years ago by josch · 0 comments
josch commented 3 years ago

By Georg Sauthoff on 2020-04-26T13:47:44.279Z

I've just updated the Fedora package to 0.3.4 and ran the tests:

+ bash -x test.sh
+ set -eu
++ mktemp --directory --tmpdir img2pdf.XXXXXXXXXX
+ tempdir=/tmp/img2pdf.2Nz4kwUSjD
+ trap error EXIT
+ python3 magick.py /tmp/img2pdf.2Nz4kwUSjD
+ cat
+ cd /tmp/img2pdf.2Nz4kwUSjD
+ md5sum --check --status -
+ '[' -z ']'
+ img2pdfprog=src/img2pdf.py
Test 1/51 JPEG
+ tests=51
+ j=1
+ echo 'Test 1/51 JPEG'
+ convert /tmp/img2pdf.2Nz4kwUSjD/normal.png /tmp/img2pdf.2Nz4kwUSjD/normal.jpg
+ identify -verbose /tmp/img2pdf.2Nz4kwUSjD/normal.jpg
+ grep --quiet '^  Format: JPEG (Joint Photographic Experts Group JFIF format)$'
+ identify -verbose /tmp/img2pdf.2Nz4kwUSjD/normal.jpg
+ grep --quiet '^  Mime type: image/jpeg$'
+ identify -verbose /tmp/img2pdf.2Nz4kwUSjD/normal.jpg
+ grep --quiet '^  Geometry: 60x60+0+0$'
+ identify -verbose /tmp/img2pdf.2Nz4kwUSjD/normal.jpg
+ grep --quiet '^  Colorspace: sRGB$'
+ identify -verbose /tmp/img2pdf.2Nz4kwUSjD/normal.jpg
+ grep --quiet '^  Type: TrueColor$'
+ identify -verbose /tmp/img2pdf.2Nz4kwUSjD/normal.jpg
+ grep --quiet '^  Depth: 8-bit$'
+ identify -verbose /tmp/img2pdf.2Nz4kwUSjD/normal.jpg
+ grep --quiet '^  Page geometry: 60x60+0+0$'
+ identify -verbose /tmp/img2pdf.2Nz4kwUSjD/normal.jpg
+ grep --quiet '^  Compression: JPEG$'
+ img2pdf /tmp/img2pdf.2Nz4kwUSjD/normal.jpg /tmp/img2pdf.2Nz4kwUSjD/out.pdf
+ src/img2pdf.py --without-pdfrw --producer= --nodate /tmp/img2pdf.2Nz4kwUSjD/normal.jpg
+ error
+ echo test 1 failed
test 1 failed
intermediate data is left in /tmp/img2pdf.2Nz4kwUSjD
+ echo intermediate data is left in /tmp/img2pdf.2Nz4kwUSjD
+ exit 1

(cf. https://download.copr.fedorainfracloud.org/results/gsauthof/fedora/fedora-31-x86_64/01350160-python-img2pdf/build.log.gz)

Similar error under rawhide.

The python unittests execute successfully.

Since the test script is redireting stderr to /dev/null potentially helpful error messages aren't part of the log:

082f999ac8/test.sh (L124)

By josch on 2020-04-26T14:20:04.803Z

Thanks for reporting that issue!

I see that you are running test.sh with bash -x. Note that the script does not require bash. A posix shell is sufficient. The reason that stderr is redirected to /dev/null is indeed just for brevity in the normal case. Maybe a better way would be to output status messages on stdout and debug messages on stderr -- that way one can just call ./test.sh 2>/dev/null for the short output and simply ./test.sh for verbose output. Another way would be using an environment variable or a cli switch.

What is the simplest way to obtain a fedora chroot tarball? I'd like to investigate what's going on.

Did you try running the script without this redirection to /dev/null?

By Georg Sauthoff on 2020-04-26T15:47:18.834Z

Perhaps the simplest way to get a Fedora chroot is to install it with dnf, e.g. similar to this description: https://unix.stackexchange.com/a/444696/1131

A definitely faster way to get a Fedora system is to install one of the small pre-packaged virt images with virt-builder. You can then either run the image with qemu or copy / out of the image into a chroot directory with virt-copy-out.

I've removed the redirection and the resulting output shows what causes the error - the img2pdf.py script is interpreted as shell script. This is caused by my package stripping the bang line of img2pdf.py before installing it. This is done to comply with Fedora's packaging policy, which requires that all package files are installed without such bang lines.

I've patched the call in test.sh and restarted the job:


With that now the first test completes successfully, but the 2nd fails because of a grep not matching expected output, it seems.

Regarding verbose test output: I would simply use pytest for such a test suite instead of a big shell script. With pytest you can still easily execute a bunch of external commands with subprocess but you don't have to re-invent the wheel for counting errors, dealing with too much/not enough output, etc. You could even execute shell pipelines with e.g. subprocess....('.....', universal_newlines=True, shell=True). With Pytest you have this killer feature: Pytest automagically captures all the stdout/stderr of each test and only presents it if the test fails. This also works with output produced by external programs.

With Pytest you would also automatically get standard features like continuing with remaining tests in case of a test failure and then get a summary of number of failed/succeeded tests. All useful stuff you don't have if you start from scratch with a shell script.

By josch on 2020-04-26T16:29:39.776Z

I'm puzzled -- how does Fedora then start any script if shebang lines must be stripped?

Yes, the grep line that fails makes sure that the resulting image indeed has orientation=6 as it was set by exiftool beforehand. Since the test works fine on Debian I'll have to create myself a fedora chroot and see what the difference is.

I agree that pytest is superior to the shell script. It's just that I currently don't have time to rewrite a 1500 line shell script in Python. If somebody has time for doing the conversion and sends in a merge request, I'll definitely accept it though.

By Georg Sauthoff on 2020-04-26T16:35:57.195Z

Well, the rule applies only to Python files that end up under /usr/lib/.../site-packages/ not ones under /usr/*bin/. With Python packages, the main script under /usr/*bin usually is autogenerated by setup.pyand just a small shim that calls the package's entry point.

By josch on 2020-04-26T16:53:41.340Z

I installed the Requires and BuildRequires from here: https://copr-dist-git.fedorainfracloud.org/cgit/gsauthof/fedora/python-img2pdf.git/tree/python-img2pdf.spec but when running test.sh I get cmp: command not found. I installed the package diffutils which fixes this problem. Maybe that's a missing build dependency?

I also figured out why that grep fails. The imagemagick version in fedora ( does not output the exif:Orientation: 6 line at all. The version in Debian is and I didn't see any such change in the changelog of imagemagick... weird...

By josch on 2020-04-26T17:11:07.217Z

commit 9d184ad0cd makes test.sh work both in debian unstable and fedora 31

By Georg Sauthoff on 2020-04-26T18:55:07.581Z

diffutils is a dependency of rpm-build which is guaranteed to be available in a Fedora buildroot environment. Thus, adding diffutils as explicit direct dependency to the img2pdf package would introduce a superfluous dependency.

I've added your commit as a patch to my package and now the build succeeds on Fedora 31. :-)

Unfortunately, the Rawhide build breaks because of another issue: :-(

RROR:root:error: 'NoneType' object has no attribute 'read'
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "src/img2pdf.py", line 3493, in main
  File "src/img2pdf.py", line 1891, in convert
    ) in read_images(rawdata, kwargs["colorspace"], kwargs["first_frame_only"]):
  File "src/img2pdf.py", line 1321, in read_images
  File "/usr/lib64/python3.8/site-packages/PIL/PngImagePlugin.py", line 748, in seek
  File "/usr/lib64/python3.8/site-packages/PIL/PngImagePlugin.py", line 791, in _seek
    cid, pos, length = self.png.read()
AttributeError: 'NoneType' object has no attribute 'read'


What do you think? Issue inside the more recent PIL/pillow or how the 'old' API is used?

Rawhide has these versions:

DEBUG util.py:623:   python3-devel                       x86_64 3.8.2-2.fc33           fedora 202 k
DEBUG util.py:623:   python3-pillow                      x86_64 7.1.1-1.fc33           fedora 669 k


Whereas Fedora 31 is at Python 3.7 and Pillow 6.2.2.

By Georg Sauthoff on 2020-04-26T18:58:51.546Z

PS: Btw, my Firefox complains that some images are delivered over http for this Gitlab instance instead of https like the rest ('connection not secure').

As a consequence I can't add a thumps-up reaction to your last comment. :-)

By Georg Sauthoff on 2020-04-26T19:02:36.859Z

Ok, it's a Pillow bug, upstream fixed this in 7.1.2: https://github.com/python-pillow/Pillow/issues/4518#issuecomment-619461664

By josch on 2020-04-26T19:23:58.669Z

wrt diffutils: ah okay, we have the same in debian called build-essential packages

wrt http: yes, the http thing comes from these pesky gravatar images... but that's not the biggest problem -- i really should update this gitlab to a more recent version...

wrt pillow: okay, so I guess that there is actually nothing more for me to do about this?

By Georg Sauthoff on 2020-04-26T19:33:09.624Z

Yes, the new Pillow version should already be available in Rawhide. I'll give it some hours to arrive in Copr. I'll retry the build tomorrow.

By Georg Sauthoff on 2020-04-28T21:18:16.528Z

I've good and bad news. ;-)

First the good: COPR builds now complete successfully, after a rawhide sync.

I've pushed the updates to the main repository.

The bad: Unfortunately, there is again a case where the test suite fails on aarch64 (under Fedora 32):


i.e. see the bottom of https://kojipkgs.fedoraproject.org//work/tasks/6546/43886546/build.log:

+ bash -x test.sh
+ set -eu
++ mktemp --directory --tmpdir img2pdf.XXXXXXXXXX
+ tempdir=/tmp/img2pdf.OpcbwwPvHI
+ trap error EXIT
+ python3 magick.py /tmp/img2pdf.OpcbwwPvHI
+ cat
+ cd /tmp/img2pdf.OpcbwwPvHI
+ md5sum --check --status -
+ error
test.sh: line 84: j: unbound variable
error: Bad exit status from /var/tmp/rpm-tmp.vHTGGL (%check)
    Bad exit status from /var/tmp/rpm-tmp.vHTGGL (%check)
RPM build errors:
Child return code was: 1
EXCEPTION: [Error()]
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/usr/lib/python3.7/site-packages/mockbuild/trace_decorator.py", line 93, in trace
    result = func(*args, **kw)
  File "/usr/lib/python3.7/site-packages/mockbuild/util.py", line 755, in do_with_status
    raise exception.Error("Command failed: \n # %s\n%s" % (command, output), child.returncode)

For comparison, when I force the build to x86_64, it succeeds:


By josch on 2020-04-28T21:26:06.337Z

This is indeed bad news. I wrote magick.py specifically to have control over every bit of the test input and not depend on subtle changes in imagemagick. Additionally, there is no problem on Debian arm64... sigh...

By josch on 2020-04-29T00:21:41.262Z

it's the dreaded zlib... python's zlib.compress() yields different results on arm64 on fedora than on x86_64...

By josch on 2020-04-29T11:04:16.839Z

Stay tuned, I'm currently writing my own implementation of zlib.compress() in pure Python to fix this.

By josch on 2020-04-29T16:43:52.890Z

With commit 559d42cd4a the problem should be solved because the zlib payload is now generated in Python without the zlib module (which is only used for its checksum functions).

By Georg Sauthoff on 2020-04-30T18:52:57.409Z

Ok, this reminds me of #51. ;)

I can confirm that the fix works with Fedora Rawhide/32 on x86_64 and aarch64.

The package push to Feodra Rawhide, 31 and 32 is now complete and the current img2pdf in available in the stable repos in 7 days or less.

By Georg Sauthoff on 2020-04-30T18:52:57.587Z

Status changed to closed

By josch on 2020-04-30T20:20:10.044Z

yup, it's precisely the problem from #51 XD

I just made a new release with this fix then you don't have to carry a patch. Thanks for verifying that this works!

By josch on 2020-05-27T22:06:15.456Z

Mentioned in merge request !6

*By Georg Sauthoff on 2020-04-26T13:47:44.279Z* I've just updated the Fedora package to 0.3.4 and ran the tests: ``` + bash -x test.sh + set -eu ++ mktemp --directory --tmpdir img2pdf.XXXXXXXXXX + tempdir=/tmp/img2pdf.2Nz4kwUSjD + trap error EXIT + python3 magick.py /tmp/img2pdf.2Nz4kwUSjD + cat + cd /tmp/img2pdf.2Nz4kwUSjD + md5sum --check --status - + '[' -z ']' + img2pdfprog=src/img2pdf.py Test 1/51 JPEG + tests=51 + j=1 + echo 'Test 1/51 JPEG' + convert /tmp/img2pdf.2Nz4kwUSjD/normal.png /tmp/img2pdf.2Nz4kwUSjD/normal.jpg + identify -verbose /tmp/img2pdf.2Nz4kwUSjD/normal.jpg + grep --quiet '^ Format: JPEG (Joint Photographic Experts Group JFIF format)$' + identify -verbose /tmp/img2pdf.2Nz4kwUSjD/normal.jpg + grep --quiet '^ Mime type: image/jpeg$' + identify -verbose /tmp/img2pdf.2Nz4kwUSjD/normal.jpg + grep --quiet '^ Geometry: 60x60+0+0$' + identify -verbose /tmp/img2pdf.2Nz4kwUSjD/normal.jpg + grep --quiet '^ Colorspace: sRGB$' + identify -verbose /tmp/img2pdf.2Nz4kwUSjD/normal.jpg + grep --quiet '^ Type: TrueColor$' + identify -verbose /tmp/img2pdf.2Nz4kwUSjD/normal.jpg + grep --quiet '^ Depth: 8-bit$' + identify -verbose /tmp/img2pdf.2Nz4kwUSjD/normal.jpg + grep --quiet '^ Page geometry: 60x60+0+0$' + identify -verbose /tmp/img2pdf.2Nz4kwUSjD/normal.jpg + grep --quiet '^ Compression: JPEG$' + img2pdf /tmp/img2pdf.2Nz4kwUSjD/normal.jpg /tmp/img2pdf.2Nz4kwUSjD/out.pdf + src/img2pdf.py --without-pdfrw --producer= --nodate /tmp/img2pdf.2Nz4kwUSjD/normal.jpg + error + echo test 1 failed test 1 failed intermediate data is left in /tmp/img2pdf.2Nz4kwUSjD + echo intermediate data is left in /tmp/img2pdf.2Nz4kwUSjD + exit 1 ``` (cf. https://download.copr.fedorainfracloud.org/results/gsauthof/fedora/fedora-31-x86_64/01350160-python-img2pdf/build.log.gz) Similar error under rawhide. The python unittests execute successfully. Since the test script is redireting stderr to /dev/null potentially helpful error messages aren't part of the log: https://gitlab.mister-muffin.de/josch/img2pdf/blob/082f999ac80a235d8256e928971aeaffe3cee40b/test.sh#L124 --- *By josch on 2020-04-26T14:20:04.803Z* --- Thanks for reporting that issue! I see that you are running test.sh with `bash -x`. Note that the script does not require bash. A posix shell is sufficient. The reason that stderr is redirected to /dev/null is indeed just for brevity in the normal case. Maybe a better way would be to output status messages on stdout and debug messages on stderr -- that way one can just call `./test.sh 2>/dev/null` for the short output and simply `./test.sh` for verbose output. Another way would be using an environment variable or a cli switch. What is the simplest way to obtain a fedora chroot tarball? I'd like to investigate what's going on. Did you try running the script without this redirection to /dev/null? --- *By Georg Sauthoff on 2020-04-26T15:47:18.834Z* --- Perhaps the simplest way to get a Fedora chroot is to install it with dnf, e.g. similar to this description: https://unix.stackexchange.com/a/444696/1131 A definitely faster way to get a Fedora system is to install one of the small pre-packaged virt images with `virt-builder`. You can then either run the image with qemu or copy `/` out of the image into a chroot directory with `virt-copy-out`. I've removed the redirection and the [resulting output](https://download.copr.fedorainfracloud.org/results/gsauthof/fedora/fedora-31-x86_64/01350917-python-img2pdf/build.log.gz) shows what causes the error - the `img2pdf.py` script is interpreted as shell script. This is caused by my package stripping the bang line of `img2pdf.py` before installing it. This is done to comply with Fedora's packaging policy, which requires that all package files are installed without such bang lines. I've patched the call in test.sh and restarted the job: https://download.copr.fedorainfracloud.org/results/gsauthof/fedora/fedora-31-x86_64/01350921-python-img2pdf/build.log.gz With that now the first test completes successfully, but the 2nd fails because of a grep not matching expected output, it seems. Regarding verbose test output: I would simply use pytest for such a test suite instead of a big shell script. With pytest you can still easily execute a bunch of external commands with `subprocess` but you don't have to re-invent the wheel for counting errors, dealing with too much/not enough output, etc. You could even execute shell pipelines with e.g. `subprocess....('.....', universal_newlines=True, shell=True)`. With Pytest you have this killer feature: Pytest automagically captures all the stdout/stderr of each test and only presents it if the test fails. This also works with output produced by external programs. With Pytest you would also automatically get standard features like continuing with remaining tests in case of a test failure and then get a summary of number of failed/succeeded tests. All useful stuff you don't have if you start from scratch with a shell script. --- *By josch on 2020-04-26T16:29:39.776Z* --- I'm puzzled -- how does Fedora then start any script if shebang lines must be stripped? Yes, the grep line that fails makes sure that the resulting image indeed has orientation=6 as it was set by exiftool beforehand. Since the test works fine on Debian I'll have to create myself a fedora chroot and see what the difference is. I agree that pytest is superior to the shell script. It's just that I currently don't have time to rewrite a 1500 line shell script in Python. If somebody has time for doing the conversion and sends in a merge request, I'll definitely accept it though. --- *By Georg Sauthoff on 2020-04-26T16:35:57.195Z* --- Well, the rule applies only to Python files that end up under `/usr/lib/.../site-packages/` not ones under `/usr/*bin/`. With Python packages, the main script under `/usr/*bin` usually is autogenerated by `setup.py`and just a small shim that calls the package's entry point. --- *By josch on 2020-04-26T16:53:41.340Z* --- I installed the `Requires` and `BuildRequires` from here: https://copr-dist-git.fedorainfracloud.org/cgit/gsauthof/fedora/python-img2pdf.git/tree/python-img2pdf.spec but when running `test.sh` I get `cmp: command not found`. I installed the package `diffutils` which fixes this problem. Maybe that's a missing build dependency? I also figured out why that `grep` fails. The imagemagick version in fedora ( does not output the `exif:Orientation: 6` line at all. The version in Debian is `` and I didn't see any such change in the changelog of imagemagick... weird... --- *By josch on 2020-04-26T17:11:07.217Z* --- commit 9d184ad0cdf50987ecae7f50a1c8189dbae30aae makes test.sh work both in debian unstable and fedora 31 --- *By Georg Sauthoff on 2020-04-26T18:55:07.581Z* --- `diffutils` is a dependency of `rpm-build` which is guaranteed to be available in a Fedora buildroot environment. Thus, adding diffutils as explicit direct dependency to the img2pdf package would introduce a superfluous dependency. I've added your commit as a patch to my package and now the build succeeds on Fedora 31. :-) Unfortunately, the Rawhide build breaks because of another issue: :-( ``` RROR:root:error: 'NoneType' object has no attribute 'read' Traceback (most recent call last): File "src/img2pdf.py", line 3493, in main convert( File "src/img2pdf.py", line 1891, in convert ) in read_images(rawdata, kwargs["colorspace"], kwargs["first_frame_only"]): File "src/img2pdf.py", line 1321, in read_images imgdata.seek(img_page_count) File "/usr/lib64/python3.8/site-packages/PIL/PngImagePlugin.py", line 748, in seek self._seek(f) File "/usr/lib64/python3.8/site-packages/PIL/PngImagePlugin.py", line 791, in _seek cid, pos, length = self.png.read() AttributeError: 'NoneType' object has no attribute 'read' ``` https://download.copr.fedorainfracloud.org/results/gsauthof/fedora/fedora-rawhide-x86_64/01351067-python-img2pdf/build.log.gz What do you think? Issue inside the more recent PIL/pillow or how the 'old' API is used? Rawhide has these versions: ``` DEBUG util.py:623: python3-devel x86_64 3.8.2-2.fc33 fedora 202 k DEBUG util.py:623: python3-pillow x86_64 7.1.1-1.fc33 fedora 669 k ``` https://download.copr.fedorainfracloud.org/results/gsauthof/fedora/fedora-rawhide-x86_64/01351067-python-img2pdf/root.log.gz Whereas Fedora 31 is at Python 3.7 and Pillow 6.2.2. --- *By Georg Sauthoff on 2020-04-26T18:58:51.546Z* --- PS: Btw, my Firefox complains that some images are delivered over http for this Gitlab instance instead of https like the rest ('connection not secure'). As a consequence I can't add a thumps-up reaction to your last comment. :-) --- *By Georg Sauthoff on 2020-04-26T19:02:36.859Z* --- Ok, it's a Pillow bug, upstream fixed this in 7.1.2: https://github.com/python-pillow/Pillow/issues/4518#issuecomment-619461664 --- *By josch on 2020-04-26T19:23:58.669Z* --- wrt diffutils: ah okay, we have the same in debian called `build-essential` packages wrt http: yes, the http thing comes from these pesky gravatar images... but that's not the biggest problem -- i really should update this gitlab to a more recent version... wrt pillow: okay, so I guess that there is actually nothing more for me to do about this? --- *By Georg Sauthoff on 2020-04-26T19:33:09.624Z* --- Yes, the new Pillow version should already be available in Rawhide. I'll give it some hours to arrive in Copr. I'll retry the build tomorrow. --- *By Georg Sauthoff on 2020-04-28T21:18:16.528Z* --- I've good and bad news. ;-) First the good: COPR builds now complete successfully, after a rawhide sync. I've pushed the updates to the main repository. The bad: Unfortunately, there is again a case where the test suite fails on aarch64 (under Fedora 32): https://koji.fedoraproject.org/koji/taskinfo?taskID=43886542 i.e. see the bottom of https://kojipkgs.fedoraproject.org//work/tasks/6546/43886546/build.log: ``` + bash -x test.sh + set -eu ++ mktemp --directory --tmpdir img2pdf.XXXXXXXXXX + tempdir=/tmp/img2pdf.OpcbwwPvHI + trap error EXIT + python3 magick.py /tmp/img2pdf.OpcbwwPvHI + cat + cd /tmp/img2pdf.OpcbwwPvHI + md5sum --check --status - + error test.sh: line 84: j: unbound variable error: Bad exit status from /var/tmp/rpm-tmp.vHTGGL (%check) Bad exit status from /var/tmp/rpm-tmp.vHTGGL (%check) RPM build errors: Child return code was: 1 EXCEPTION: [Error()] Traceback (most recent call last): File "/usr/lib/python3.7/site-packages/mockbuild/trace_decorator.py", line 93, in trace result = func(*args, **kw) File "/usr/lib/python3.7/site-packages/mockbuild/util.py", line 755, in do_with_status raise exception.Error("Command failed: \n # %s\n%s" % (command, output), child.returncode) ``` For comparison, when I force the build to x86_64, it succeeds: https://koji.fedoraproject.org/koji/taskinfo?taskID=43886604 --- *By josch on 2020-04-28T21:26:06.337Z* --- This is indeed bad news. I wrote magick.py specifically to have control over every bit of the test input and not depend on subtle changes in imagemagick. Additionally, there is no problem on Debian arm64... sigh... --- *By josch on 2020-04-29T00:21:41.262Z* --- it's the dreaded zlib... python's `zlib.compress()` yields different results on arm64 on fedora than on x86_64... --- *By josch on 2020-04-29T11:04:16.839Z* --- Stay tuned, I'm currently writing my own implementation of `zlib.compress()` in pure Python to fix this. --- *By josch on 2020-04-29T16:43:52.890Z* --- With commit 559d42cd4aed08333145c776878c7134bba2acf9 the problem should be solved because the zlib payload is now generated in Python without the zlib module (which is only used for its checksum functions). --- *By Georg Sauthoff on 2020-04-30T18:52:57.409Z* --- Ok, this reminds me of #51. ;) I can confirm that the fix works with Fedora Rawhide/32 on x86_64 and aarch64. The package push to Feodra Rawhide, 31 and 32 is now complete and the current img2pdf in available in the stable repos in 7 days or less. --- *By Georg Sauthoff on 2020-04-30T18:52:57.587Z* --- Status changed to closed --- *By josch on 2020-04-30T20:20:10.044Z* --- yup, it's precisely the problem from #51 XD I just made a new release with this fix then you don't have to carry a patch. Thanks for verifying that this works! --- *By josch on 2020-05-27T22:06:15.456Z* --- Mentioned in merge request !6
josch closed this issue 3 years ago
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Reference: josch/img2pdf#75
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