You cannot select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

290 lines
9.8 KiB

#!/usr/bin/env python
import os
import struct
import json
from collections import defaultdict
from PIL import Image
ushrtmax = (1<<16)-1
def encode0(im):
data = ''.join([chr(i) for i in list(im.getdata())])
size = len(data)
return data,size
# greedy RLE
# for each pixel, test which encoding manages to encode most data, then apply
# that encoding and look at the next pixel after the encoded chunk
def encode1(im):
pixels = im.load()
w,h = im.size
data = []
# these function return a tuple of the compressed string and the amount of
# pixels compressed
def rle_comp(x,y):
# find all pixels after the first one with the same color
color = pixels[x,y]
if color == 0xff:
# this color can't be run length encoded
return raw_comp(x,y)
count = 1
for x in range(x+1,w):
if pixels[x,y] == color and count < 255:
count += 1
return (struct.pack("<BB", color, count-1), count)
def raw_comp(x,y):
# read pixels until finding finding two consecutive ones with the same color
data = [pixels[x,y]]
for x in range(x+1,w):
color = pixels[x,y]
if color != data[-1] and len(data) < 255:
return (struct.pack("<BB%dB"%len(data), 0xff, len(data)-1, *data), len(data))
for y in range(h):
r = ''
x = 0
while x < w:
rlec, rlel = rle_comp(x, y)
rawc, rawl = raw_comp(x, y)
# the message that managed to encode more is chosen
if rlel > rawl:
r += rlec
x += rlel
r += rawc
x += rawl
# 4*height bytes for lineoffsets
size = 4*h+sum([len(d) for d in data])
return data,size
def encode23chunk(s,e,pixels,y):
r = ''
if pixels[s,y] < 8:
colors = pixels[s,y]
count = 1
colors = [pixels[s,y]]
count = 0
for x in range(s+1,e):
color = pixels[x,y]
if count > 0:
# rle was started
if color == colors and count < 32:
# same color again, increase count
# either new color or maximum length reached, so write current one
r+=struct.pack("<B", (colors<<5) | (count-1))
if color < 7:
# new rle color
colors = color
count = 1
# new non rle color
colors = [color]
count = 0
# non rle was started
if color < 7 or len(colors) > 31:
# new rle color, or maximum length reached so write current non rle
r+=struct.pack("<B", (7<<5) | (len(colors)-1))
r+=struct.pack("<%dB"%len(colors), *colors)
if color < 7:
colors = color
count = 1
colors = [color]
count = 0
# new non rle color, so append it to current
# write last color
if count > 0:
# write rle
r+=struct.pack("<B", (colors<<5) | (count-1))
# write non rle
r+=struct.pack("<B", (7<<5) | (len(colors)-1))
r+=struct.pack("<%dB"%len(colors), *colors)
return r
# this is like encode3 but a line is not split into 32 pixel chuncks
# the reason for this might just be that format 2 images are always 32 pixel wide
def encode2(im):
pixels = im.load()
w,h = im.size
data = []
for y in range(h):
# 2*height bytes for lineoffsets plus two unknown bytes
size = 2*h+2+sum(len(d) for d in data)
return data,size
# this is like encode2 but limited to only encoding blocks of 32 pixels at a time
def encode3(im):
pixels = im.load()
w,h = im.size
data = []
for y in range(h):
res = []
# encode each row in 32 pixel blocks
for i in range(w/32):
res.append(encode23chunk(i*32, (i+1)*32, pixels, y))
# width/16 bytes per line as offset header
size = (w/16)*h+sum(sum([len(e) for e in d]) for d in data)
return data,size
fmtencoders = [encode0,encode1,encode2,encode3]
def makedef(infile, outdir):
infiles = defaultdict(list)
sig = None
with open(infile) as f:
in_json = json.load(f)
t = in_json["type"]
fmt = in_json["format"]
p = os.path.basename(infile)
p = os.path.splitext(p)[0].lower()
d = os.path.dirname(infile)
# sanity checks and fill infiles dict
for seq in in_json["sequences"]:
bid = seq["group"]
for f in seq["frames"]:
im =,f))
fw,fh = im.size
if fmt == 2 and (fw != 32 or fh != 32):
print "format 2 must have width and height 32"
return False
lm,tm,rm,bm = im.getbbox() or (0,0,0,0)
# format 3 has to have width and lm divisible by 32
if fmt == 3 and lm%32 != 0:
# shrink lm to the previous multiple of 32
lm = (lm/32)*32
w,h = rm-lm,bm-tm
if fmt == 3 and w%32 != 0:
# grow rm to the next multiple of 32
w = (((w-1)>>5)+1)<<5
rm = lm+w
im = im.crop((lm,tm,rm,bm))
if im.mode != 'P':
print "input images must have a palette"
return False
cursig =(fw,fh,im.getpalette())
if not sig:
sig = cursig
if sig != cursig:
print "sigs must match - got:"
print sig
print cursig
return False
data,size = fmtencoders[fmt](im)
if len(infiles) == 0:
print "no input files detected"
return False
fw,fh,pal = cursig
outname = os.path.join(outdir,p)+".def"
print "writing to %s"%outname
outf = open(outname, "w+")
# write the header
# full width and height are not used and not the same for all frames
# in some defs, so just putting the last known value
outf.write(struct.pack("<IIII", t,fw,fh,len(infiles)))
# write the palette
outf.write(struct.pack("768B", *pal))
# the bid table requires 16 bytes for each bid and 13+4 bytes for each entry
bidtablesize = 16*len(infiles)+sum(len(l)*(13+4) for l in infiles.values())
# the position after the bid table is the header plus palette plus bid table size
curoffset = 16+768+bidtablesize
for bid,l in infiles.items():
# write bid and number of frames
# the last two values have unknown meaning
# write filenames
for i,_ in enumerate(l):
fn = "%02d_%03d.pcx"%(bid,i)
outf.write(struct.pack("13s", fn))
# write data offsets
for w,h,_,_,data,size in l:
# every image occupies size depending on its format plus 32 byte header
curoffset += 32+size
for bid,l in infiles.items():
for w,h,lm,tm,data,size in l:
# size
# format
# full width and full height
# width and height
# left and top margin
if fmt == 0:
elif fmt == 1:
lineoffs = []
acc = 4*h
for d in data:
acc += len(d)
outf.write(struct.pack("<"+"I"*h, *lineoffs))
for i in data:
elif fmt == 2:
lineoffs = []
acc = 0
for d in data:
offs = acc+2*h+2
if offs > ushrtmax:
print "exceeding max ushort value: %d"%offs
return False
acc += len(d)
outf.write(struct.pack("<%dH"%h, *lineoffs))
outf.write(struct.pack("<BB", 0, 0)) # unknown meaning
for i in data:
elif fmt == 3:
# store the offsets for all 32 pixel blocks
acc = 0
lineoffs = []
for d in data:
for e in d:
offs = acc+(w/16)*h
if offs > ushrtmax:
print "exceeding max ushort value: %d"%offs
return False
acc += len(e)
outf.write(struct.pack("<"+"H"*(w/32)*h, *lineoffs))
for d in data: # line
for e in d: # 32 pixel block
return True
if __name__ == '__main__':
import sys
if len(sys.argv) != 3:
print "usage: %s infile.json outdir"%sys.argv[0]
ret = makedef(sys.argv[1], sys.argv[2])
exit(0 if ret else 1)