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package deepZoom.animation;
import deepZoom.parameters.Parameters;
* Generic animation for fractals. Implementations define which parameters are
* animated, though animation for the following quantities is supported: center,
* magnitude, maxiter and bailout. Before the animation can be calculated, the
* number of frames need also be known beforehand. After changing animation
* parameters or number of frames, the animation needs to be initialized by
* calling init().
* @author Zom-B
* @since 1.0
* @date May 2, 2009
public abstract class Animation extends Parameters {
protected int numFrames;
public void setNumFrames(int numFrames) {
this.numFrames = numFrames;
* Initialize the animation sequence. Call after each change to
* initial/final parameters or number of frames.
public abstract void init();
public abstract void setFrame(int frameNr);