#!/bin/sh # Copyright 2023 Johannes Schauer Marin Rodrigues # Copyright 2023 Helmut Grohne # SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT # We generally use single quotes to avoid variable expansion: # shellcheck disable=SC2016 # Replacement for autopkgtest-build-qemu and vmdb2 for all architectures # supporting EFI booting (amd64, arm64, armhf, i386, riscv64). # For use as replacement for autopkgtest-build-qemu and vmdb2 on ppc64el which # neither supports extlinux nor efi booting there is an unmaintained script # which uses grub instead to boot: # # https://gitlab.mister-muffin.de/josch/mmdebstrap/src/commit/ # e523741610a4ed8579642bfc755956f64c847ef3/mmdebstrap-autopkgtest-build-qemu : <<'POD2MAN' =head1 NAME mmdebstrap-autopkgtest-build-qemu - autopkgtest-build-qemu without vmdb2 but mmdebstrap and EFI boot =head1 SYNOPSIS B [I] B<--boot>=B I I =head1 DESCRIPTION B is a mostly compatible drop-in replacement for L with two main differences: Firstly, it uses L instead of L and thus is able to create QEMU disk images without requiring superuser privileges and with bit-by-bit reproducible output. Secondly, it uses L and thus only supports booting via EFI. For architectures for which L does not default to EFI booting you must pass B<--boot=efi> when invoking the autopkgtest virt backend. =head1 POSITIONAL PARAMETERS =over 8 =item I The release to download from the I. This parameter is required. =item I The file to write, in raw format. This parameter is required. =back =head1 OPTIONS =over 8 =item B<--mirror>=I Specify which distribution to install. It defaults to http://deb.debian.org/debian (i.e. Debian), but you can pass a mirror of any Debian derivative. =item B<--architecture>=I Set the architecture for the virtual machine image, specified as a L architecture. If omitted, the host architecture is assumed. B<--arch>=I is an alias for this option. =item B<--script>=I