#!/bin/sh set -eu export LC_ALL=C.UTF-8 export SOURCE_DATE_EPOCH={{ SOURCE_DATE_EPOCH }} trap "rm -f /tmp/chroot1.tar /tmp/chroot2.tar /tmp/chroot3.tar /tmp/mmdebstrap" EXIT INT TERM prefix= if [ "$(id -u)" -eq 0 ] && [ "{{ MODE }}" != "root" ] && [ "{{ MODE }}" != "auto" ]; then if ! id "${SUDO_USER:-user}" 2>/dev/null; then if [ ! -e /mmdebstrap-testenv ]; then echo "this test modifies the system and should only be run inside a container" >&2 exit 1 fi useradd --home-dir "/home/${SUDO_USER:-user}" --create-home "${SUDO_USER:-user}" fi prefix="runuser -u ${SUDO_USER:-user} --" fi $prefix {{ CMD }} --mode={{ MODE }} --variant=apt \ --include=mount,perl \ {{ DIST }} /tmp/chroot1.tar {{ MIRROR }} if [ {{ MODE }} = "unshare" ]; then # calling pivot_root in root mode does not work for mysterious reasons: # pivot_root: failed to change root from `.' to `mnt': Invalid argument $prefix {{ CMD }} --mode={{ MODE }} --variant=apt --include=mount,perl \ --customize-hook='mkdir -p "$1/mnt" "$1/oldroot"' \ --customize-hook='[ ! -e /usr/bin/mmdebstrap ] || cp -aT /usr/bin/mmdebstrap "$1/usr/bin/mmdebstrap"' \ --customize-hook='[ ! -e ./mmdebstrap ] || cp -aT ./mmdebstrap "$1/mnt/mmdebstrap"' \ --customize-hook='mount -o rbind "$1" /mnt && cd /mnt && /sbin/pivot_root . oldroot' \ --customize-hook='unshare -U echo nested unprivileged unshare' \ --customize-hook='env --chdir=/mnt {{ CMD }} --mode=unshare --variant=apt --include=mount,perl {{ DIST }} /tmp/chroot3.tar {{ MIRROR }}' \ --customize-hook='copy-out /tmp/chroot3.tar /tmp' \ --customize-hook='rm -f "/usr/bin/mmdebstrap" "/mnt/mmdebstrap"' \ --customize-hook='umount -l oldroot sys' \ --customize-hook='rmdir /oldroot' \ {{ DIST }} /tmp/chroot2.tar {{ MIRROR }} cmp /tmp/chroot1.tar /tmp/chroot2.tar || diffoscope /tmp/chroot1.tar /tmp/chroot2.tar cmp /tmp/chroot1.tar /tmp/chroot3.tar || diffoscope /tmp/chroot1.tar /tmp/chroot3.tar rm /tmp/chroot2.tar /tmp/chroot3.tar fi $prefix {{ CMD }} --mode={{ MODE }} --variant=apt --include=mount,perl \ --customize-hook='mkdir -p "$1/mnt"' \ --customize-hook='[ ! -e /usr/bin/mmdebstrap ] || cp -aT /usr/bin/mmdebstrap "$1/usr/bin/mmdebstrap"' \ --customize-hook='[ ! -e ./mmdebstrap ] || cp -aT ./mmdebstrap "$1/mnt/mmdebstrap"' \ --chrooted-customize-hook='env --chdir=/mnt {{ CMD }} --mode=unshare --variant=apt --include=mount,perl {{ DIST }} /tmp/chroot3.tar {{ MIRROR }}' \ --customize-hook='copy-out /tmp/chroot3.tar /tmp' \ --customize-hook='rm -f "$1/usr/bin/mmdebstrap" "$1/mnt/mmdebstrap"' \ {{ DIST }} /tmp/chroot2.tar {{ MIRROR }} cmp /tmp/chroot1.tar /tmp/chroot2.tar || diffoscope /tmp/chroot1.tar /tmp/chroot2.tar cmp /tmp/chroot1.tar /tmp/chroot3.tar || diffoscope /tmp/chroot1.tar /tmp/chroot3.tar