#!/usr/bin/env python3 from debian.deb822 import Deb822, Release import email.utils import os import sys import shutil import subprocess import argparse import time from datetime import timedelta from collections import defaultdict from itertools import product have_qemu = os.getenv("HAVE_QEMU", "yes") == "yes" have_unshare = os.getenv("HAVE_UNSHARE", "yes") == "yes" have_binfmt = os.getenv("HAVE_BINFMT", "yes") == "yes" run_ma_same_tests = os.getenv("RUN_MA_SAME_TESTS", "yes") == "yes" cmd = os.getenv("CMD", "./mmdebstrap") default_dist = os.getenv("DEFAULT_DIST", "unstable") all_dists = ["oldstable", "stable", "testing", "unstable"] default_mode = "auto" if have_unshare else "root" all_modes = ["auto", "root", "unshare", "fakechroot", "chrootless"] default_variant = "apt" all_variants = [ "extract", "custom", "essential", "apt", "minbase", "buildd", "-", "standard", ] default_format = "auto" all_formats = ["auto", "directory", "tar", "squashfs", "ext2", "null"] mirror = os.getenv("mirror", "") hostarch = subprocess.check_output(["dpkg", "--print-architecture"]).decode().strip() release_path = f"./shared/cache/debian/dists/{default_dist}/Release" if not os.path.exists(release_path): print("path doesn't exist:", release_path, file=sys.stderr) print("run ./make_mirror.sh first", file=sys.stderr) exit(1) if os.getenv("SOURCE_DATE_EPOCH") is not None: s_d_e = os.getenv("SOURCE_DATE_EPOCH") else: with open(release_path) as f: rel = Release(f) s_d_e = str(email.utils.mktime_tz(email.utils.parsedate_tz(rel["Date"]))) separator = ( "------------------------------------------------------------------------------" ) def skip(condition, dist, mode, variant, fmt): if not condition: return "" for line in condition.splitlines(): if not line: continue if eval(line): return line.strip() return "" def parse_config(confname): config_dict = defaultdict(dict) config_order = list() all_vals = { "Dists": all_dists, "Modes": all_modes, "Variants": all_variants, "Formats": all_formats, } with open(confname) as f: for test in Deb822.iter_paragraphs(f): if "Test" not in test.keys(): print("Test without name", file=sys.stderr) exit(1) name = test["Test"] config_order.append(name) for k in test.keys(): v = test[k] if k not in [ "Test", "Dists", "Modes", "Variants", "Formats", "Skip-If", "Needs-QEMU", "Needs-Root", ]: print(f"Unknown field name {k} in test {name}") exit(1) if k in all_vals.keys(): if v == "default": print( f"Setting {k} to default in Test {name} is redundant", file=sys.stderr, ) exit(1) if v == "any": v = all_vals[k] else: # else, split the value by whitespace v = v.split() for i in v: if i not in all_vals[k]: print( f"{i} is not a valid value for {k}", file=sys.stderr ) exit(1) config_dict[name][k] = v return config_order, config_dict def main(): parser = argparse.ArgumentParser() parser.add_argument("test", nargs="*", help="only run these tests") parser.add_argument( "-x", "--exitfirst", action="store_const", dest="maxfail", const=1, help="exit instantly on first error or failed test.", ) parser.add_argument( "--maxfail", metavar="num", action="store", type=int, dest="maxfail", default=0, help="exit after first num failures or errors.", ) parser.add_argument( "--mode", metavar="mode", help=f"only run tests with this mode (Default = {default_mode})", ) parser.add_argument( "--dist", metavar="dist", help=f"only run tests with this dist (Default = {default_dist})", ) parser.add_argument( "--variant", metavar="variant", help=f"only run tests with this variant (Default = {default_variant})", ) parser.add_argument( "--format", metavar="format", help=f"only run tests with this format (Default = {default_format})", ) args = parser.parse_args() # copy over files from git or as distributed for (git, dist, target) in [ ("./mmdebstrap", "/usr/bin/mmdebstrap", "mmdebstrap"), ("./tarfilter", "/usr/bin/mmtarfilter", "tarfilter"), ( "./proxysolver", "/usr/lib/apt/solvers/mmdebstrap-dump-solution", "proxysolver", ), ( "./ldconfig.fakechroot", "/usr/libexec/mmdebstrap/ldconfig.fakechroot", "ldconfig.fakechroot", ), ]: if os.path.exists(git): shutil.copy(git, f"shared/{target}") else: shutil.copy(dist, f"shared/{target}") # copy over hooks from git or as distributed if os.path.exists("hooks"): shutil.copytree("hooks", "shared/hooks", dirs_exist_ok=True) else: shutil.copytree( "/usr/share/mmdebstrap/hooks", "shared/hooks", dirs_exist_ok=True ) # parse coverage.txt config_order, config_dict = parse_config("coverage.txt") # produce the list of tests using the cartesian product of all allowed # dists, modes, variants and formats of a given test tests = [] for name in config_order: test = config_dict[name] for dist, mode, variant, fmt in product( test.get("Dists", [default_dist]), test.get("Modes", [default_mode]), test.get("Variants", [default_variant]), test.get("Formats", [default_format]), ): skipreason = skip(test.get("Skip-If"), dist, mode, variant, fmt) if skipreason: tt = ("skip", skipreason) elif have_qemu: tt = "qemu" elif test.get("Needs-QEMU", "false") == "true": tt = ("skip", "test needs QEMU") elif test.get("Needs-Root", "false") == "true": tt = "sudo" elif mode == "auto" and not have_unshare: tt = "sudo" elif mode == "root": tt = "sudo" elif mode == "unshare" and not have_unshare: tt = ("skip", "test needs unshare") else: tt = "null" tests.append((tt, name, dist, mode, variant, fmt)) torun = [] num_tests = len(tests) if args.test: # check if all given tests are either a valid name or a valid number for test in args.test: if test in [name for (_, name, _, _, _, _) in tests]: continue if not test.isdigit(): print(f"cannot find test named {test}", file=sys.stderr) exit(1) if int(test) >= len(tests) or int(test) <= 0 or str(int(test)) != test: print(f"test number {test} doesn't exist", file=sys.stderr) exit(1) for i, (_, name, _, _, _, _) in enumerate(tests): # if either the number or test name matches, then we use this test, # otherwise we skip it if name in args.test: torun.append(i) if str(i + 1) in args.test: torun.append(i) num_tests = len(torun) starttime = time.time() skipped = defaultdict(list) failed = [] num_success = 0 num_finished = 0 for i, (test, name, dist, mode, variant, fmt) in enumerate(tests): if torun and i not in torun: continue print(separator, file=sys.stderr) print("(%d/%d) %s" % (i + 1, len(tests), name), file=sys.stderr) print("dist: %s" % dist, file=sys.stderr) print("mode: %s" % mode, file=sys.stderr) print("variant: %s" % variant, file=sys.stderr) print("format: %s" % fmt, file=sys.stderr) if num_finished > 0: currenttime = time.time() timeleft = timedelta( seconds=int( (num_tests - num_finished) * (currenttime - starttime) / num_finished ) ) print("time left: %s" % timeleft, file=sys.stderr) if failed: print("failed: %d" % len(failed), file=sys.stderr) num_finished += 1 with open("tests/" + name) as fin, open("shared/test.sh", "w") as fout: for line in fin: line = line.replace("{{ CMD }}", cmd) line = line.replace("{{ SOURCE_DATE_EPOCH }}", s_d_e) line = line.replace("{{ DIST }}", dist) line = line.replace("{{ MIRROR }}", mirror) line = line.replace("{{ MODE }}", mode) line = line.replace("{{ VARIANT }}", variant) line = line.replace("{{ FORMAT }}", fmt) line = line.replace("{{ HOSTARCH }}", hostarch) fout.write(line) argv = None match test: case "qemu": argv = ["./run_qemu.sh"] case "sudo": argv = ["./run_null.sh", "SUDO"] case "null": argv = ["./run_null.sh"] case ("skip", reason): skipped[reason].append( ("(%d/%d) %s" % (i + 1, len(tests), name), dist, mode, variant, fmt) ) print(f"skipped because of {reason}", file=sys.stderr) continue print(separator, file=sys.stderr) if args.dist and args.dist != dist: print(f"skipping because of --dist={args.dist}", file=sys.stderr) continue if args.mode and args.mode != mode: print(f"skipping because of --mode={args.mode}", file=sys.stderr) continue if args.variant and args.variant != variant: print(f"skipping because of --variant={args.variant}", file=sys.stderr) continue if args.format and args.format != fmt: print(f"skipping because of --format={args.format}", file=sys.stderr) continue proc = subprocess.Popen(argv) try: proc.wait() except KeyboardInterrupt: proc.terminate() proc.wait() break print(separator, file=sys.stderr) if proc.returncode != 0: failed.append( ("(%d/%d) %s" % (i + 1, len(tests), name), dist, mode, variant, fmt) ) print("result: FAILURE", file=sys.stderr) else: print("result: SUCCESS", file=sys.stderr) num_success += 1 if args.maxfail and len(failed) >= args.maxfail: break print( "successfully ran %d tests" % num_success, file=sys.stderr, ) if skipped: print("skipped %d:" % sum([len(v) for v in skipped.values()]), file=sys.stderr) for reason, l in skipped.items(): print(f"skipped because of {reason}:", file=sys.stderr) for t in l: print(f" {t}", file=sys.stderr) if failed: print("failed %d:" % len(failed), file=sys.stderr) for name, dist, mode, variant, fmt in failed: print( f" {name} --dist={dist} --mode={mode} --variant={variant} --format={fmt}", file=sys.stderr, ) exit(1) if __name__ == "__main__": main()