var PEEP_METADATA = { tft: {frame:0, color:"#4089DD"}, all_d: {frame:1, color:"#52537F"}, all_c: {frame:2, color:"#FF75FF"}, grudge: {frame:3, color:"#efc701"}, prober: {frame:4, color:"#f6b24c"}, tf2t: {frame:5, color:"#88A8CE"}, pavlov: {frame:6, color:"#86C448"}, random: {frame:7, color:"#FF5E5E"} }; var PD = {}; PD.COOPERATE = "COOPERATE"; PD.CHEAT = "CHEAT"; PD.PAYOFFS_DEFAULT = { P: 0, // punishment: neither of you get anything S: -1, // sucker: you put in coin, other didn't. R: 2, // reward: you both put 1 coin in, both got 3 back T: 3 // temptation: you put no coin, got 3 coins anyway }; PD.PAYOFFS = JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(PD.PAYOFFS_DEFAULT)); subscribe("pd/editPayoffs", function(payoffs){ PD.PAYOFFS = payoffs; }); subscribe("pd/editPayoffs/P", function(value){ PD.PAYOFFS.P = value; }); subscribe("pd/editPayoffs/S", function(value){ PD.PAYOFFS.S = value; }); subscribe("pd/editPayoffs/R", function(value){ PD.PAYOFFS.R = value; }); subscribe("pd/editPayoffs/T", function(value){ PD.PAYOFFS.T = value; }); subscribe("pd/defaultPayoffs", function(){ PD.PAYOFFS = JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(PD.PAYOFFS_DEFAULT)); publish("pd/editPayoffs/P", [PD.PAYOFFS.P]); publish("pd/editPayoffs/S", [PD.PAYOFFS.S]); publish("pd/editPayoffs/R", [PD.PAYOFFS.R]); publish("pd/editPayoffs/T", [PD.PAYOFFS.T]); }); PD.NOISE = 0; subscribe("rules/noise",function(value){ PD.NOISE = value; }); PD.getPayoffs = function(move1, move2){ var payoffs = PD.PAYOFFS; if(move1==PD.CHEAT && move2==PD.CHEAT) return [payoffs.P, payoffs.P]; // both punished if(move1==PD.COOPERATE && move2==PD.CHEAT) return [payoffs.S, payoffs.T]; // sucker - temptation if(move1==PD.CHEAT && move2==PD.COOPERATE) return [payoffs.T, payoffs.S]; // temptation - sucker if(move1==PD.COOPERATE && move2==PD.COOPERATE) return [payoffs.R, payoffs.R]; // both rewarded }; PD.playOneGame = function(playerA, playerB){ // Make your moves! var A =; var B =; // Noise: random mistakes, flip around! if(Math.random()=2){ return PD.CHEAT; // retaliate ONLY after two betrayals }else{ return PD.COOPERATE; } }; self.remember = function(own, other){ if(other==PD.CHEAT){ howManyTimesCheated++; }else{ howManyTimesCheated = 0; } }; } function Logic_grudge(){ var self = this; var everCheatedMe = false; = function(){ if(everCheatedMe) return PD.CHEAT; return PD.COOPERATE; }; self.remember = function(own, other){ if(other==PD.CHEAT) everCheatedMe=true; }; } function Logic_all_d(){ var self = this; = function(){ return PD.CHEAT; }; self.remember = function(own, other){ // nah }; } function Logic_all_c(){ var self = this; = function(){ return PD.COOPERATE; }; self.remember = function(own, other){ // nah }; } function Logic_random(){ var self = this; = function(){ return (Math.random()>0.5 ? PD.COOPERATE : PD.CHEAT); }; self.remember = function(own, other){ // nah }; } // Start off Cooperating // Then, if opponent cooperated, repeat past move. otherwise, switch. function Logic_pavlov(){ var self = this; var myLastMove = PD.COOPERATE; = function(){ return myLastMove; }; self.remember = function(own, other){ myLastMove = own; // remember MISTAKEN move if(other==PD.CHEAT) myLastMove = ((myLastMove==PD.COOPERATE) ? PD.CHEAT : PD.COOPERATE); // switch! }; } // TEST by Cooperate | Cheat | Cooperate | Cooperate // If EVER retaliates, keep playing TFT // If NEVER retaliates, switch to ALWAYS DEFECT function Logic_prober(){ var self = this; var moves = [PD.COOPERATE, PD.CHEAT, PD.COOPERATE, PD.COOPERATE]; var everCheatedMe = false; var otherMove = PD.COOPERATE; = function(){ if(moves.length>0){ // Testing phase var move = moves.shift(); return move; }else{ if(everCheatedMe){ return otherMove; // TFT }else{ return PD.CHEAT; // Always Cheat } } }; self.remember = function(own, other){ if(moves.length>0){ if(other==PD.CHEAT) everCheatedMe=true; // Testing phase: ever retaliated? } otherMove = other; // for TFT }; }