// round-robin tournament, place your bets SLIDES.push({ id: "tournament", onstart: function(self){ // Tournament Tournament.resetGlobalVariables(); Tournament.INITIAL_AGENTS = [ {strategy:"tft", count:1}, {strategy:"all_d", count:1}, {strategy:"all_c", count:1}, {strategy:"grudge", count:1}, {strategy:"prober", count:1} ]; Tournament.FLOWER_CONNECTIONS = true; self.add({id:"tournament", type:"Tournament", x:-20, y:20}); // Words to the side self.add({ id:"text", type:"TextBox", x:510, y:30, width:450, height:500, text_id:"place_your_bets" }); // Button var _addButton = function(character, x, y){ (function(character, x, y){ self.add({ id:"bet_"+character, type:"Button", x:x, y:y, text_id: "icon_"+character, onclick:function(){ _.answer = character; publish("slideshow/next"); } }); })(character, x, y); }; _addButton("tft", 510, 220+25); _addButton("all_c", 730, 220+25); _addButton("all_d", 510, 300+25); _addButton("grudge", 730, 300+25); _addButton("prober", 510, 380+25); }, onend: function(self){ self.remove("bet_tft"); self.remove("bet_all_c"); self.remove("bet_all_d"); self.remove("bet_grudge"); self.remove("bet_prober"); } }); // Alright, let's start! SLIDES.push({ onstart: function(self){ var o = self.objects; // What was your bet? var tournament_intro = Words.get("tournament_intro"); tournament_intro = tournament_intro.replace(/\[CHAR\]/g, ""+Words.get("label_"+_.answer)+""); o.text.setText(tournament_intro); _hide(o.text); _fadeIn(o.text, 100); // "First Match" Button self.add({ id:"button", type:"Button", x:510, y:130, text_id:"first_match", message: "slideshow/next" }); _hide(o.button); _fadeIn(o.button, 100+500); }, onend: function(self){ self.remove("button"); } }); // The matches... ONE BY ONE. SLIDES.push({ onstart: function(self){ var o = self.objects; // Words to the side self.add({ id:"text_extra", type:"TextBox", x:510, y:230, width:450, height:500 }); var showTournament = function(num){ var words = ""; var match_header; // PLAY MATCH var matchData = o.tournament.playMatch(num); var charA = matchData.charA; var charB = matchData.charB; var scoreA = matchData.scoreA var scoreB = matchData.scoreB; var roundPayoffs = matchData.payoffs; // Match N: [A] versus [B] match_header = Words.get("match_header_1"); match_header = match_header.replace(/\[N\]/g, (num+1)+""); match_header = match_header.replace(/\[A\]/g, ""+Words.get("label_"+charA)+""); match_header = match_header.replace(/\[B\]/g, ""+Words.get("label_"+charB)+""); words += match_header+"
"; // The rounds words += Words.get("match_header_2")+"
"; for(var i=0;i"; } words += "
"; // The total scores if(scoreA>0) scoreA="+"+scoreA; if(scoreB>0) scoreB="+"+scoreB; match_header = Words.get("match_header_3"); match_header = match_header.replace(/\[A\]/g, ""+scoreA+""); match_header = match_header.replace(/\[B\]/g, ""+scoreB+""); words += match_header+"

"; // PUT IN THE WORDS o.text.setText(words); _hide(o.text); _fadeIn(o.text, 100); // Extra info o.text_extra.setTextID("tournament_"+(num+1)); _hide(o.text_extra); _fadeIn(o.text_extra, 100+250); // FADE IN BUTTON _hide(o.button); _fadeIn(o.button, 100+500); // FINAL MATCH? if(_matchNumber==9){ _switchButton(); } }; // "Next Match" Button self.add({ id:"button", type:"Button", x:510, y:420, size:"long", text_id:"next_match", onclick:function(){ _matchNumber++; showTournament(_matchNumber); } }); var _switchButton = function(){ o.button.setText("the_winner_is"); o.button.config.onclick = function(){ publish("slideshow/next"); }; }; // MATCH NUMBER! _matchNumber = 0; showTournament(_matchNumber); }, onend: function(self){ self.remove("text_extra"); self.remove("button"); } }); // who the winner is! SLIDES.push({ onstart: function(self){ var o = self.objects; o.tournament.dehighlightAllConnections(); // WORDS var words = ""; words += Words.get("tournament_winner_1"); if(_.answer=="tft"){ words += Words.get("tournament_winner_2_yay"); }else{ words += Words.get("tournament_winner_2_nay").replace(/\[CHAR\]/g, ""+Words.get("label_"+_.answer)+""); } words += "

"; words += Words.get("tournament_winner_3"); o.text.setText(words); // Next... self.add({ id:"button", type:"Button", x:510, y:430, size:"long", text_id:"tournament_teaser", message: "slideshow/scratch" }); // FADE _hide(o.text); _fadeIn(o.text, 100); _hide(o.button); _fadeIn(o.button, 100+500); }, onend: function(self){ self.clear(); } });