Loader.addToManifest(Loader.manifest,{ iterated_coin: "assets/iterated/iterated_coin.json", iterated_machine: "assets/iterated/iterated_machine.json", iterated_payoffs: "assets/iterated/iterated_payoffs.json", iterated_peep: "assets/iterated/iterated_peep.json" }); function Iterated(config){ var self = this; self.id = config.id; // DOM self.dom = document.createElement("div"); self.dom.className = "object"; self.dom.style.left = config.x+"px"; self.dom.style.top = config.y+"px"; // APP var app = new PIXI.Application(700, 250, {transparent:true, resolution:2}); self.app = app; app.view.style.width = 700; app.view.style.height = 250; self.dom.appendChild(app.view); // LABELS var _l1 = _makeLabel("label_they_cooperate", {x:354, y:34, rotation:45, align:"center", color:"#333333", size:15, width:70, lineHeight:1}); self.dom.appendChild(_l1); var _l2 = _makeLabel("label_you_cooperate", {x:272, y:35, rotation:-45, align:"center", color:"#333333", size:15, width:70, lineHeight:1}); self.dom.appendChild(_l2); var _l3 = _makeLabel("label_they_cheat", {x:406, y:86, rotation:45, align:"center", color:"#333333", size:15, width:70, lineHeight:1}); self.dom.appendChild(_l3); var _l4 = _makeLabel("label_you_cheat", {x:224, y:83, rotation:-45, align:"center", color:"#333333", size:15, width:70, lineHeight:1}); self.dom.appendChild(_l4); /////////////////////////////////////////////// //////////////// THE GRAPHICS ///////////////// /////////////////////////////////////////////// // Peep A self.playerA = new IteratedPeep({}); app.stage.addChild(self.playerA.graphics); // Peep B self.playerB = new IteratedPeep({opponent:true}); app.stage.addChild(self.playerB.graphics); // Machine self.machine = _makeMovieClip("iterated_machine", {anchorX:0, anchorY:0, scale:0.5}); app.stage.addChild(self.machine); // Payoffs self.payoffs = _makeMovieClip("iterated_payoffs", {scale:0.5}); app.stage.addChild(self.payoffs); self.payoffs.x = 350; self.payoffs.y = 125; self.payoffs.gotoAndStop(0); self.highlightPayoff = function(payoffA){ if(payoffA==PD.PAYOFFS.R){ self.payoffs.gotoAndStop(4); _l1.style.color = _l2.style.color = "#FFE663"; } if(payoffA==PD.PAYOFFS.T){ self.payoffs.gotoAndStop(5); _l1.style.color = _l4.style.color = "#FFE663"; } if(payoffA==PD.PAYOFFS.S){ self.payoffs.gotoAndStop(6); _l2.style.color = _l3.style.color = "#FFE663"; } if(payoffA==PD.PAYOFFS.P){ self.payoffs.gotoAndStop(7); _l3.style.color = _l4.style.color = "#FFE663"; } }; self.dehighlightPayoff = function(){ self.payoffs.gotoAndStop(3); [_l1,_l2,_l3,_l4].forEach(function(label){ label.style.color = "#333333"; }); }; // HACK self.oneoffHighlight1 = function(yourAnswer){ self.dehighlightPayoff(); self.payoffs.gotoAndStop(1); var your = yourAnswer=="COOPERATE" ? _l2 : _l4; your.style.color = _l3.style.color = "#FFE663"; }; self.oneoffHighlight2 = function(yourAnswer){ self.dehighlightPayoff(); self.payoffs.gotoAndStop(2); var your = yourAnswer=="COOPERATE" ? _l2 : _l4; your.style.color = _l1.style.color = "#FFE663"; }; // Animiniminimination var _introMachine = -1; app.ticker.add(function(delta){ Tween.tick(); self.playerA.update(delta); self.playerB.update(delta); // IF: INTRODUCING MACHINE if(_introMachine>0){ self.payoffs.gotoAndStop(4 + (Math.floor(_introMachine)%4)); _introMachine -= 0.33; if(_introMachine<=0){ self.dehighlightPayoff(); } } }); self.introMachine = function(){ _introMachine = 40; }; /////////////////////////////////////////////// ///////////////// LISTENERS /////////////////// /////////////////////////////////////////////// self.chooseOpponent = function(id){ var LogicClass = window["Logic_"+id]; self.opponentLogic = new LogicClass(); self.playerB.chooseHat(id); }; self.playOneRound = function(yourMove){ // Make your moves! var A = yourMove; var B = self.opponentLogic.play(); // Get payoffs var payoffs = PD.getPayoffs(A,B); // ANIMATE the moves: betrayal or what? var animPromise1 = self.playerA.playMove(payoffs[0]); // reward, temptation, sucker, punishment, etc... var animPromise2 = self.playerB.playMove(payoffs[1]); // Animate payoffs Tween_get(self.payoffs) .wait(_s(1.1)) .call(function(){ self.highlightPayoff(payoffs[0]); }); Q.all([animPromise1,animPromise2]).then(function(){ // Payoff Matrix self.dehighlightPayoff(); // End Round publish("iterated/round/end", payoffs); }); // Remember own & other's moves self.opponentLogic.remember(B, A); }; listen(self, "iterated/cooperate", function(){ publish("iterated/round/start"); self.playOneRound(PD.COOPERATE); }); listen(self, "iterated/cheat", function(){ publish("iterated/round/start"); self.playOneRound(PD.CHEAT); }); listen(self, "iterated/newOpponent", function(id){ self.chooseOpponent(id); self.playerA.resetFace(); self.playerB.resetFace(); }); self.chooseOpponent("tft"); /////////////////////////////////////////////// ///////////// ADD, REMOVE, KILL /////////////// /////////////////////////////////////////////// // Add... self.add = function(){ _add(self); }; // Remove... self.remove = function(){ app.destroy(); unlisten(self); _remove(self); }; } function IteratedScoreboard(config){ var self = this; self.config = config; // DOM self.dom = document.createElement("div"); self.dom.id = "scoreboard"; self.dom.className = "object"; self.dom.style.left = config.x+"px"; self.dom.style.top = config.y+"px"; // Left score var left = document.createElement("div"); self.dom.appendChild(left); // Right score var right = document.createElement("div"); self.dom.appendChild(right); // Reset self.score = [0,0]; self.reset = function(){ self.score = [0,0]; self.showScore(); }; self.addScore = function(a,b){ self.score[0] += a; self.score[1] += b; self.showScore(); }; self.showScore = function(){ left.innerHTML = self.score[0]; right.innerHTML = self.score[1]; }; self.reset(); // Add & Remove self.add = function(){ _add(self); }; self.remove = function(){ _remove(self); }; } function IteratedPeep(config){ var self = this; self.config = config; // Peep self.graphics = new PIXI.Container(); var g = self.graphics; // Animation self.animated = new PIXI.Container(); g.addChild(self.animated); // Coin self.coin = _makeMovieClip("iterated_coin", {scale:0.5}); self.animated.addChild(self.coin); self.coin.visible = false; self.payoffCoins = []; for(var i=0;i<3;i++){ var c = _makeMovieClip("iterated_coin", {scale:0.5}); c.visible = false; self.animated.addChild(c); self.payoffCoins.push(c); } // Body self.body = _makeMovieClip("iterated_peep", {scale:0.5, anchorX:0.5, anchorY:0.95}); self.animated.addChild(self.body); // Hat self.hat = _makeMovieClip("iterated_peep", {scale:0.5, anchorX:0.5, anchorY:0.95}); self.animated.addChild(self.hat); self.hat.gotoAndStop(12); self.chooseHat = function(id){ self.hat.gotoAndStop(13 + PEEP_METADATA[id].frame); }; // Face self.face = _makeMovieClip("iterated_peep", {scale:0.5, anchorX:0.5, anchorY:0.95}); self.animated.addChild(self.face); self.face.gotoAndStop(1); self.restingFace = true; // Eyebrows self.eyebrows = _makeMovieClip("iterated_peep", {scale:0.5, anchorX:0.5, anchorY:0.95}); self.eyebrows.visible = false; self.animated.addChild(self.eyebrows); // RESET FACE self.resetFace = function(){ self.eyebrows.visible = false; self.face.gotoAndStop(1); self.restingFace = true; }; // Position & Flip? g.y = 236; //g.rotation = 1; if(config.opponent){ g.x = 700-62; g.scale.x *= -1; }else{ g.x = 62; } ///////////////////////////////////////////// /////// ACTUALLY ANIMATING THE MOVES //////// ///////////////////////////////////////////// var _isHopping = false; var _hopTimer = 0; self.update = function(delta){ // Blinking if(self.restingFace){ if(self.face.currentFrame>2) self.face.gotoAndStop(1); if(self.face.currentFrame==2 && Math.random()<0.20) self.face.gotoAndStop(1); if(self.face.currentFrame==1 && Math.random()<0.01) self.face.gotoAndStop(2); } // Hopping if(_isHopping){ _hopTimer += delta; self.animated.y = -Math.abs(Math.sin(_hopTimer*0.4))*6; }else{ self.animated.y = 0; _hopTimer = 0; } }; self.showScore = function(payoff){ }; self.payoff = undefined; self.animationDeferred = null; self.playMove = function(payoff){ self.payoff = payoff; _animate1(); // start anim // Make a promise! self.animationDeferred = Q.defer(); return self.animationDeferred.promise; }; // Whip coin out var _animate1 = function(){ self.coin.visible = true; // show coin self.coin.x = 10; self.coin.y = -30; Tween_get(self.coin) .to({x:60, y:-75}, _s(0.1), Ease.circOut) .wait(_s(0.2)) .call(_animate2); }; // Walk towards machine var _animate2 = function(){ _isHopping = true; Tween_get(self.animated) .to({x:70}, _s(0.5), Ease.linear) .call(_animate3); }; // Put coin in OR DON'T -- SHOW PAYOFF ON FACE var _animate3 = function(){ _isHopping = false; // Rewarded or Suckered: PUT COIN IN if(self.payoff==PD.PAYOFFS.R || self.payoff==PD.PAYOFFS.S){ Tween_get(self.coin) .to({x:95, y:-25}, _s(0.3), Ease.circInOut) .call(function(){ self.restingFace = false; self.eyebrows.visible = false; if(self.payoff==PD.PAYOFFS.R) self.face.gotoAndStop(8); // Reward Face! if(self.payoff==PD.PAYOFFS.S) self.face.gotoAndStop(9); // Sucker Face! self.coin.visible = false; }); } // Punished or Tempted: DID NOT PUT COIN IN if(self.payoff==PD.PAYOFFS.P || self.payoff==PD.PAYOFFS.T){ Tween_get(self.coin) .to({x:70, y:-50}, _s(0.3), Ease.linear) .call(function(){ self.restingFace = false; self.eyebrows.visible = false; if(self.payoff==PD.PAYOFFS.P) self.face.gotoAndStop(7); // Punishment Face if(self.payoff==PD.PAYOFFS.T) self.face.gotoAndStop(10); // Temptation Face! if(self.payoff==PD.PAYOFFS.T){ _isHopping = true; } }) .to({x:50, y:-100}, _s(0.1), Ease.circOut); } // Next... Tween_get(self.animated) .wait(_s((self.payoff==PD.PAYOFFS.R) ? 0.6 : 0.9)) .call(_animate4); }; // Walk back var _animate4 = function(){ _isHopping = true; Tween_get(self.animated) .to({x:0}, _s(0.5), Ease.linear) .call(_animate5); }; // Face back to "normal", put coin back, get coins (if any) thrown at you var _animate5 = function(){ _isHopping = false; // Face back to normal self.restingFace = true; // Eyebrows, yo self.eyebrows.visible = true; if(self.payoff==PD.PAYOFFS.P) self.eyebrows.gotoAndStop(3); // Punishment if(self.payoff==PD.PAYOFFS.R) self.eyebrows.gotoAndStop(4); // Reward if(self.payoff==PD.PAYOFFS.S) self.eyebrows.gotoAndStop(5); // Sucker if(self.payoff==PD.PAYOFFS.T) self.eyebrows.gotoAndStop(6); // Temptation // Put coin away if not already if(self.coin.visible){ Tween_get(self.coin) .to({x:10, y:-30}, _s(0.1), Ease.circIn) .call(function(){ self.coin.visible = false; }); } // Coins thrown at you? if(self.payoff==PD.PAYOFFS.R || self.payoff==PD.PAYOFFS.T){ // All the dang coins! for(var i=0;i<3;i++){ var c = self.payoffCoins[i]; c.x = 155; c.y = -25; (function(c){ Tween_get(c) .wait(_s(i*0.2+0.1)) .call(function(){ c.visible = true; }) .to({x:0}, _s(0.3), Ease.linear) .call(function(){ c.visible = false; }); // x Tween_get(c) .wait(_s(i*0.2+0.1)) .to({y:-120}, _s(0.15), Ease.circOut) // y .to({y:-20}, _s(0.15), Ease.circIn); // y })(c); } Tween_get(self.animated) .wait(_s(0.8)) .call(_animateDone); }else{ Tween_get(self.animated) .wait(_s(0.3)) .call(_animateDone); } }; // DONE var _animateDone = function(){ self.animationDeferred.resolve(); }; }