#!/usr/bin/python # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- # unit_converter - Converts between different units import pygtk pygtk.require('2.0') import gtk from lxml import etree from StringIO import StringIO unitfile = 'unit.xml' file = etree.parse(unitfile) #parse the xml file class unitconvert(object): def delete_event(self, widget, event, data=None): return False def destroy(self, widget, data=None): gtk.main_quit() def on_catcombo_changed(self, widget): self.create_menu() def categorymenu(self): # creates the data for the category menu from the xml file category = [] for categoryname in file.findall('//category'): # browses through the elements in the file category.append(categoryname.get('name')) # append the name to the category list return category def unitmenu(self): # creates the data for the unit menu unit = [] category_set = self.catcombo.get_active_text() # checks for the active category to add this units for categorynames in file.findall('//category'): # search the categorys if categorynames.get('name') == category_set: # search through the file according to the set category for units in categorynames.getchildren(): # get the units from the specific category unit.append(units.get('name')) # appends the units from the category into the unit list return unit def create_menu(self): # fill the gui with the data from categorymenu and unitmenu if self.catcombo.get_active_text() == None: # if no category menu exists for categorys in self.categorymenu(): self.catcombo.append_text(categorys) # append the categorys to the menu modelfrom = self.fromcombo.get_model() # get the data from the fromcombo field ... modelfrom.clear() # ... and delete them for the new data modelto = self.tocombo.get_model() # the same as fromcombo modelto.clear() for units in self.unitmenu(): self.fromcombo.append_text(units) # filling the unit menus self.tocombo.append_text(units) def convert(self, widget): category_set = self.catcombo.get_active_text() unit2 = self.tocombo.get_active_text() unit1 = self.fromcombo.get_active_text() number = float(self.fromentry.get_text().replace(',','.')) # save the number as a float object and replace the commas with dots for the internal calculation fromref = '' toref = '' for categorynames in file.findall('//category'): # search the categorys if categorynames.get('name') == category_set: # search through the file according to the set category for units in categorynames.getchildren(): # get the units from the specific category if units.get('name') == unit1: # the name from the unit in the category musst set in the to field toref = units.get('to_ref') # search in this unit for the to_ref formular if units.get('name') == unit2: # the same as above only with the from field fromref = units.get('from_ref') result = eval(toref) # execute the formular in the toref field and safe it to result endresult = eval(fromref) # the same as above printresult = str(endresult).replace('.',',') # for the better readability replace the dot with a comma self.toentry.set_text(printresult) # sets the result into the to field def clear(self, widget): # clears the entry fields self.fromentry.set_text('') self.toentry.set_text('') def __init__(self): self.window = gtk.Window(gtk.WINDOW_TOPLEVEL) self.window.set_size_request(480,640) self.window.set_title('Unit Converter') self.window.connect('delete_event', self.delete_event) self.window.connect('destroy', self.destroy) # create a box in the dimensions of the window and add it to them self.box = gtk.VBox(False,2) self.window.add(self.box) # create a Hbox for the category and add them to self.box self.catbox = gtk.HBox(True,2) # frame for the category box self.catframe = gtk.Frame('Category') self.box.pack_start(self.catframe, False, False, 0) # a combobox for the categorys self.catcombo = gtk.combo_box_new_text() self.catcombo.connect('changed', self.on_catcombo_changed) self.catbox.pack_start(self.catcombo, False, False, 0) self.catframe.add(self.catbox) #create a vbox for the From units self.frombox = gtk.VBox(False,2) #frame for the from box self.fromframe = gtk.Frame('Convert from ...') self.box.pack_start(self.fromframe, False, False, 0) self.fromframe.add(self.frombox) #create a entry for the 'Convert from' field self.fromentry = gtk.Entry() self.fromentry.set_text('Convert from ...') self.frombox.pack_start(self.fromentry, False, False, 0) #a combobox for the from unit self.fromcombo = gtk.combo_box_new_text() self.frombox.pack_start(self.fromcombo, False, False, 0) #create a vbox for the To units self.tobox = gtk.VBox(False,2) #frame for the to box self.toframe = gtk.Frame('Convert to ...') self.box.pack_start(self.toframe, False, False, 0) self.toframe.add(self.tobox) #create a entry for the 'Convert to' field self.toentry = gtk.Entry() self.toentry.set_text('Convert to ...') self.tobox.pack_start(self.toentry, False, False, 0) #a combobox for the to unit self.tocombo = gtk.combo_box_new_text() self.tobox.pack_start(self.tocombo, False, False , 0) #create a box for the go and clear button self.sendbox = gtk.HBox(True,2) self.box.pack_end(self.sendbox, False, False, 0) self.gobutton = gtk.Button('Go') self.sendbox.pack_start(self.gobutton, False, False, 0) self.gobutton.connect('clicked', self.convert) self.clearbutton = gtk.Button('Clear') self.sendbox.pack_start(self.clearbutton, False, False, 0) self.clearbutton.connect('clicked', self.clear) # Display all elements self.box.show() self.catbox.show() self.catcombo.show() self.catframe.show() self.fromentry.show() self.fromcombo.show() self.fromframe.show() self.frombox.show() self.toentry.show() self.tocombo.show() self.toframe.show() self.tobox.show() self.sendbox.show() self.clearbutton.show() self.gobutton.show() self.window.show() def main(): gtk.main() return 0 if __name__ == '__main__': unitconvert().create_menu() main()