#!/usr/bin/python #coding=utf8 ''' This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program. If not, see . ''' WIDTH = 480 HEIGHT = 640 TITLE = "pylgrim" WM_NAME = "pylgrim" WM_CLASS = "swallow" import os import sys import e_dbus import evas import evas.decorators import edje import edje.decorators import ecore import ecore.evas from dbus import SystemBus, Interface from optparse import OptionParser import time import math class tile(evas.Image): def __init__(self, canvas): evas.Image.__init__(self,canvas) self.pass_events = True self.show() self.position = (0,0) def set_position(self, x, y): self.position = (x,y) self.move(x,y) class TestView(edje.Edje): def on_key_down(self, obj, event): if event.keyname in ("F6", "f"): self.evas_canvas.evas_obj.fullscreen = not self.evas_canvas.evas_obj.fullscreen elif event.keyname in ("Escape", "q"): ecore.main_loop_quit() else: print "key not recognized:",event.keyname def download(self, x,y,z): import urllib try: webFile = urllib.urlopen("http://a.tile.openstreetmap.org/%d/%d/%d.png"%(z,x,y)) if not os.path.exists("%d"%z): os.mkdir("%d"%z) if not os.path.exists("%d/%d"%(z,x)): os.mkdir("%d/%d"%(z,x)) localFile = open("%d/%d/%d.png"%(z,x,y), 'w') localFile.write(webFile.read()) webFile.close() localFile.close() except Exception, e: print e def __init__(self): self.options, self.args = myOptionParser(usage="usage: %prog [options]").parse_args() edje.frametime_set(1.0 / self.options.fps) self.evas_canvas = EvasCanvas( fullscreen=not self.options.no_fullscreen, engine=self.options.engine, size=self.options.geometry ) f = os.path.splitext(sys.argv[0])[0] + ".edj" try: edje.Edje.__init__(self, self.evas_canvas.evas_obj.evas, file=f, group="main") except edje.EdjeLoadError, e: raise SystemExit("error loading %s: %s" % (f, e)) self.size = self.evas_canvas.evas_obj.evas.size self.on_key_down_add(self.on_key_down) self.focus = True self.evas_canvas.evas_obj.data["main"] = self self.show() #mouse position self.x_pos, self.y_pos = (0,0) #global variable for zooming self.zoom_step = 0.0 #global list for tiles to download self.tiles_to_download = [] self.tiles_to_download_total = 0 #initial lat,lon,zoom self.lat = 49.009051 self.lon = 8.402481 self.z = 10 self.icons = [] self.overlay = edje.Edje(self.evas_canvas.evas_obj.evas, file=f, group='overlay') self.overlay.size = self.evas_canvas.evas_obj.evas.size self.overlay.layer = 1 self.evas_canvas.evas_obj.data["overlay"] = self.overlay self.overlay.show() self.progress_bg = evas.Rectangle(self.evas_canvas.evas_obj.evas) self.progress_bg.geometry = 0,0,0,0 self.progress_bg.color = 255, 255, 255, 255 self.progress_bg.layer = 2 self.progress_bg.show() self.progress = evas.Rectangle(self.evas_canvas.evas_obj.evas) self.progress.geometry = 0,0,0,0 self.progress.color = 255, 0, 0, 255 self.progress.layer = 3 self.progress.show() self.border = 0 self.mouse_down = False self.animate = False self.set_current_tile(self.lat, self.lon, self.z) #jump to coordinates def set_current_tile(self, lat, lon, z): self.z = z self.x = (lon+180)/360 * 2**z self.y = (1-math.log(math.tan(lat*math.pi/180) + 1/math.cos(lat*math.pi/180))/math.pi)/2 * 2**z self.offset_x, self.offset_y = int((self.x-int(self.x))*256),int((self.y-int(self.y))*256) self.init_redraw() def init_redraw(self): self.animate = True #calculate size of tile raster - reload if it differs from before eg. when size changes self.border = int((self.size[0]+self.size[1])/512) if len(self.icons) != (2*self.border+1)**2: print "use", self.border #clean up for icon in self.icons: icon.delete() self.icons = [] #fill for i in xrange((2*self.border+1)**2): self.icons.append(tile(self.evas_canvas.evas_obj.evas)) if not self.options.offline: #add all tiles that are not yet downloaded to a list for i in xrange(2*self.border+1): for j in xrange(2*self.border+1): if not os.path.exists("%d/%d/%d.png"%(self.z,self.x+i-self.border,self.y+j-self.border)): self.tiles_to_download.append((self.z,self.x+i-self.border,self.y+j-self.border)) self.tiles_to_download_total = len(self.tiles_to_download) #if there are tiles to download, display progress bar if self.tiles_to_download_total > 0: self.progress_bg.geometry = 39, self.size[1]/2-1, self.size[0]-78,22 self.progress.geometry = 40, self.size[1]/2, 1,20 self.overlay.part_text_set("progress", "downloaded 0 of %d tiles"%self.tiles_to_download_total) ecore.timer_add(0.0, self.download_and_paint_current_tiles) def download_and_paint_current_tiles(self): if len(self.tiles_to_download) > 0: z,x,y = self.tiles_to_download.pop() self.progress.geometry = 40, self.size[1]/2, (self.size[0]-80)*(self.tiles_to_download_total-len(self.tiles_to_download))/self.tiles_to_download_total,20 self.overlay.part_text_set("progress", "downloaded %d of %d tiles"%(self.tiles_to_download_total-len(self.tiles_to_download),self.tiles_to_download_total)) self.download(x,y,z) return True #if all tiles are downloaded for i in xrange(2*self.border+1): for j in xrange(2*self.border+1): #if some errors occur replace with placeholder try: self.icons[(2*self.border+1)*i+j].file_set("%d/%d/%d.png"%(self.z,self.x+i-self.border,self.y+j-self.border)) except: self.icons[(2*self.border+1)*i+j].file_set("404.png") self.icons[(2*self.border+1)*i+j].set_position((i-self.border)*256+self.size[0]/2-self.offset_x,(j-self.border)*256+self.size[1]/2-self.offset_y) self.icons[(2*self.border+1)*i+j].size = 256,256 self.icons[(2*self.border+1)*i+j].fill = 0, 0, 256, 256 self.current_pos = (0,0) self.overlay.part_text_set("progress", "") self.progress_bg.geometry = 0,0,0,0 self.progress.geometry = 0,0,0,0 self.update_coordinates() self.animate = False return False def update_coordinates(self): x = int(self.x) + (self.offset_x-self.current_pos[0])/256.0 y = int(self.y) + (self.offset_y-self.current_pos[1])/256.0 self.lon = (x*360)/2**self.z-180 n = math.pi*(1-2*y/2**self.z) self.lat = 180/math.pi*math.atan(0.5*(math.exp(n)-math.exp(-n))) self.overlay.part_text_set("label", "lat:%f lon:%f zoom:%d"%(self.lat,self.lon,self.z)) def zoom_in(self, z): for icon in self.icons: x = (1+z)*(icon.position[0]-self.size[0]/2)+self.size[0]/2 y = (1+z)*(icon.position[1]-self.size[1]/2)+self.size[1]/2 icon.geometry = int(x),int(y),256+int(256*z),256+int(256*z) icon.fill = 0, 0, 256+int(256*z),256+int(256*z) def zoom_out(self, z): for icon in self.icons: x = (1-z*0.5)*(icon.position[0]-self.size[0]/2)+self.size[0]/2 y = (1-z*0.5)*(icon.position[1]-self.size[1]/2)+self.size[1]/2 icon.geometry = int(x),int(y),256-int(256*z*0.5),256-int(256*z*0.5) icon.fill = 0, 0, 256-int(256*z*0.5),256-int(256*z*0.5) def animate_zoom_in(self): if self.z < 18: self.animate = True if self.zoom_step < 1.0: self.zoom_in(self.zoom_step) self.zoom_step+=0.125 return True self.zoom_step = 0.0 self.z+=1 self.set_current_tile(self.lat, self.lon, self.z) else: self.animate = False return False def animate_zoom_out(self): if self.z > 5: self.animate = True if self.zoom_step < 1.0: self.zoom_out(self.zoom_step) self.zoom_step+=0.125 return True self.zoom_step = 0.0 self.z-=1 self.set_current_tile(self.lat, self.lon, self.z) else: self.animate = False return False @edje.decorators.signal_callback("mouse,down,1", "*") def on_mouse_down(self, emission, source): if not self.animate: if source in "plus": ecore.timer_add(0.05, self.animate_zoom_in) elif source in "minus": ecore.timer_add(0.05, self.animate_zoom_out) else: self.x_pos, self.y_pos = self.evas_canvas.evas_obj.evas.pointer_canvas_xy self.mouse_down = True @edje.decorators.signal_callback("mouse,up,1", "*") def on_mouse_up(self, emission, source): self.mouse_down = False if not self.animate: if abs(self.current_pos[0]) > self.size[0]/2 or abs(self.current_pos[1]) > self.size[1]/2: self.x = int(self.x) + (self.offset_x-self.current_pos[0])/256.0 self.y = int(self.y) + (self.offset_y-self.current_pos[1])/256.0 self.offset_x, self.offset_y = int((self.x-int(self.x))*256),int((self.y-int(self.y))*256) self.init_redraw() if abs(self.current_pos[0]) > 0 or abs(self.current_pos[1]) > 0: #on mouse up + move: update current coordinates self.update_coordinates() @edje.decorators.signal_callback("mouse,move", "*") def on_mouse_move(self, emission, source): if self.mouse_down and not self.animate: x_pos, y_pos = self.evas_canvas.evas_obj.evas.pointer_canvas_xy delta_x = self.x_pos - x_pos delta_y = self.y_pos - y_pos self.x_pos, self.y_pos = x_pos, y_pos for icon in self.icons: icon.set_position(icon.pos[0]-delta_x,icon.pos[1]-delta_y) self.current_pos = (self.current_pos[0]-delta_x,self.current_pos[1]-delta_y) class EvasCanvas(object): def __init__(self, fullscreen, engine, size): if engine == "x11": f = ecore.evas.SoftwareX11 elif engine == "x11-16": if ecore.evas.engine_type_supported_get("software_x11_16"): f = ecore.evas.SoftwareX11_16 else: print "warning: x11-16 is not supported, fallback to x11" f = ecore.evas.SoftwareX11 self.evas_obj = f(w=size[0], h=size[1]) self.evas_obj.callback_delete_request = self.on_delete_request self.evas_obj.callback_resize = self.on_resize self.evas_obj.title = TITLE self.evas_obj.name_class = (WM_NAME, WM_CLASS) self.evas_obj.fullscreen = fullscreen self.evas_obj.size = size self.evas_obj.show() def on_resize(self, evas_obj): x, y, w, h = evas_obj.evas.viewport size = (w, h) for key in evas_obj.data.keys(): evas_obj.data[key].size = size evas_obj.data["main"].init_redraw() def on_delete_request(self, evas_obj): ecore.main_loop_quit() class myOptionParser(OptionParser): def __init__(self, usage): OptionParser.__init__(self, usage) self.add_option("-e", "--engine", type="choice", choices=("x11", "x11-16"), default="x11-16", help=("which display engine to use (x11, x11-16), " "default=%default")) self.add_option("-n", "--no-fullscreen", action="store_true", help="do not launch in fullscreen") self.add_option("-o", "--offline", action="store_true", help="do not attempt to download tiles") self.add_option("-g", "--geometry", type="string", metavar="WxH", action="callback", callback=self.parse_geometry, default=(WIDTH, HEIGHT), help="use given window geometry") self.add_option("-f", "--fps", type="int", default=20, help="frames per second to use, default=%default") def parse_geometry(self, option, opt, value, parser): try: w, h = value.split("x") w = int(w) h = int(h) except Exception, e: raise optparse.OptionValueError("Invalid format for %s" % option) parser.values.geometry = (w, h) class dbus(object): def __init__(self): try: obj = SystemBus(mainloop=e_dbus.DBusEcoreMainLoop()).get_object('org.mobile.gsm', '/org/mobile/gsm/RemoteObject') except Exception, e: print e raise SystemExit #connect functions to dbus events dbus_interface = 'org.mobile.gsm.RemoteInterface' for fkt in (self.modem_info, self.sim_info, self.network_info, self.gsmCRING, self.gsmNO_CARRIER, self.gsmBUSY, self.error,): obj.connect_to_signal(fkt.__name__, fkt, dbus_interface=dbus_interface) gsm = Interface(obj, dbus_interface) #get status info on startup gsm.FireModemInfo() gsm.FireNetworkInfo() def modem_info(self, array): print array def sim_info(self, array): print array def network_info(self, array): print array def gsmBUSY(self, string): print string def gsmCRING(self, string): print string def gsmNO_CARRIER(self, *values): print values def error(self, string): print string if __name__ == "__main__": TestView() #dbus() ecore.main_loop_begin() ''' export CPPFLAGS="$CPPFLAGS -I/opt/e17/include" export LDFLAGS="$LDFLAGS -L/opt/e17/lib" export PKG_CONFIG_PATH="/opt/e17/lib/pkgconfig:$PKG_CONFIG_PATH" export PATH="$PATH:/opt/e17/bin" export PYTHONPATH="/home/josch/usr/lib/python2.5/site-packages" '''