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40 lines
1.2 KiB

# generated from
# permalink for this map:!z%2F!x%2F!y.png
use strict;
use LWP;
use GD;
my $img = GD::Image->new(4608, 1792, 1);
my $white = $img->colorAllocate(248,248,248);
my $ua = LWP::UserAgent->new();
for (my $x=0;$x<18;$x++)
for (my $y=0;$y<7;$y++)
my $xx = $x + 275431;
my $yy = $y + 182710;
foreach my $base(split(/\|/, "!x&y=!y&z=19&s=Gal"))
# foreach my $base(split(/\|/, "!x/!y.png"))
my $url = $base;
$url =~ s/!x/$xx/g;
$url =~ s/!y/$yy/g;
print STDERR "$url... ";
my $resp = $ua->get($url);
print STDERR $resp->status_line;
print STDERR "\n";
next unless $resp->is_success;
my $tile = GD::Image->new($resp->content);
next if ($tile->width == 1);
$img->copy($tile, $x*256,$y*256,0,0,256,256);
binmode STDOUT;
print $img->png();