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32 lines
1.4 KiB

10 years ago
from struct import pack
from sys import stdout
duration = 1 # seconds of silence
channels = 1 # number of channels
bps = 16 # bits per sample
sample = 44100 # sample rate
ExtraParamSize = 0
Subchunk1Size = 16+2+ExtraParamSize
Subchunk2Size = duration*sample*channels*bps/8
ChunkSize = 4 + (8 + Subchunk1Size) + (8 + Subchunk2Size)
'RIFF', # ChunkID (magic) # 0x00
pack('<I', ChunkSize), # ChunkSize # 0x04
'WAVE', # Format # 0x08
'fmt ', # Subchunk1ID # 0x0c
pack('<I', Subchunk1Size), # Subchunk1Size # 0x10
pack('<H', 1), # AudioFormat (1=PCM) # 0x14
pack('<H', channels), # NumChannels # 0x16
pack('<I', sample), # SampleRate # 0x18
pack('<I', bps/8 * channels * sample), # ByteRate # 0x1c
pack('<H', bps/8 * channels), # BlockAlign # 0x20
pack('<H', bps), # BitsPerSample # 0x22
pack('<H', ExtraParamSize), # ExtraParamSize # 0x22
'data', # Subchunk2ID # 0x24
pack('<I', Subchunk2Size), # Subchunk2Size # 0x28