You cannot select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

57 lines
2.7 KiB

10 years ago
use LWP::Simple;
use XML::LibXML;
use File::Path;
my $base_url = "";
$url = $ARGV[0];
if(not $url) {
print "usage: ./ Fairy_Tail\n";
my $content = get $base_url."/".$url or die "cannot access ".$base_url."/".$url;
$content =~ s/&/&/g; #clean up this junk...
my $parser = XML::LibXML->new();
my $doc = $parser->parse_html_string($content, $parser->recover(2)); #we are lucky libxml can read html crap
#iterate through all chapters
@chapters = reverse($doc->findnodes("//body/div[\@id='wrap']/div[\@id='content']/div[\@id='content-main']/table[\@class='ch-table']/tr/td[\@class='ch-subject']/a/\@href"));
foreach my $node (@chapters) {
print "doing ", $node->value, "\n";
mkpath ".".$node->value;
#get the first page's address
$chapter1_url = $base_url.$node->value;
$content = get $chapter1_url or die "cannot access ".$chapter1_url;
$content =~ s/&/&/g; #clean up this junk...
$doc_chap = $parser->parse_html_string($content, $parser->recover(2)); #we are lucky libxml can read html crap
$chapter1_url = $base_url.$doc_chap->findvalue("//body/div[\@id='wrap']/div[\@id='content']/div[\@id='content2']/div[\@id='chapter-cover']/ul/li[1]/a/\@href");
#get all pages in this chapter
$content = get $chapter1_url or die "cannot access ".$chapter1_url;
$content =~ s/&/&/g; #clean up this junk...
$doc_chap = $parser->parse_html_string($content, $parser->recover(2)); #we are lucky libxml can read html crap
#iterate throug all pages
foreach $node_chap ($doc_chap->findnodes("//body/div[\@id='wrap2']/div[\@id='content']/div[\@id='content2']/div[\@class='chapter-navigation']/select[\@name='page']/option/\@value")) {
if(-f ".".$node->value.$node_chap->value.".jpg") {
print ".".$node->value.$node_chap->value.".jpg already there\n";
} else {
$page_url = $base_url.$node->value.$node_chap->value."/";
#get image url
$content = get $page_url or die "cannot access ".$page_url;
$content =~ s/&/&/g; #clean up this junk...
$doc_page = $parser->parse_html_string($content, $parser->recover(2)); #we are lucky libxml can read html crap
$img_url = $doc_page->findvalue("//body/div[\@id='wrap2']/div[\@id='content']/div[\@id='content2']/div[\@class='one-page']/a/img[\@class='manga-page']/\@src");
#download image
print "saving image $img_url\n";
$content = get $img_url or die "cannot access ".$img_url;
open FILE, ">.".$node->value.$node_chap->value.".jpg";
print FILE $content;
close FILE;