Hets Protege Plugin =================== This plugin allows protege to load, edit and save [*.het files][1]. It still suffers from most exceptions to be only printed on standard output without a popup dialog informing the user of something going wrong so the plugin should still be run from the terminal. Installation ------------ To compile this Protege plugin a protege installation is required. It easily can be checked out from svn and compiled using this script: #!/bin/sh -e svn checkout -q http://smi-protege.stanford.edu/repos/protege/protege4/protege-base/trunk protege-base ( cd protege-base; ant install; ) for i in org.protege.common \ org.protege.editor.core.application \ org.semanticweb.owl.owlapi \ org.protege.editor.owl \ org.protege.jaxb \ org.coode.owlviz do svn checkout -q http://smi-protege.stanford.edu/repos/protege/protege4/plugins/$i/trunk $i ( cd $i; ant install; ) done For this and builds of the Hets Protege plugin to work an environment variable called $PROTEGE_HOME has to be set to the directory where protege should be/is installed. After having done that, the plugin can be compiled using ant: ant Or can be compiled and run right away using: ant run At all times $PROTEGE_HOME has to be set, so it makes sense to add it to your profile.d or similar. Usage ----- To run protege, simply run ant run To import a new *.het file, use the Hets menu in the menubar and then select one of the available import methods. The most well working *.het file is Family.het located in the examples directory of this repository. After doing edits of the contained ontologies the *.het file can be saved using the export feature of the Hets menu in the menubar. Adding the HetsViz tab to the interface will allow a graphical representation of the current *.het file hierarchy. (in the menubar under view->Class views->HetsViz) Using the HetCASL rendering will show a preview of the Manchester OWL output for the currently selected ontology. (in the menubar under view->Ontology views->HetCASL rendering) In the settings dialog (File->Preferences->Hets) several options can be set for the plugin. Features -------- * hets import using custom grammar, local hets, remote cgi * hets export * settings dialog * graphviz view Missing Features ---------------- * parsing *.het files containing view sections * loading more than one *.het file at once Currently Broken Features (will be fixed soon) ---------------------------------------------- * "local hets" and "custom parser" import methods * hetsview graphviz plugin * settings dialog Bugs ---- * hets interprets a tab as 8 spaces for its pp.xml output - have to work around that [1]: http://www.informatik.uni-bremen.de/agbkb/forschung/formal_methods/CoFI/hets/index_e.htm