package de.unibremen.informatik.hets.graphviz; /* import; import; import; */ import javax.swing.*; import java.awt.*; /** * User: matthewhorridge
* The Univeristy Of Manchester
* Medical Informatics Group
* Date: Jan 14, 2004

* *

* */ public class EdgeRenderer { // private Controller controller; private static Color edgeColor; private Color parentEdgeColor; private Color childEdgeColor; private Stroke selEdgeStroke; private Stroke edgeStroke; private static double edgeBrightness = 0.4; private Font labelFont; public EdgeRenderer() { // this.controller = controller; updateEdgeColor(); parentEdgeColor = new Color(125, 0, 125); childEdgeColor = new Color(0, 125, 0); selEdgeStroke = new BasicStroke(2, BasicStroke.CAP_ROUND, BasicStroke.JOIN_ROUND); edgeStroke = new BasicStroke(1, BasicStroke.CAP_ROUND, BasicStroke.JOIN_ROUND); JPanel pan = new JPanel(); Font font = pan.getFont(); labelFont = font.deriveFont(10.0f); } /** * Gets the brightness of edges in the graph. * @return The edge brightness. A brightness of 0.0 * is equivalent to black, a brightness of 1.0 is * equivalent to white. */ public static double getEdgeBrightness() { return edgeBrightness; } /** * Sets the brightness (level of gray) of edges in the graph. * @param brightness The brightness. A brightness of 0.0 is * equivalent to black, a brightness of 1.0 is equivalent to * white. The brightness is clipped between 0.0 and 1.0 */ public static void setEdgeBrightness(double brightness) { if(brightness < 0) { brightness = 0; } if(brightness > 1) { brightness = 1; } edgeBrightness = brightness; updateEdgeColor(); } protected static void updateEdgeColor() { int brightness = (int)(edgeBrightness * 255); edgeColor = new Color(brightness, brightness, brightness); } /** * Called to render an Edge. Typically, the Shape * will be a GeneralPath. * @param edge The Edge to be rendered. * @param g2 The Graphics2D object on to which the Edge should be rendered. * @param forPrinting A flag to indicate if the graphics are being drawn to produce an * image for printing, or to draw onto the screen. */ public void renderEdge(Graphics2D g2, Edge edge, boolean forPrinting, boolean drawDetail) { Shape sh = edge.getShape(); // Only render the edge if we are within // the clip bounds if(sh.intersects(g2.getClipBounds())) { g2.setColor(getEdgeColor(edge, forPrinting)); Stroke oldStroke = g2.getStroke(); g2.setStroke(getEdgeStroke(edge, forPrinting)); g2.draw(sh); g2.setStroke(oldStroke); // Render label if(drawDetail == true) { // String label = controller.getEdgeLabelRenderer().getEdgeLabel(edge); String label = null; if(label != null) { Font oldFont = g2.getFont(); g2.setFont(labelFont); int halfFontWidth = g2.getFontMetrics().stringWidth(label) / 2; int fudge = g2.getFontMetrics().getHeight() / 2; g2.drawString(label, edge.getLabelPosition().x - halfFontWidth, edge.getLabelPosition().y + fudge); // Ellipse2D.Double el = new Ellipse2D.Double(edge.getLabelPosition().x, edge.getLabelPosition().y, 3, 3); // g2.setColor(Color.RED); // g2.draw(el); g2.setFont(oldFont); } } } } protected Color getEdgeColor(Edge edge, boolean forPrinting) { // Object selObj = controller.getGraphSelectionModel().getSelectedObject(); Object selObj = null; Color color = Color.DARK_GRAY; if(forPrinting == false && selObj != null) { if(selObj == edge.getHeadNode().getUserObject()) // Node equals based on IDENTITY of encapsulated { // object color = childEdgeColor; } else if(selObj == edge.getTailNode().getUserObject()) { color = parentEdgeColor; } else { color = edgeColor; } } else { color = edgeColor; } return color; } protected Stroke getEdgeStroke(Edge edge, boolean forPrinting) { Stroke stroke = edgeStroke; // Object selObj = controller.getGraphSelectionModel().getSelectedObject(); Object selObj = null; if(forPrinting == false && selObj != null) { if(selObj == edge.getHeadNode().getUserObject()) // Node equals based on IDENTITY of encapsulated { // object stroke = selEdgeStroke; } else if(selObj == edge.getTailNode().getUserObject()) { stroke = selEdgeStroke; } else { stroke = edgeStroke; } } else { stroke = edgeStroke; } return stroke; } }