from xml.etree import ElementTree def xmltodict(element): if not isinstance(element, ElementTree.Element): raise ValueError("must pass xml.etree.ElementTree.Element object") def xmltodict_handler(parent_element): result = dict() for element in parent_element: if len(element): obj = xmltodict_handler(element) else: obj = element.text if result.get(element.tag): if hasattr(result[element.tag], "append"): result[element.tag].append(obj) else: result[element.tag] = [result[element.tag], obj] else: result[element.tag] = obj return result return {element.tag: xmltodict_handler(element)} def dicttoxml(element): if not isinstance(element, dict): raise ValueError("must pass dict type") if len(element) != 1: raise ValueError("dict must have exactly one root key") def dicttoxml_handler(result, key, value): if isinstance(value, list): for e in value: dicttoxml_handler(result, key, e) elif isinstance(value, basestring): elem = ElementTree.Element(key) elem.text = value result.append(elem) elif isinstance(value, int) or isinstance(value, float): elem = ElementTree.Element(key) elem.text = str(value) result.append(elem) elif value is None: result.append(ElementTree.Element(key)) else: res = ElementTree.Element(key) for k, v in value.items(): dicttoxml_handler(res, k, v) result.append(res) result = ElementTree.Element(element.keys()[0]) for key, value in element[element.keys()[0]].items(): dicttoxml_handler(result, key, value) return result def xmlfiletodict(filename): return xmltodict(ElementTree.parse(filename).getroot()) def dicttoxmlfile(element, filename): ElementTree.ElementTree(dicttoxml(element)).write(filename) def xmlstringtodict(xmlstring): return xmltodict(ElementTree.fromstring(xmlstring).getroot()) def dicttoxmlstring(element): return ElementTree.tostring(dicttoxml(element)) def get_pallet(orderline): p = orderline['Message']['PalletInit']['Pallets']['Pallet'] return { 'PalletNumber': int(p['PalletNumber']), 'Description': p['Description'], 'Dimensions': { 'MaxLoadHeight': int(p['Dimensions']['MaxLoadHeight']), 'MaxLoadWeight': int(p['Dimensions']['MaxLoadWeight']), 'Length': int(p['Dimensions']['Length']), 'Width': int(p['Dimensions']['Width']), } } def get_articles(orderline): articles = list() for o in orderline['Message']['Order']['OrderLines']['OrderLine']: if isinstance(o['Barcodes']['Barcode'], basestring): barcodes = [o['Barcodes']['Barcode']] else: barcodes = o['Barcodes']['Barcode'] for barcode in barcodes: articles.append( {'ApproachPoint1': {'X': 0, 'Y': 0, 'Z': 0}, 'ApproachPoint2': {'X': 0, 'Y': 0, 'Z': 0}, 'ApproachPoint3': {'X': 0, 'Y': 0, 'Z': 0}, 'Article': { 'Description': o['Article']['Description'], 'ID': int(o['Article']['ID']), 'Type': int(o['Article']['Type']), # currently only Type=1 is allowed 'Family': int(o['Article']['Family']), 'Length': int(o['Article']['Length']), # should be larger than width 'Width': int(o['Article']['Width']), 'Height': int(o['Article']['Height']), 'Weight': int(o['Article']['Weight']) # in grams }, 'Barcode': barcode, 'Orientation': 1, # 1: 0 deg the long side parallel to X direction # 2: 90 deg the long side parallel to Y direction 'PackSequence': 0, 'PlacePosition': {'X': 0, 'Y': 0, 'Z': 0} } ) return articles def get_order_dict(pallet, articles): # create order file from article list # ignore article grouping into orderlines and have one orderline per article orderlines = list() for i, article in enumerate(articles): orderlines.append({ 'OrderLineNo': str(i), 'Article': article['Article'], 'Barcodes': { 'Barcode': article['Barcode'] } }) return {'Message': {'PalletInit': {'Pallets': {'Pallet': { 'PalletNumber': int(pallet['PalletNumber']), 'Description': pallet['Description'], 'Dimensions': { 'MaxLoadHeight': int(pallet['Dimensions']['MaxLoadHeight']), 'MaxLoadWeight': int(pallet['Dimensions']['MaxLoadWeight']), 'Length': int(pallet['Dimensions']['Length']), 'Width': int(pallet['Dimensions']['Width']) } } } }, 'Order': {'ID': '1', 'Description': 'foobar', 'Restrictions': { 'FamilyGrouping': 'False', 'Ranking': 'False' }, 'Orderlines': { 'OrderLine': orderlines } } } } def get_packlist_dict(pallet, articles): pallet['Packages'] = {'Package': articles} return {'Response': {'PackList': {'OrderID': '1', 'PackPallets': {'PackPallet': pallet } } } } def get_packlist_dict_multi(pallet, article_lists): pallets = [] for articles in article_lists: pallets.append({ 'PalletNumber': int(pallet['PalletNumber']), 'Description': pallet['Description'], 'Dimensions': { 'MaxLoadHeight': int(pallet['Dimensions']['MaxLoadHeight']), 'MaxLoadWeight': int(pallet['Dimensions']['MaxLoadWeight']), 'Length': int(pallet['Dimensions']['Length']), 'Width': int(pallet['Dimensions']['Width']) }, 'Packages': {'Package': articles} }) return {'Response': {'PackList': {'OrderID': '1', 'PackPallets': {'PackPallet': pallets } } } } def product_varlength(branch_factor): root = {"value": None, "parent": None, "children": []} current = root while True: if not current["children"]: current["children"] = [{"value":val, "parent":current, "children":[]} for val in range(branch_factor)] current = current["children"][0] if (yield current["value"]): current["parent"]["children"] = [] # only for the icra 2012 current = current["parent"] # bruteforce implementation while True: if current["parent"]: current["parent"]["children"].pop(0) else: return if current["parent"]["children"]: current = root break else: current = current["parent"] if __name__ == "__main__": it = product_var_repeat(3) while True: try: foo = it.send(True) # start a new combination except TypeError: foo = # can't send to a just-started generator except StopIteration: break # generator empty print foo, it.send(False), it.send(False) tree = ElementTree.parse('../icra2011TestFiles/GT/gt_d1r1.wpacklist.xml') #tree = ElementTree.parse('../icra2011TestFiles/palDay1R1Order.xml') root = tree.getroot() xmldict = xmltodict(root) from pprint import pprint #for package in xmldict['PackList']['PackPallets']['PackPallet']['Packages']['Package']: # pprint(package) root = dicttoxml(xmldict) xmldict = xmltodict(root) pprint(xmldict) packages = [{'ApproachPoint1': {'X': '0', 'Y': '0', 'Z': '0'}, 'ApproachPoint2': {'X': '0', 'Y': '0', 'Z': '0'}, 'ApproachPoint3': {'X': '0', 'Y': '0', 'Z': '0'}, 'Article': {'Description': '3', 'Family': '0', 'Height': '41', 'ID': '3', 'Length': '44', 'Type': '0', 'Weight': '500', 'Width': '132'}, 'Barcode': None, 'Orientation': '1', 'PackSequence': '1', 'PlacePosition': {'X': '286', 'Y': '330', 'Z': '41'}, 'StackHeightBefore': '0'}, {'ApproachPoint1': {'X': '0', 'Y': '0', 'Z': '0'}, 'ApproachPoint2': {'X': '0', 'Y': '0', 'Z': '0'}, 'ApproachPoint3': {'X': '0', 'Y': '0', 'Z': '0'}, 'Article': {'Description': '4', 'Family': '0', 'Height': '41', 'ID': '4', 'Length': '66', 'Type': '0', 'Weight': '550', 'Width': '132'}, 'Barcode': None, 'Orientation': '1', 'PackSequence': '54', 'PlacePosition': {'X': '33', 'Y': '66', 'Z': '164'}, 'StackHeightBefore': '0'}] packlist = {'Response': {'PackList': {'OrderID': '1', 'PackPallets': {'PackPallet': {'BruttoWeight': '63000', 'Description': None, 'Dimensions': {'Length': '308', 'MaxLoadHeight': '406', 'MaxLoadWeight': '99999', 'Width': '396'}, 'NumberofPackages': '54', 'Overhang': {'Length': '0', 'Width': '0'}, 'Packages': {'Package': packages}, 'PalletNumber': '1'}}}}}