/* Yolanda default stylesheet colors (using tango color palette) (c) 2007-2008 Nils Dagsson Moskopp This file is licensed under the WTF Public License (License terms: Do what the fuck you want.) Purpose of this file is to provide graphics according to the Tango! palette. Protip: Graphics are colors, background and pseudo-content images ! Please replace the colors in this file with suitable Tango! equivalents. ↑↑ Remove this notice as soon as this file holds only Tango! colors. ↑↑ */ /* links "Sky Blue 2" #3465a4 borders "Aluminium 5" #555753; */ a { /* what color is this ? */ color: #3465a4; } a { } a:focus { color: #cc0000; } a.footer, a.header, div.footer, div.header { background-color: #f0f0f0; border-color: #f0f0f0; } a.footer:hover, a.header:hover { background-color: #ffffff; border-color: #c0c0c0; } .messagebox#error { /* "Scarlet Red 1" + 30 luminosity */ background-color: #f46060; } .messagebox#information { /* "Chameleon 1" + 30 luminosity */ background-color: #a9ec68; } .messagebox#warning { /* "Orange 1" */ background-color: #fcaf3e; } div, div.result img, fieldset, #footer, #header { border-color: #555753; } /* TODO: make images configurable (maybe via symlinks?) */ li#search_custom_one { list-style-image: url(../../images/tango/16x16/actions/document-new.png) !important; } li#search_custom_two { list-style-image: url(../../images/tango/16x16/actions/document-save.png) !important; } li#search_custom_three { list-style-image: url(../../images/tango/16x16/emblems/emblem-favorite.png) !important; } span.instruction, span.protip { /* "Aluminium 5" */ color: #555753; }