require ""; sub get_userinfo_from_sid { #get parameters my ($sid) = @_; #prepare query my $sth = $dbh->prepare(qq{select id, username, locale, pagesize, cortado from users where sid = ?}) or die $dbh->errstr; #execute it $sth->execute($sid) or die $dbh->errstr; #save the resulting username ($userinfo->{'id'}, $userinfo->{'username'}, $userinfo->{'locale'}, $userinfo->{'pagesize'}, $userinfo->{'cortado'}) = $sth->fetchrow_array(); #finish query $sth->finish() or die $dbh->errstr; #return return @userinfo; } sub get_page_array { #get parameters my (@userinfo) = @_; $page->{'username'} = $userinfo->{'username'}; #if user is logged in, use his locale setting if($userinfo->{'locale'}) { $page->{'locale'} = $userinfo->{'locale'}; } #else get the locale from the http server variable else { ($page->{'locale'}) = $query->http('HTTP_ACCEPT_LANGUAGE') =~ /^([^,]+),.*$/; } $page->{'stylesheet'} = $stylesheet; $page->{'xmlns:dc'} = $xmlns_dc; $page->{'xmlns:cc'} = $xmlns_cc; $page->{'xmlns:rdf'} = $xmlns_rdf; } # called by (display ambiguous videos), # (display search results) # and (display own videos) sub fill_results { #prepare query my $sth = $dbh->prepare($dbquery) or die $dbh->errstr; #execute it $resultcount = $sth->execute(@_) or die $dbh->errstr; $pagesize = $query->param('pagesize') or $pagesize = $userinfo->{'pagesize'} or $pagesize = 5; #rediculous but funny round up, will fail with 100000000000000 results per page #on 0.0000000000001% of all queries - this is a risk we can handle $lastpage = int($resultcount/$pagesize+0.99999999999999); $currentpage = $query->param('page') or $currentpage = 1; $dbquery .= " limit ".($currentpage-1)*$pagesize.", ".$pagesize; #prepare query $sth = $dbh->prepare($dbquery) or die $dbh->errstr; #execute it $sth->execute(@_) or die $dbquery; $page->{'results'}->{'lastpage'} = $lastpage; $page->{'results'}->{'currentpage'} = $currentpage; $page->{'results'}->{'resultcount'} = $resultcount eq '0E0' ? 0 : $resultcount; $page->{'results'}->{'pagesize'} = $pagesize; if($resultcount eq '0E0') { $page->{'message'}->{'type'} = "information"; $page->{'message'}->{'text'} = "information_no_results"; } #get every returned value while (my ($id, $title, $description, $publisher, $timestamp, $creator, $subject, $contributor, $source, $language, $coverage, $rights, $license, $filesize, $duration, $width, $height, $fps, $viewcount, $downloadcount, $status) = $sth->fetchrow_array()) { #before code cleanup, this was a really obfuscated array/hash creation push @{ $page->{'results'}->{'result'} }, { 'thumbnail' => $duration == 0 ? "/images/tango/video-x-generic.png" : "/video-stills/$id", 'duration' => $duration, 'viewcount' => $viewcount, 'status' => $status, 'edit' => $userinfo->{'username'} eq $publisher ? "true" : "false", 'rdf:RDF' => { 'cc:Work' => { 'rdf:about' => "$domain/download/$id/", 'dc:title' => [$title], 'dc:creator' => [$creator], 'dc:subject' => [$subject], 'dc:description' => [$description], 'dc:publisher' => [$publisher], 'dc:contributor' => [$contributor], 'dc:date' => [$timestamp], 'dc:identifier' => ["$domain/video/".urlencode($title)."/$id/" . ($duration == 0 ? "/action=edit" : "")], 'dc:source' => [$source], 'dc:language' => [$language], 'dc:coverage' => [$coverage], 'dc:rights' => [$rights] }, 'cc:License' => { 'rdf:about' => '' } } }; } #finish query $sth->finish() or die $dbh->errstr; } #replace chars in url as said in this rfc: sub urlencode { my ($url) = @_[0]; $url =~ s/([^A-Za-z0-9_\$\-.+!*'()])/sprintf("%%%02X", ord($1))/eg; return $url; }