require ""; require ""; #initialize session data CGI::Session->name($session_name); $query = new CGI; $session = new CGI::Session; #check if id or title is passed if($query->param('title') or $query->param('id')) { %page = (); #if a username is associated with session id, username is nonempty $page->{'username'} = get_username_from_sid($session->id); $page->{'locale'} = $locale; $page->{'stylesheet'} = $stylesheet; $page->{'xmlns:dc'} = $xmlns_dc; $page->{'xmlns:cc'} = $xmlns_cc; $page->{'xmlns:rdf'} = $xmlns_rdf; #connect to db my $dbh = DBI->connect("DBI:mysql:$database:$dbhost", $dbuser, $dbpass) or die $dbh->errstr; if($query->param('id')) { #if id is passed ignore title and check for the id $sth = $dbh->prepare(qq{select id, title, description, userid, from_unixtime( timestamp ), creator, subject, contributor, source, language, coverage, rights, license from videos where id = ? }) or die $dbh->errstr; $rowcount = $sth->execute($query->param('id')) or die $dbh->errstr; } else { #if no id was passed there has to be a title we search for $sth = $dbh->prepare(qq{select id, title, description, userid, from_unixtime( timestamp ), creator, subject, contributor, source, language, coverage, rights, license from videos where title = ? }) or die $dbh->errstr; $rowcount = $sth->execute($query->param('title')) or die $dbh->errstr; } #if the args are wrong there my be zero results #if there was a title passed, then perform a search if($rowcount == 0 and $query->param('title')) { $sth = $dbh->prepare(qq{select id, title, description, userid, from_unixtime( timestamp ), creator, subject, contributor, source, language, coverage, rights, license from videos where match(title, description, subject) against( ? ) }) or die $dbh->errstr; $rowcount = $sth->execute($query->param('title')) or die $dbh->errstr; } if($rowcount == 0) { #still no results #there is nothing we can do now - this video doesn't exist... #TODO: insert error output } elsif($rowcount == 1) { #if there was a single result, display the video my ($id, $title, $description, $userid, $timestamp, $creator, $subject, $contributor, $source, $language, $coverage, $rights, $license,) = $sth->fetchrow_array(); #before code cleanup, this was a really obfuscated array/hash creation push @{ $page->{'video'} }, { 'thumbnail' => ['./video-stills/225x150/4chan_city_mashup.png'], 'rdf:RDF' => { 'cc:Work' => { 'rdf:about' => "./videos/$id", 'dc:title' => [$title], 'dc:creator' => [$creator], 'dc:subject' => [$subject], 'dc:description' => [$description], 'dc:publisher' => [get_username_from_id($userid)], 'dc:contributor' => [$contributor], 'dc:date' => [$timestamp], 'dc:identifier' => ["./videos/$id"], 'dc:source' => [$source], 'dc:language' => [$language], 'dc:coverage' => [$coverage], 'dc:rights' => [$rights] }, 'cc:License' => { 'rdf:about' => $license } } }; } else { #when an ambigous title was passed there may me many results - display them like does $page->{results}->{query} = decode_utf8($query->param('title')); #get every returned value while (my ($id, $title, $description, $userid, $timestamp) = $sth->fetchrow_array()) { #before code cleanup, this was a really obfuscated array/hash creation push @{ $page->{'results'}->{'result'} }, { 'thumbnail' => ['./video-stills/225x150/4chan_city_mashup.png'], 'rdf:RDF' => { 'cc:Work' => { 'rdf:about' => "./$title&id=$id", 'dc:title' => [$title], 'dc:date' => [$timestamp], 'dc:publisher' => [get_username_from_id($userid)], 'dc:description'=> [$description] }, 'cc:License' => { 'rdf:about' => '' } } }; } } #finish query $sth->finish() or die $dbh->errstr; #close db $dbh->disconnect() or die $dbh->errstr; #print xml http header along with session cookie print $session->header(-type=>'text/xml'); #print xml print XMLout($page, KeyAttr => {}, XMLDecl => $XMLDecl, RootName => 'page'); } else { print $session->header(); print "no query passed"; }