require ""; #initialize session data CGI::Session->name($config->{"page_cookie_name"}); $query = new CGI; $session = new CGI::Session; #do we have an id? if($query->param('id')) { #check if video with requested id is in the database my $sth = $dbh->prepare(qq{select title from videos where id = ? }); $sth->execute($query->param('id')); if(($title) = $sth->fetchrow_array()) { #are we only watching this video or downloading it? if($query->param('view')) { #seems we only want to watch it - update viewcount $dbh->do(qq{update videos set viewcount=viewcount+1 where id = ? }, undef, $query->param('id')) or die $dbh->errstr; } else { #video is being downloaded - update downloadcount $dbh->do(qq{update videos set downloadcount=downloadcount+1 where id = ? }, undef, $query->param('id')) or die $dbh->errstr; } #open video file $file = open(FILE, "<$root/videos/".$query->param('id')); if($file) { #TODO: replace all of this with fastcgi x-sendfile #get video filesize $filesize = -s "$root/videos/".$query->param('id'); #get http query range #TODO: also allow range end $range = $query->http('range'); $range =~ s/bytes=([0-9]+)-/$1/; #if a specific range is requested send http partial content headers and seek in the inputfile if($range) { #if $range is equal or more than filesize throw http 416 header if($range >= $filesize) { print $query->header(-status=>'416 Requested Range Not Satisfiable'); } else { #print correct http partial header print $query->header(-type=>'application/ogg', -content_length=> $filesize-$range, -status=>'206 Partial Content', -attachment=>$title.".ogv", -accept_ranges=> "bytes", -content_range=> "bytes $range-".($filesize-1)."/$filesize" ); #seek file to the requested position seek FILE, $range, 0; } } else { #print normal header print $query->header(-type=>'application/ogg', -content_length=> $filesize, -attachment=>$title.".ogv" ); } #in both cases - do some slurp-eaze to the browser while (my $BytesRead = read (FILE, $buff, 8192)) { print $buff; } close(FILE); } else { #the requested file should be there but is not - throw server error print $session->header( -status=>'500 Internal Server Error' ) } } else { #no such video exists - 404 print $session->header( -status=>'404 Not found' ) } } else { #no if was supplied print $query->redirect(""); }