require ""; #initialize session data CGI::Session->name($config->{"page_cookie_name"}); $query = new CGI; $session = new CGI::Session; if ($query->param("POSTDATA")) { my $xmlpost = XMLin($query->param("POSTDATA"), ForceArray => 0, KeyAttr => 0); if (!$@) { my $method = $xmlpost->{"methodName"}; my $source = $xmlpost->{"params"}->{"param"}[0]->{"value"}->{"string"}; my $target = $xmlpost->{"params"}->{"param"}[1]->{"value"}->{"string"}; if ($method eq "") { if ($source =~ /^http:\/\// and $target =~ /^http:\/\//) { #fetch the source URI to verify that the source does indeed link to the target. my $request = HTTP::Request->new(GET => $source); my $ua = LWP::UserAgent->new; my $response = $ua->request($request); if ($response->is_success) { #TODO: sanitize regex to grep site content if (my ($text) = $response->content =~ m/(\S*.{0,17}$target.{0,17}\S*)/) { #check data to ensure that the target exists and is a valid entry. my ($vid) = $target =~ /^$config->{'url_root'}\/video\/.*\/(\d+)\/.*/; my $sth = $dbh->prepare("select id from videos where id = ? limit 1"); my $rowcount = $sth->execute($vid) or die $dbh->errstr; $sth->finish() or die $dbh->errstr; if ($rowcount) { #check that the pingback has not already been registered. $sth = $dbh->prepare("select id from pingbacks where videoid = ? limit 1"); $rowcount = $sth->execute($vid) or die $dbh->errstr; $sth->finish() or die $dbh->errstr; if ($rowcount eq "0E0") { #record the pingback. $dbh->do(qq{insert into pingbacks (source, videoid, text, timestamp) values (?, ?, ?, unix_timestamp())}, undef, $source, $vid, $text) or die $dbh->errstr; my $xml = (); $xml->{'params'}->{'param'}->{'value'}->{'string'} = ["Pingback from $source to $target registered. Keep the web talking! :-)"]; print $session->header( -type=>'application/xml', -charset=>'UTF-8', ); print XMLout( $xml, XMLDecl => 1, KeyAttr => {}, RootName => 'methodResponse' ); } else { send_error(48, "The pingback has already been registered."); } } else { send_error(33, "The specified target URI cannot be used as a target."); } } else { send_error(17, "The source URI does not contain a link to the target URI, and so cannot be used as a source."); } } else { send_error(16, "The source URI does not exist."); } } else { send_error(-32602, "server error. invalid method parameters"); } } else { send_error(-32601, "server error. requested method not found"); } } else { send_error(-32700,"parse error. not well formed"); } } else { print $session->header; print "XML-RPC server only accepts POST requests with http content-type defined."; } sub send_error { my ($faultCode, $faultString) = @_; my $xml = (); push @{$xml->{'fault'}->{'value'}->{'struct'}->{'member'}}, { "name" => ["faultCode"], "value" => [$faultCode] }; push @{$xml->{'fault'}->{'value'}->{'struct'}->{'member'}}, { "name" => ["faultString"], "value" => [$faultString] }; print $session->header( -type=>'application/xml', -charset=>'UTF-8', ); print XMLout( $xml, XMLDecl => 1, KeyAttr => {}, RootName => 'methodResponse' ); }