require ""; #create or resume session CGI::Session->name($config->{"page_cookie_name"}); $query = new CGI; $session = new CGI::Session; @userinfo = get_userinfo_from_sid($session->id); @page = get_page_array(@userinfo); $page->{frontpage} = ['']; if($query->param('information')) { $page->{'message'}->{'type'} = "information"; $page->{'message'}->{'text'} = $query->param('information'); $page->{'message'}->{'value'} = $query->param('value'); } elsif($query->param('error')) { $page->{'message'}->{'type'} = "error"; $page->{'message'}->{'text'} = $query->param('error'); $page->{'message'}->{'value'} = $query->param('value'); } elsif($query->param('warning')) { $page->{'message'}->{'type'} = "warning"; $page->{'message'}->{'text'} = $query->param('warning'); $page->{'message'}->{'value'} = $query->param('value'); } #prepare query my $sth = $dbh->prepare(qq{select text, count from tagcloud }) or die $dbh->errstr; #execute it $sth->execute() or die $dbh->errstr; #get every returned value while (my ($text, $count) = $sth->fetchrow_array()) { #push the new value to the $page->tagcloud array push @{ $page->{tagcloud}->{tag} }, { text => [$text =~ / / ? "\"$text\"" : $text], count => [$count] }; } #finish query $sth->finish() or die $dbh->errstr; #TODO: make this configureable @querystrings = ("* orderby:timestamp sort:descending", "*", "*"); foreach $strquery (@querystrings) { #new results block push @{$page->{'results'} }, { "query" => $strquery }; #get query string and args my ($dbquery, @args) = get_sqlquery($strquery); $dbquery .= " limit 0, 3"; #prepare query $sth = $dbh->prepare($dbquery) or die $dbh->errstr; #execute it $sth->execute(@args) or die $dbquery; #foreach result, fill appropriate results hash while (my ($id, $title, $description, $publisher, $timestamp, $creator, $subject, $source, $language, $coverage, $rights, $license, $filesize, $duration, $width, $height, $fps, $viewcount, $downloadcount) = $sth->fetchrow_array()) { push @{$page->{'results'}[$#{$page->{'results'} }]->{'result'}}, { 'thumbnail' => $config->{"url_root"}."/video-stills/thumbnails/$id", 'preview' => $config->{"url_root"}."/video-stills/previews/$id", 'duration' => $duration, 'viewcount' => $viewcount, 'rdf:RDF' => { 'cc:Work' => { 'rdf:about' => $config->{"url_root"}."/download/$id/", 'dc:title' => [$title], 'dc:creator' => [$creator], 'dc:subject' => [$subject], 'dc:description' => [$description], 'dc:publisher' => [$publisher], 'dc:date' => [$timestamp], 'dc:identifier' => [$config->{"url_root"}."/video/".urlencode($title)."/$id/"], 'dc:source' => [$source], 'dc:language' => [$language], 'dc:coverage' => [$coverage], 'dc:rights' => [$rights] }, 'cc:License' => { 'rdf:about' => '' } } }; } } print output_page();