josch 060b27682f fixed utf-8 encoding prob
git-svn-id: http://yolanda.mister-muffin.de/svn@141 7eef14d0-6ed0-489d-bf55-20463b2d70db
2007-10-26 17:42:03 +00:00

239 lines
8 KiB

require "include.pl";
require "functions.pl";
#initialize session data
$query = new CGI;
$session = new CGI::Session;
#check if id or title is passed
if($query->url_param('title') or $query->url_param('id'))
%page = ();
#if a username is associated with session id, username is nonempty
$page->{'username'} = get_username_from_sid($session->id);
$page->{'locale'} = $locale;
$page->{'stylesheet'} = $stylesheet;
$page->{'xmlns:dc'} = $xmlns_dc;
$page->{'xmlns:cc'} = $xmlns_cc;
$page->{'xmlns:rdf'} = $xmlns_rdf;
#connect to db
my $dbh = DBI->connect("DBI:mysql:$database:$dbhost", $dbuser, $dbpass) or die $dbh->errstr;
#if id is passed ignore title and check for the id
$sth = $dbh->prepare(qq{select v.id, v.title, v.description, u.username, from_unixtime( v.timestamp ),
v.creator, v.subject, v.contributor, v.source, v.language, v.coverage, v.rights,
v.license, filesize, duration, width, height, fps, viewcount,
from videos as v, users as u where v.id = ? and u.id=v.userid }) or die $dbh->errstr;
$rowcount = $sth->execute($query->url_param('id')) or die $dbh->errstr;
#if no id was passed there has to be a title we search for
$sth = $dbh->prepare(qq{select v.id, v.title, v.description, u.username, from_unixtime( v.timestamp ),
v.creator, v.subject, v.contributor, v.source, v.language, v.coverage, v.rights,
v.license, filesize, duration, width, height, fps, viewcount,
from videos as v, users as u where v.title = ? and u.id=v.userid }) or die $dbh->errstr;
$rowcount = $sth->execute($query->url_param('title')) or die $dbh->errstr;
#if the args are wrong there my be zero results
#if there was a title passed, then perform a search
if($rowcount == 0 and $query->url_param('title'))
$sth = $dbh->prepare(qq{select v.id, v.title, v.description, u.username, from_unixtime( v.timestamp ),
v.creator, v.subject, v.contributor, v.source, v.language, v.coverage, v.rights,
v.license, filesize, duration, width, height, fps, viewcount,
from videos as v, users as u where match(v.title, v.description, v.subject) against( ? )
and u.id=v.userid }) or die $dbh->errstr;
$rowcount = $sth->execute($query->url_param('title')) or die $dbh->errstr;
#from this point on, do not use $query->param('id') anymore - we do not know what was given
if($rowcount == 0)
#still no results
#there is nothing we can do now - this video doesn't exist...
$page->{'message'}->{'type'} = "error";
$page->{'message'}->{'text'} = "error_202c";
elsif($rowcount == 1)
#if there was a single result, display the video
my ($id, $title, $description, $username, $timestamp, $creator, $subject,
$contributor, $source, $language, $coverage, $rights, $license,
$filesize, $duration, $width, $height, $fps, $viewcount, $downloadcount) = $sth->fetchrow_array();
#finish query
$sth->finish() or die $dbh->errstr;
#if user is logged in
if($userid = get_userid_from_sid($session->id))
#check if a comment is about to be created
#output infobox
$page->{'message'}->{'type'} = "information";
$page->{'message'}->{'text'} = "information_comment_created";
#add to database
$dbh->do(qq{insert into comments (userid, videoid, text, timestamp) values (?, ?, ?, unix_timestamp())}, undef, $userid, $id, $query->param('comment')) or die $dbh->errstr;
#if referer is not the local site update referer table
$referer = $query->referer() or $referer = '';
$server_name = $query->server_name();
if($referer !~ /^\w+:\/\/$server_name/)
#check if already in database
$sth = $dbh->prepare(qq{select 1 from referer where videoid = ? and referer = ? }) or die $dbh->errstr;
my $rowcount = $sth->execute($id, $referer) or die $dbh->errstr;
$sth->finish() or die $dbh->errstr;
if($rowcount > 0)
#video is in database - increase referercount
$dbh->do(qq{update referer set count=count+1 where videoid = ? and referer = ? }, undef, $id, $referer) or die $dbh->errstr;
#add new referer
$dbh->do(qq{insert into referer (videoid, referer) values (?, ?) }, undef, $id, $referer) or die $dbh->errstr;
#before code cleanup, this was a really obfuscated array/hash creation
push @{ $page->{'video'} },
'thumbnail' => "$domain/video-stills/$id",
'cortado' => $query->param('cortado') eq 'false' ? "false" : "true",
'filesize' => $filesize,
'duration' => $duration,
'width' => $width,
'height' => $height,
'fps' => $fps,
'viewcount' => $viewcount,
'downloadcount' => $downloadcount,
'rdf:RDF' =>
'cc:Work' =>
'rdf:about' => "$domain/download/$id",
'dc:title' => [$title],
'dc:creator' => [$creator],
'dc:subject' => [$subject],
'dc:description' => [$description],
'dc:publisher' => [$username],
'dc:contributor' => [$contributor],
'dc:date' => [$timestamp],
'dc:identifier' => ["$domain/video/$title/$id"],
'dc:source' => [$source],
'dc:language' => [$language],
'dc:coverage' => [$coverage],
'dc:rights' => [$rights]
'cc:License' =>
'rdf:about' => $license
#get comments
$sth = $dbh->prepare(qq{select comments.id, comments.text, users.username, from_unixtime( comments.timestamp )
from comments, users where
comments.videoid=? and users.id=comments.userid}) or die $dbh->errstr;
$sth->execute($id) or die $dbh->errstr;
while (my ($commentid, $text, $username, $timestamp) = $sth->fetchrow_array())
push @{ $page->{'comments'}->{'comment'} }, {
'text' => [$text],
'username' => $username,
'timestamp' => $timestamp,
'id' => $commentid
#get referers
$sth = $dbh->prepare(qq{select count, referer from referer where videoid=?}) or die $dbh->errstr;
$sth->execute($id) or die $dbh->errstr;
while (my ($count, $referer) = $sth->fetchrow_array())
$referer or $referer = 'no referer (refreshed, manually entered url or bookmark)';
push @{ $page->{'referers'}->{'referer'} }, {
'count' => $count,
'referer' => $referer
#when an ambigous title was passed there may me many results - display them like search.pl does
$page->{results}->{query} = $query->url_param('title');
#get every returned value
while (my ($id, $title, $description, $userid, $timestamp) = $sth->fetchrow_array())
#before code cleanup, this was a really obfuscated array/hash creation
push @{ $page->{'results'}->{'result'} },
'thumbnail' => ['./video-stills/225x150/4chan_city_mashup.png'],
'rdf:RDF' =>
'cc:Work' =>
'rdf:about' => "./video.pl?title=$title&id=".$id,
'dc:title' => [$title],
'dc:date' => [$timestamp],
'dc:publisher' => [get_username_from_id($userid)],
'dc:description'=> [$description]
'cc:License' =>
'rdf:about' => 'http://creativecommons.org/licenses/GPL/2.0/'
#finish query
$sth->finish() or die $dbh->errstr;
#close db
$dbh->disconnect() or die $dbh->errstr;
#print xml http header along with session cookie
print $session->header(-type=>'text/xml', -charset=>'UTF-8');
#print xml
print XMLout($page, KeyAttr => {}, XMLDecl => $XMLDecl, RootName => 'page', AttrIndent => 1);
%page = ();
#if a username is associated with session id, username is nonempty
$page->{'username'} = get_username_from_sid($session->id);
$page->{'locale'} = $locale;
$page->{'stylesheet'} = $stylesheet;
$page->{'xmlns:dc'} = $xmlns_dc;
$page->{'xmlns:cc'} = $xmlns_cc;
$page->{'xmlns:rdf'} = $xmlns_rdf;
$page->{'message'}->{'type'} = "error";
$page->{'message'}->{'text'} = "error_202c";
#print xml http header along with session cookie
print $session->header(-type=>'text/xml', -charset=>'UTF-8');
#print xml
print XMLout($page, KeyAttr => {}, XMLDecl => $XMLDecl, RootName => 'page');