erlehmann f2b388baca branching ...
git-svn-id: http://yolanda.mister-muffin.de/svn@360 7eef14d0-6ed0-489d-bf55-20463b2d70db
2008-07-31 19:10:25 +00:00

98 lines
3.7 KiB
Executable file

#!/usr/bin/perl -w
use Proc::Daemon;
use DBI;
use Digest::SHA;
use File::Copy;
use XML::Simple qw(:strict);
$root = '/var/www/yolanda';
#set global config variable
$config = XMLin("$root/config/backend.xml", KeyAttr => {string => 'id'}, ForceArray => [ 'string' ], ContentKey => '-content');
$config = $config->{"strings"}->{"string"};
#TODO: deamonize by uncommenting this line
$LOG = "/dev/null";
#TODO: maybe keep file open the whole time ?
sub appendlog
if (open(FILE, ">>$LOG"))
print FILE scalar(localtime)." ".$$."\n";
#print "------------------------------------\n";
#print join("\n",@_)."\n";
#print "------------------------------------\n\n";
close FILE;
sub interrupt
$dbh = DBI->connect("DBI:mysql:".$config->{"database_name"}.":".$config->{"database_host"}, $config->{"database_username"}, $config->{"database_password"}) or die $DBI::errstr;
#get fresh video id from db
my $sth = $dbh->prepare(qq{select id, filesize, duration, width, height, fps, hash
from uploaded where filesize != -1 and duration != -1 and width != -1 and height != -1 limit 1}) or interrupt $dbh->errstr;
$sth->execute() or interrupt $dbh->errstr;
my ($id,$filesize, $duration, $width, $height, $fps, $sha) = $sth->fetchrow_array();
$sth->finish() or interrupt $dbh->errstr;
#video height is either the maximum video height
#or (when the original is smaller than that) the original height
#check for multiple of 8
$vheight = $height <= $config->{"video_height_max"} ? int($height/8 + .5)*8 : $config->{"video_height_max"};
$vwidth = int($vheight*($width/$height)/8 + .5)*8;
#if calculated width is greater than max_width, recalculate height
if($vwidth > $config->{"video_width_max"})
$vwidth = $config->{"video_width_max"};
$vheight = int($vwidth*($height/$width)/8 + .5)*8;
#calculate video bitrate - try to keep the original filesize
$vbitrate = int((int(($filesize*8) / $duration + .5) - $config->{"video_audio_bitrate"})/1000);
#check if the bitrate is lower than $config->{"video_bitrate_max"} and adjust if necessary
$vbitrate = $vbitrate <= $config->{"video_bitrate_max"} ? $vbitrate : $config->{"video_bitrate_max"};
#TODO: add metadata information
$ffmpeg = system "ffmpeg2theora --optimize --videobitrate $vbitrate --audiobitrate ".$config->{"video_audio_bitrate"}." --sharpness 0 --width $vwidth --height $vheight --output $root/videos/$id /tmp/$id";
appendlog $id, $vbitrate, $filesize, $vwidth, $vheight, $fps, $duration, $sha, $ffmpeg;
#only insert into videos table when everything went right
if($ffmpeg == 0)
$filesize = -s "$root/videos/$id";
#add video to videos table
$dbh->do(qq{insert into videos select id, title, description, userid, timestamp, creator,
subject, source, language, coverage, rights, license, ?, duration, ?, ?, fps, hash, 0, 0
from uploaded where id = ?}, undef, $filesize, $vwidth,
$vheight, $id) or interrupt $dbh->errstr;
#delete from uploaded table and from /tmp
unlink "/tmp/$id";
$dbh->do(qq{delete from uploaded where id = ?}, undef, $id) or interrupt $dbh->errstr;
#TODO: maybe make this event-driven by using the kernels has-this-file-changed-interface ?
sleep 10;