Fork 0

support from multi-frame images like multipage TIFF and animated GIF

parent dbed55655a
commit edba669000

@ -541,7 +541,54 @@ class pdfdoc(object):
self.writer.tostream(self.info, outputstream)
def read_image(rawdata, colorspace):
def get_imgmetadata(imgdata, imgformat, default_dpi, colorspace, rawdata=None):
if imgformat == ImageFormat.JPEG2000 and rawdata is not None:
imgwidthpx, imgheightpx, ics = parsejp2(rawdata)
# TODO: read real dpi from input jpeg2000 image
ndpi = (default_dpi, default_dpi)
imgwidthpx, imgheightpx = imgdata.size
ndpi = imgdata.info.get("dpi", (default_dpi, default_dpi))
# In python3, the returned dpi value for some tiff images will
# not be an integer but a float. To make the behaviour of
# img2pdf the same between python2 and python3, we convert that
# float into an integer by rounding.
# Search online for the 72.009 dpi problem for more info.
ndpi = (int(round(ndpi[0])), int(round(ndpi[1])))
ics = imgdata.mode
logging.debug("input dpi = %d x %d", *ndpi)
if colorspace:
color = colorspace
logging.debug("input colorspace (forced) = %s", color)
color = None
for c in Colorspace:
if c.name == ics:
color = c
if color is None:
raise ValueError("unknown PIL colorspace: %s" % imgdata.mode)
if color == Colorspace.CMYK and imgformat == ImageFormat.JPEG:
# Adobe inverts CMYK JPEGs for some reason, and others
# have followed suit as well. Some software assumes the
# JPEG is inverted if the Adobe tag (APP14), while other
# software assumes all CMYK JPEGs are inverted. I don't
# have enough experience with these to know which is
# better for images currently in the wild, so I'm going
# with the first approach for now.
if "adobe" in imgdata.info:
color = Colorspace['CMYK;I']
logging.debug("input colorspace = %s", color.name)
logging.debug("width x height = %dpx x %dpx", imgwidthpx, imgheightpx)
return (color, ndpi, imgwidthpx, imgheightpx)
def read_images(rawdata, colorspace, first_frame_only=False):
im = BytesIO(rawdata)
@ -552,21 +599,8 @@ def read_image(rawdata, colorspace):
raise ImageOpenError("cannot read input image (not jpeg2000). "
"PIL: error reading image: %s" % e)
# image is jpeg2000
imgwidthpx, imgheightpx, ics = parsejp2(rawdata)
imgformat = ImageFormat.JPEG2000
# TODO: read real dpi from input jpeg2000 image
ndpi = (default_dpi, default_dpi)
logging.debug("input dpi = %d x %d", *ndpi)
if colorspace:
color = colorspace
logging.debug("input colorspace (forced) = %s", ics)
color = ics
logging.debug("input colorspace = %s", ics)
imgwidthpx, imgheightpx = imgdata.size
imgformat = None
for f in ImageFormat:
if f.name == imgdata.format:
@ -574,72 +608,62 @@ def read_image(rawdata, colorspace):
if imgformat is None:
raise ValueError("unknown PIL image format: %s" % imgdata.format)
ndpi = imgdata.info.get("dpi", (default_dpi, default_dpi))
# In python3, the returned dpi value for some tiff images will
# not be an integer but a float. To make the behaviour of
# img2pdf the same between python2 and python3, we convert that
# float into an integer by rounding.
# Search online for the 72.009 dpi problem for more info.
ndpi = (int(round(ndpi[0])), int(round(ndpi[1])))
logging.debug("input dpi = %d x %d", *ndpi)
if colorspace:
color = colorspace
logging.debug("input colorspace (forced) = %s", color)
color = None
for c in Colorspace:
if c.name == imgdata.mode:
color = c
if color is None:
raise ValueError("unknown PIL colorspace: %s" % imgdata.mode)
if color == Colorspace.CMYK and imgformat == ImageFormat.JPEG:
# Adobe inverts CMYK JPEGs for some reason, and others
# have followed suit as well. Some software assumes the
# JPEG is inverted if the Adobe tag (APP14), while other
# software assumes all CMYK JPEGs are inverted. I don't
# have enough experience with these to know which is
# better for images currently in the wild, so I'm going
# with the first approach for now.
if "adobe" in imgdata.info:
color = Colorspace['CMYK;I']
logging.debug("input colorspace = %s", color.name)
logging.debug("width x height = %dpx x %dpx", imgwidthpx, imgheightpx)
logging.debug("imgformat = %s", imgformat.name)
# depending on the input format, determine whether to pass the raw
# image or the zlib compressed color information
if imgformat == ImageFormat.JPEG or imgformat == ImageFormat.JPEG2000:
color, ndpi, imgwidthpx, imgheightpx = get_imgmetadata(
imgdata, imgformat, default_dpi, colorspace, rawdata)
if color == Colorspace['1']:
raise MonochromeJpegError("jpeg can't be monochrome")
imgdata = rawdata
return [(color, ndpi, imgformat, rawdata, imgwidthpx, imgheightpx)]
# because we do not support /CCITTFaxDecode
if color == Colorspace['1']:
logging.debug("Converting colorspace 1 to L")
imgdata = imgdata.convert('L')
color = Colorspace.L
elif color in [Colorspace.RGB, Colorspace.L, Colorspace.CMYK,
logging.debug("Colorspace is OK: %s", color)
elif color in [Colorspace.RGBA]:
logging.debug("Converting colorspace %s to RGB", color)
imgdata = imgdata.convert('RGB')
color = Colorspace.RGB
raise ValueError("unknown colorspace: %s" % color.name)
img = imgdata.tobytes()
result = []
img_page_count = 0
# loop through all frames of the image (example: multipage TIFF)
while True:
except EOFError:
if first_frame_only and img_page_count > 0:
logging.debug("Converting frame: %d" % img_page_count)
color, ndpi, imgwidthpx, imgheightpx = get_imgmetadata(
imgdata, imgformat, default_dpi, colorspace)
# because we do not support /CCITTFaxDecode
if color == Colorspace['1']:
logging.debug("Converting colorspace 1 to L")
newimg = imgdata.convert('L')
color = Colorspace.L
elif color in [Colorspace.RGB, Colorspace.L, Colorspace.CMYK,
logging.debug("Colorspace is OK: %s", color)
newimg = imgdata
elif color in [Colorspace.RGBA]:
logging.debug("Converting colorspace %s to RGB", color)
newimg = imgdata.convert('RGB')
color = Colorspace.RGB
raise ValueError("unknown colorspace: %s" % color.name)
imggz = zlib.compress(newimg.tobytes())
result.append((color, ndpi, imgformat, imggz, imgwidthpx,
img_page_count += 1
# the python-pil version 2.3.0-1ubuntu3 in Ubuntu does not have the
# close() method
except AttributeError:
imgdata = zlib.compress(img)
return color, ndpi, imgformat, imgdata, imgwidthpx, imgheightpx
return result
# converts a length in pixels to a length in PDF units (1/72 of an inch)
@ -881,7 +905,7 @@ def convert(*images, title=None,
viewer_initial_page=None, viewer_magnification=None,
viewer_page_layout=None, viewer_fit_window=False,
viewer_center_window=False, viewer_fullscreen=False,
with_pdfrw=True, outputstream=None):
with_pdfrw=True, outputstream=None, first_frame_only=False):
pdf = pdfdoc("1.3", title, author, creator, producer, creationdate,
moddate, subject, keywords, nodate, viewer_panes,
@ -906,22 +930,22 @@ def convert(*images, title=None,
# name so we now try treating it as raw image content
rawdata = img
color, ndpi, imgformat, imgdata, imgwidthpx, imgheightpx = \
read_image(rawdata, colorspace)
pagewidth, pageheight, imgwidthpdf, imgheightpdf = \
layout_fun(imgwidthpx, imgheightpx, ndpi)
if pagewidth < 3.00 or pageheight < 3.00:
logging.warning("pdf width or height is below 3.00 - too small "
"for some viewers!")
elif pagewidth > 14400.0 or pageheight > 14400.0:
raise PdfTooLargeError(
"pdf width or height must not exceed 200 inches.")
# the image is always centered on the page
imgxpdf = (pagewidth - imgwidthpdf)/2.0
imgypdf = (pageheight - imgheightpdf)/2.0
pdf.add_imagepage(color, imgwidthpx, imgheightpx, imgformat, imgdata,
imgwidthpdf, imgheightpdf, imgxpdf, imgypdf,
pagewidth, pageheight)
for color, ndpi, imgformat, imgdata, imgwidthpx, imgheightpx \
in read_images(rawdata, colorspace, first_frame_only):
pagewidth, pageheight, imgwidthpdf, imgheightpdf = \
layout_fun(imgwidthpx, imgheightpx, ndpi)
if pagewidth < 3.00 or pageheight < 3.00:
logging.warning("pdf width or height is below 3.00 - too "
"small for some viewers!")
elif pagewidth > 14400.0 or pageheight > 14400.0:
raise PdfTooLargeError(
"pdf width or height must not exceed 200 inches.")
# the image is always centered on the page
imgxpdf = (pagewidth - imgwidthpdf)/2.0
imgypdf = (pageheight - imgheightpdf)/2.0
pdf.add_imagepage(color, imgwidthpx, imgheightpx, imgformat,
imgdata, imgwidthpdf, imgheightpdf, imgxpdf,
imgypdf, pagewidth, pageheight)
if outputstream:
@ -1369,6 +1393,14 @@ RGB.''')
"https://github.com/pmaupin/pdfrw/issues/39) or if you want the "
"PDF code to be more human readable.")
"--first-frame-only", action="store_true",
help="By default, img2pdf will convert multi-frame images like "
"multi-page TIFF or animated GIF images to one page per frame. "
"This option will only let the first frame of every multi-frame "
"input image be converted into a page in the resulting PDF."
sizeargs = parser.add_argument_group(
title='Image and page size and layout arguments',
@ -1578,7 +1610,8 @@ values set via the --border option.
viewer_fullscreen=args.viewer_fullscreen, with_pdfrw=not
args.without_pdfrw, outputstream=args.output)
args.without_pdfrw, outputstream=args.output,
except Exception as e:
logging.error("error: " + str(e))
if logging.getLogger().isEnabledFor(logging.DEBUG):
