set -eu
psnr=$(compare -metric PSNR "$1" "$2" null: 2>&1 || true)
if [ -z "$psnr" ]; then
echo "compare failed"
return 1
# PSNR of zero means that they are identical
if [ "$psnr" = 0 ]; then
echo "images are equal -- don't use similar() but require exactness"
exit 2
# The lower PSNR value, the fewer the similarities
# The lowest (and worst) value is 1.0
# head -n == --lines, but more portable (MacOS)
if [ "$min_psnr" != "$( printf "$psnr\n$min_psnr\n" | sort --general-numeric-sort | head -n1)" ]; then
echo "pdf wrongly rendered"
return 1
return 0
if [ "$#" -eq 3 ]; then
compare_ghostscript "$pdf" "$img" "$gsdevice"
compare_poppler "$pdf" "$img"
compare_mupdf "$pdf" "$img"
gs -dQUIET -dNOPAUSE -dBATCH -sDEVICE="$gsdevice" -r96 -sOutputFile="$tempdir/gs-%00d.png" "$pdf"
compare -metric AE "$img" "$tempdir/gs-1.png" null: 2>/dev/null
rm "$tempdir/gs-1.png"
pdftocairo -r 96 -png "$pdf" "$tempdir/poppler"
compare -metric AE "$img" "$tempdir/poppler-1.png" null: 2>/dev/null
rm "$tempdir/poppler-1.png"
mutool draw -o "$tempdir/mupdf.png" -r 96 "$pdf" 2>/dev/null
if [ "$(uname)" != "Darwin" ]; then # mupdf is not pixel perfect on Darwin
compare -metric AE "$img" "$tempdir/mupdf.png" null: 2>/dev/null
rm "$tempdir/mupdf.png"
pdfimages -png "$pdf" "$tempdir/images"
compare -metric AE "$img" "$tempdir/images-000.png" null: 2>/dev/null
rm "$tempdir/images-000.png"
python3 -c 'import pikepdf,sys; p=pikepdf.open(sys.argv[1]);exit(sum([not eval("p.pages[0]."+l) for l in sys.stdin]))' "$1"
echo test $j failed
echo intermediate data is left in $tempdir
exit 1
# -d == --directory, -t == --template, but more portable (MacOS, FreeBSD)
tempdir=$(mktemp -d -t img2pdf.XXXXXXXXXX)
trap error EXIT
# instead of using imagemagick to craft the test input, we use a custom python
# script. This is because the output of imagemagick is not bit-by-bit identical
# across versions and architectures.
# See https://gitlab.mister-muffin.de/josch/img2pdf/issues/56
python3 magick.py "$tempdir"
if [ "$(uname)" = "Darwin" ]; then
cat << END | ( cd "$tempdir"; md5sum --check $status_arg - )
cc611e80cde3b9b7adb7723801a4e5d4 alpha.png
706175887af8ca1a33cfd93449f970df gray16.png
ff4d9f18de39be879926be2e65990167 gray1.png
d51900476658a1c9dd26a7b27db8a21f gray2.png
722223ba74be9cba1af4a549076b70d3 gray4.png
2320216faa5a10bf0f5f04ebce07f8e1 gray8.png
35a47d6ae6de8c9d0b31aa0cda8648f3 inverse.png
6ad810399058a87d8145d8d9a7734da5 normal16.png
c8d2e1f116f31ecdeae050524efca7b6 normal.png
18a3dfca369f976996ef93389ddfad61 palette1.png
d38646afa6fa0714be9badef25ff9392 palette2.png
e1c59e68a68fca3273b6dc164d526ed7 palette4.png
50bf09eb3571901f0bf642b9a733038c palette8.png
# use img2pdfprog environment variable if it is set
if [ -z ${img2pdfprog+x} ]; then
if python3 -c "import pdfrw" 2>/dev/null; then
available_engines="$available_engines pdfrw"
if python3 -c "import pikepdf" 2>/dev/null; then
available_engines="$available_engines pikepdf"
$img2pdfprog --producer="" --nodate --engine="$1" "$2" > "$3" 2>/dev/null
tests=51 # number of tests
j=1 # current test
echo "Test $j/$tests JPEG"
convert "$tempdir/normal.png" "$tempdir/normal.jpg"
identify -verbose "$tempdir/normal.jpg" | grep --quiet '^ Format: JPEG (Joint Photographic Experts Group JFIF format)$'
identify -verbose "$tempdir/normal.jpg" | grep --quiet '^ Mime type: image/jpeg$'
identify -verbose "$tempdir/normal.jpg" | grep --quiet '^ Geometry: 60x60+0+0$'
identify -verbose "$tempdir/normal.jpg" | grep --quiet '^ Colorspace: sRGB$'
identify -verbose "$tempdir/normal.jpg" | grep --quiet '^ Type: TrueColor$'
identify -verbose "$tempdir/normal.jpg" | grep --quiet '^ Depth: 8-bit$'
identify -verbose "$tempdir/normal.jpg" | grep --quiet '^ Page geometry: 60x60+0+0$'
identify -verbose "$tempdir/normal.jpg" | grep --quiet '^ Compression: JPEG$'
for engine in $available_engines; do
img2pdf $engine "$tempdir/normal.jpg" "$tempdir/out.pdf"
# We have to use jpegtopnm with the original JPG before being able to compare
# it with imagemagick because imagemagick will decode the JPG slightly
# differently than ghostscript, poppler and mupdf do it.
# We have to use jpegtopnm and cannot use djpeg because the latter produces
# slightly different results as well when called like this:
# djpeg -dct int -pnm "$tempdir/normal.jpg" > "$tempdir/normal.pnm"
# An alternative way to compare the JPG would be to require a different DCT
# method when decoding by setting -define jpeg:dct-method=ifast in the
# compare command.
jpegtopnm -dct int "$tempdir/normal.jpg" > "$tempdir/normal.pnm" 2>/dev/null
compare_rendered "$tempdir/out.pdf" "$tempdir/normal.pnm"
pdfimages -j "$tempdir/out.pdf" "$tempdir/images"
cmp "$tempdir/normal.jpg" "$tempdir/images-000.jpg"
rm "$tempdir/images-000.jpg"
cat << 'END' | checkpdf "$tempdir/out.pdf"
Contents.read_bytes() == b'q\n45.0000 0 0 45.0000 0.0000 0.0000 cm\n/Im0 Do\nQ'
Resources.XObject.Im0.BitsPerComponent == 8
Resources.XObject.Im0.ColorSpace == "/DeviceRGB"
Resources.XObject.Im0.Filter == "/DCTDecode"
Resources.XObject.Im0.Height == 60
Resources.XObject.Im0.Width == 60
rm "$tempdir/out.pdf"
rm "$tempdir/normal.jpg" "$tempdir/normal.pnm"
echo "Test $j/$tests JPEG (90° rotated)"
convert "$tempdir/normal.png" "$tempdir/normal.jpg"
exiftool -overwrite_original -all= "$tempdir/normal.jpg" -n >/dev/null
exiftool -overwrite_original -Orientation=6 -XResolution=96 -YResolution=96 -n "$tempdir/normal.jpg" >/dev/null
identify -verbose "$tempdir/normal.jpg" | grep --quiet '^ Format: JPEG (Joint Photographic Experts Group JFIF format)$'
identify -verbose "$tempdir/normal.jpg" | grep --quiet '^ Mime type: image/jpeg$'
identify -verbose "$tempdir/normal.jpg" | grep --quiet '^ Geometry: 60x60+0+0$'
identify -verbose "$tempdir/normal.jpg" | grep --quiet '^ Resolution: 96x96$'
identify -verbose "$tempdir/normal.jpg" | grep --quiet '^ Units: PixelsPerInch$'
identify -verbose "$tempdir/normal.jpg" | grep --quiet '^ Colorspace: sRGB$'
identify -verbose "$tempdir/normal.jpg" | grep --quiet '^ Type: TrueColor$'
identify -verbose "$tempdir/normal.jpg" | grep --quiet '^ Depth: 8-bit$'
identify -verbose "$tempdir/normal.jpg" | grep --quiet '^ Page geometry: 60x60+0+0$'
identify -verbose "$tempdir/normal.jpg" | grep --quiet '^ Compression: JPEG$'
identify -verbose "$tempdir/normal.jpg" | grep --quiet '^ Orientation: RightTop$'
for engine in $available_engines; do
img2pdf $engine "$tempdir/normal.jpg" "$tempdir/out.pdf"
# We have to use jpegtopnm with the original JPG before being able to compare
# it with imagemagick because imagemagick will decode the JPG slightly
# differently than ghostscript, poppler and mupdf do it.
# We have to use jpegtopnm and cannot use djpeg because the latter produces
# slightly different results as well when called like this:
# djpeg -dct int -pnm "$tempdir/normal.jpg" > "$tempdir/normal.pnm"
# An alternative way to compare the JPG would be to require a different DCT
# method when decoding by setting -define jpeg:dct-method=ifast in the
# compare command.
jpegtopnm -dct int "$tempdir/normal.jpg" > "$tempdir/normal.pnm" 2>/dev/null
convert -rotate "90" "$tempdir/normal.pnm" "$tempdir/normal_rotated.png"
#convert -rotate "0" "$tempdir/normal.pnm" "$tempdir/normal_rotated.png"
compare_rendered "$tempdir/out.pdf" "$tempdir/normal_rotated.png"
pdfimages -j "$tempdir/out.pdf" "$tempdir/images"
cmp "$tempdir/normal.jpg" "$tempdir/images-000.jpg"
rm "$tempdir/images-000.jpg"
cat << 'END' | checkpdf "$tempdir/out.pdf"
Contents.read_bytes() == b'q\n45.0000 0 0 45.0000 0.0000 0.0000 cm\n/Im0 Do\nQ'
Resources.XObject.Im0.BitsPerComponent == 8
Resources.XObject.Im0.ColorSpace == "/DeviceRGB"
Resources.XObject.Im0.Filter == "/DCTDecode"
Resources.XObject.Im0.Height == 60
Resources.XObject.Im0.Width == 60
Rotate == 90
rm "$tempdir/out.pdf"
rm "$tempdir/normal.jpg" "$tempdir/normal.pnm" "$tempdir/normal_rotated.png"
echo "Test $j/$tests JPEG CMYK"
convert "$tempdir/normal.png" -colorspace cmyk "$tempdir/normal.jpg"
identify -verbose "$tempdir/normal.jpg" | grep --quiet '^ Format: JPEG (Joint Photographic Experts Group JFIF format)$'
identify -verbose "$tempdir/normal.jpg" | grep --quiet '^ Mime type: image/jpeg$'
identify -verbose "$tempdir/normal.jpg" | grep --quiet '^ Geometry: 60x60+0+0$'
identify -verbose "$tempdir/normal.jpg" | grep --quiet '^ Colorspace: CMYK$'
identify -verbose "$tempdir/normal.jpg" | grep --quiet '^ Type: ColorSeparation$'
identify -verbose "$tempdir/normal.jpg" | grep --quiet '^ Depth: 8-bit$'
identify -verbose "$tempdir/normal.jpg" | grep --quiet '^ Page geometry: 60x60+0+0$'
identify -verbose "$tempdir/normal.jpg" | grep --quiet '^ Compression: JPEG$'
for engine in $available_engines; do
img2pdf $engine "$tempdir/normal.jpg" "$tempdir/out.pdf"
gs -dQUIET -dNOPAUSE -dBATCH -sDEVICE=tiff32nc -r96 -sOutputFile="$tempdir/gs-%00d.tiff" "$tempdir/out.pdf"
similar "$tempdir/normal.jpg" "$tempdir/gs-1.tiff"
rm "$tempdir/gs-1.tiff"
# not testing with poppler as it cannot write CMYK images
mutool draw -o "$tempdir/mupdf.pam" -r 96 -c cmyk "$pdf" 2>/dev/null
similar "$tempdir/normal.jpg" "$tempdir/mupdf.pam"
rm "$tempdir/mupdf.pam"
pdfimages -j "$tempdir/out.pdf" "$tempdir/images"
cmp "$tempdir/normal.jpg" "$tempdir/images-000.jpg"
rm "$tempdir/images-000.jpg"
cat << 'END' | checkpdf "$tempdir/out.pdf"
Contents.read_bytes() == b'q\n45.0000 0 0 45.0000 0.0000 0.0000 cm\n/Im0 Do\nQ'
Resources.XObject.Im0.BitsPerComponent == 8
Resources.XObject.Im0.ColorSpace == "/DeviceCMYK"
Resources.XObject.Im0.Decode == pikepdf.Array([ 1, 0, 1, 0, 1, 0, 1, 0 ])
Resources.XObject.Im0.Filter == "/DCTDecode"
Resources.XObject.Im0.Height == 60
Resources.XObject.Im0.Width == 60
rm "$tempdir/out.pdf"
rm "$tempdir/normal.jpg"
echo "Test $j/$tests JPEG2000"
convert "$tempdir/normal.png" "$tempdir/normal.jp2"
identify -verbose "$tempdir/normal.jp2" | grep --quiet '^ Format: JP2 (JPEG-2000 File Format Syntax)$'
identify -verbose "$tempdir/normal.jp2" | grep --quiet '^ Mime type: image/jp2$'
identify -verbose "$tempdir/normal.jp2" | grep --quiet '^ Geometry: 60x60+0+0$'
identify -verbose "$tempdir/normal.jp2" | grep --quiet '^ Colorspace: sRGB$'
identify -verbose "$tempdir/normal.jp2" | grep --quiet '^ Type: TrueColor$'
identify -verbose "$tempdir/normal.jp2" | grep --quiet '^ Depth: 8-bit$'
identify -verbose "$tempdir/normal.jp2" | grep --quiet '^ Page geometry: 60x60+0+0$'
identify -verbose "$tempdir/normal.jp2" | grep --quiet '^ Compression: JPEG2000$'
for engine in $available_engines; do
img2pdf $engine "$tempdir/normal.jp2" "$tempdir/out.pdf"
compare_rendered "$tempdir/out.pdf" "$tempdir/normal.jp2"
pdfimages -jp2 "$tempdir/out.pdf" "$tempdir/images"
cmp "$tempdir/normal.jp2" "$tempdir/images-000.jp2"
rm "$tempdir/images-000.jp2"
cat << 'END' | checkpdf "$tempdir/out.pdf"
Contents.read_bytes() == b'q\n45.0000 0 0 45.0000 0.0000 0.0000 cm\n/Im0 Do\nQ'
Resources.XObject.Im0.BitsPerComponent == 8
Resources.XObject.Im0.ColorSpace == "/DeviceRGB"
Resources.XObject.Im0.Filter == "/JPXDecode"
Resources.XObject.Im0.Height == 60
Resources.XObject.Im0.Width == 60
rm "$tempdir/out.pdf"
rm "$tempdir/normal.jp2"
#echo Test JPEG2000 CMYK
# cannot test because imagemagick does not support JPEG2000 CMYK
echo "Test $j/$tests PNG RGB8"
identify -verbose "$tempdir/normal.png" | grep --quiet '^ Format: PNG (Portable Network Graphics)$'
identify -verbose "$tempdir/normal.png" | grep --quiet '^ Mime type: image/png$'
identify -verbose "$tempdir/normal.png" | grep --quiet '^ Geometry: 60x60+0+0$'
identify -verbose "$tempdir/normal.png" | grep --quiet '^ Colorspace: sRGB$'
identify -verbose "$tempdir/normal.png" | grep --quiet '^ Type: TrueColor$'
identify -verbose "$tempdir/normal.png" | grep --quiet '^ Depth: 8-bit$'
identify -verbose "$tempdir/normal.png" | grep --quiet '^ Page geometry: 60x60+0+0$'
identify -verbose "$tempdir/normal.png" | grep --quiet '^ Compression: Zip$'
identify -verbose "$tempdir/normal.png" | grep --quiet '^ png:IHDR.bit-depth-orig: 8$'
identify -verbose "$tempdir/normal.png" | grep --quiet '^ png:IHDR.bit_depth: 8$'
identify -verbose "$tempdir/normal.png" | grep --quiet '^ png:IHDR.color-type-orig: 2$'
identify -verbose "$tempdir/normal.png" | grep --quiet '^ png:IHDR.color_type: 2 (Truecolor)$'
identify -verbose "$tempdir/normal.png" | grep --quiet '^ png:IHDR.interlace_method: 0 (Not interlaced)$'
for engine in $available_engines; do
img2pdf $engine "$tempdir/normal.png" "$tempdir/out.pdf"
compare_rendered "$tempdir/out.pdf" "$tempdir/normal.png"
compare_pdfimages "$tempdir/out.pdf" "$tempdir/normal.png"
cat << 'END' | checkpdf "$tempdir/out.pdf"
Contents.read_bytes() == b'q\n45.0000 0 0 45.0000 0.0000 0.0000 cm\n/Im0 Do\nQ'
Resources.XObject.Im0.BitsPerComponent == 8
Resources.XObject.Im0.ColorSpace == "/DeviceRGB"
Resources.XObject.Im0.DecodeParms.BitsPerComponent == 8
Resources.XObject.Im0.DecodeParms.Colors == 3
Resources.XObject.Im0.DecodeParms.Predictor == 15
Resources.XObject.Im0.Filter == "/FlateDecode"
Resources.XObject.Im0.Height == 60
Resources.XObject.Im0.Width == 60
rm "$tempdir/out.pdf"
echo "Test $j/$tests PNG RGB16"
identify -verbose "$tempdir/normal16.png" | grep --quiet '^ Format: PNG (Portable Network Graphics)$'
identify -verbose "$tempdir/normal16.png" | grep --quiet '^ Mime type: image/png$'
identify -verbose "$tempdir/normal16.png" | grep --quiet '^ Geometry: 60x60+0+0$'
identify -verbose "$tempdir/normal16.png" | grep --quiet '^ Colorspace: sRGB$'
identify -verbose "$tempdir/normal16.png" | grep --quiet '^ Type: TrueColor$'
identify -verbose "$tempdir/normal16.png" | grep --quiet '^ Depth: 16-bit$'
identify -verbose "$tempdir/normal16.png" | grep --quiet '^ Page geometry: 60x60+0+0$'
identify -verbose "$tempdir/normal16.png" | grep --quiet '^ Compression: Zip$'
identify -verbose "$tempdir/normal16.png" | grep --quiet '^ png:IHDR.bit-depth-orig: 16$'
identify -verbose "$tempdir/normal16.png" | grep --quiet '^ png:IHDR.bit_depth: 16$'
identify -verbose "$tempdir/normal16.png" | grep --quiet '^ png:IHDR.color-type-orig: 2$'
identify -verbose "$tempdir/normal16.png" | grep --quiet '^ png:IHDR.color_type: 2 (Truecolor)$'
identify -verbose "$tempdir/normal16.png" | grep --quiet '^ png:IHDR.interlace_method: 0 (Not interlaced)$'
for engine in $available_engines; do
img2pdf $engine "$tempdir/normal16.png" "$tempdir/out.pdf"
compare_ghostscript "$tempdir/out.pdf" "$tempdir/normal16.png" tiff48nc
# poppler outputs 8-bit RGB so the comparison will not be exact
pdftocairo -r 96 -png "$tempdir/out.pdf" "$tempdir/poppler"
similar "$tempdir/normal16.png" "$tempdir/poppler-1.png"
rm "$tempdir/poppler-1.png"
# pdfimages is unable to write 16 bit output
cat << 'END' | checkpdf "$tempdir/out.pdf"
Contents.read_bytes() == b'q\n45.0000 0 0 45.0000 0.0000 0.0000 cm\n/Im0 Do\nQ'
Resources.XObject.Im0.BitsPerComponent == 16
Resources.XObject.Im0.ColorSpace == "/DeviceRGB"
Resources.XObject.Im0.DecodeParms.BitsPerComponent == 16
Resources.XObject.Im0.DecodeParms.Colors == 3
Resources.XObject.Im0.DecodeParms.Predictor == 15
Resources.XObject.Im0.Filter == "/FlateDecode"
Resources.XObject.Im0.Height == 60
Resources.XObject.Im0.Width == 60
rm "$tempdir/out.pdf"
echo "Test $j/$tests PNG RGBA8"
convert "$tempdir/alpha.png" -depth 8 -strip "$tempdir/alpha8.png"
identify -verbose "$tempdir/alpha8.png" | grep --quiet '^ Format: PNG (Portable Network Graphics)$'
identify -verbose "$tempdir/alpha8.png" | grep --quiet '^ Mime type: image/png$'
identify -verbose "$tempdir/alpha8.png" | grep --quiet '^ Geometry: 60x60+0+0$'
identify -verbose "$tempdir/alpha8.png" | grep --quiet '^ Colorspace: sRGB$'
identify -verbose "$tempdir/alpha8.png" | grep --quiet '^ Type: TrueColorAlpha$'
identify -verbose "$tempdir/alpha8.png" | grep --quiet '^ Depth: 8-bit$'
identify -verbose "$tempdir/alpha8.png" | grep --quiet '^ Page geometry: 60x60+0+0$'
identify -verbose "$tempdir/alpha8.png" | grep --quiet '^ Compression: Zip$'
identify -verbose "$tempdir/alpha8.png" | grep --quiet '^ png:IHDR.bit-depth-orig: 8$'
identify -verbose "$tempdir/alpha8.png" | grep --quiet '^ png:IHDR.bit_depth: 8$'
identify -verbose "$tempdir/alpha8.png" | grep --quiet '^ png:IHDR.color-type-orig: 6$'
identify -verbose "$tempdir/alpha8.png" | grep --quiet '^ png:IHDR.color_type: 6 (RGBA)$'
identify -verbose "$tempdir/alpha8.png" | grep --quiet '^ png:IHDR.interlace_method: 0 (Not interlaced)$'
for engine in $available_engines; do
img2pdf $engine "$tempdir/alpha8.png" /dev/null && rc=$? || rc=$?
if [ "$rc" -eq 0 ]; then
echo needs to fail here
exit 1
rm "$tempdir/alpha8.png"
echo "Test $j/$tests PNG RGBA16"
identify -verbose "$tempdir/alpha.png" | grep --quiet '^ Format: PNG (Portable Network Graphics)$'
identify -verbose "$tempdir/alpha.png" | grep --quiet '^ Mime type: image/png$'
identify -verbose "$tempdir/alpha.png" | grep --quiet '^ Geometry: 60x60+0+0$'
identify -verbose "$tempdir/alpha.png" | grep --quiet '^ Colorspace: sRGB$'
identify -verbose "$tempdir/alpha.png" | grep --quiet '^ Type: TrueColorAlpha$'
identify -verbose "$tempdir/alpha.png" | grep --quiet '^ Depth: 16-bit$'
identify -verbose "$tempdir/alpha.png" | grep --quiet '^ Page geometry: 60x60+0+0$'
identify -verbose "$tempdir/alpha.png" | grep --quiet '^ Compression: Zip$'
identify -verbose "$tempdir/alpha.png" | grep --quiet '^ png:IHDR.bit-depth-orig: 16$'
identify -verbose "$tempdir/alpha.png" | grep --quiet '^ png:IHDR.bit_depth: 16$'
identify -verbose "$tempdir/alpha.png" | grep --quiet '^ png:IHDR.color-type-orig: 6$'
identify -verbose "$tempdir/alpha.png" | grep --quiet '^ png:IHDR.color_type: 6 (RGBA)$'
identify -verbose "$tempdir/alpha.png" | grep --quiet '^ png:IHDR.interlace_method: 0 (Not interlaced)$'
for engine in $available_engines; do
img2pdf $engine "$tempdir/alpha.png" /dev/null && rc=$? || rc=$?
if [ "$rc" -eq 0 ]; then
echo needs to fail here
exit 1
echo "Test $j/$tests PNG Gray8 Alpha"
convert "$tempdir/alpha.png" -colorspace Gray -dither FloydSteinberg -colors 256 -depth 8 -strip "$tempdir/alpha_gray8.png"
identify -verbose "$tempdir/alpha_gray8.png" | grep --quiet '^ Format: PNG (Portable Network Graphics)$'
identify -verbose "$tempdir/alpha_gray8.png" | grep --quiet '^ Mime type: image/png$'
identify -verbose "$tempdir/alpha_gray8.png" | grep --quiet '^ Geometry: 60x60+0+0$'
identify -verbose "$tempdir/alpha_gray8.png" | grep --quiet '^ Colorspace: Gray$'
identify -verbose "$tempdir/alpha_gray8.png" | grep --quiet '^ Type: GrayscaleAlpha$'
identify -verbose "$tempdir/alpha_gray8.png" | grep --quiet '^ Depth: 8-bit$'
identify -verbose "$tempdir/alpha_gray8.png" | grep --quiet '^ Page geometry: 60x60+0+0$'
identify -verbose "$tempdir/alpha_gray8.png" | grep --quiet '^ Compression: Zip$'
identify -verbose "$tempdir/alpha_gray8.png" | grep --quiet '^ png:IHDR.bit-depth-orig: 8$'
identify -verbose "$tempdir/alpha_gray8.png" | grep --quiet '^ png:IHDR.bit_depth: 8$'
identify -verbose "$tempdir/alpha_gray8.png" | grep --quiet '^ png:IHDR.color-type-orig: 4$'
identify -verbose "$tempdir/alpha_gray8.png" | grep --quiet '^ png:IHDR.color_type: 4 (GrayAlpha)$'
identify -verbose "$tempdir/alpha_gray8.png" | grep --quiet '^ png:IHDR.interlace_method: 0 (Not interlaced)$'
for engine in $available_engines; do
img2pdf $engine "$tempdir/alpha_gray8.png" /dev/null && rc=$? || rc=$?
if [ "$rc" -eq 0 ]; then
echo needs to fail here
exit 1
rm "$tempdir/alpha_gray8.png"
echo "Test $j/$tests PNG Gray16 Alpha"
convert "$tempdir/alpha.png" -colorspace Gray -depth 16 -strip "$tempdir/alpha_gray16.png"
identify -verbose "$tempdir/alpha_gray16.png" | grep --quiet '^ Format: PNG (Portable Network Graphics)$'
identify -verbose "$tempdir/alpha_gray16.png" | grep --quiet '^ Mime type: image/png$'
identify -verbose "$tempdir/alpha_gray16.png" | grep --quiet '^ Geometry: 60x60+0+0$'
identify -verbose "$tempdir/alpha_gray16.png" | grep --quiet '^ Colorspace: Gray$'
identify -verbose "$tempdir/alpha_gray16.png" | grep --quiet '^ Type: GrayscaleAlpha$'
identify -verbose "$tempdir/alpha_gray16.png" | grep --quiet '^ Depth: 16-bit$'
identify -verbose "$tempdir/alpha_gray16.png" | grep --quiet '^ Page geometry: 60x60+0+0$'
identify -verbose "$tempdir/alpha_gray16.png" | grep --quiet '^ Compression: Zip$'
identify -verbose "$tempdir/alpha_gray16.png" | grep --quiet '^ png:IHDR.bit-depth-orig: 16$'
identify -verbose "$tempdir/alpha_gray16.png" | grep --quiet '^ png:IHDR.bit_depth: 16$'
identify -verbose "$tempdir/alpha_gray16.png" | grep --quiet '^ png:IHDR.color-type-orig: 4$'
identify -verbose "$tempdir/alpha_gray16.png" | grep --quiet '^ png:IHDR.color_type: 4 (GrayAlpha)$'
identify -verbose "$tempdir/alpha_gray16.png" | grep --quiet '^ png:IHDR.interlace_method: 0 (Not interlaced)$'
for engine in $available_engines; do
img2pdf $engine "$tempdir/alpha_gray16.png" /dev/null && rc=$? || rc=$?
if [ "$rc" -eq 0 ]; then
echo needs to fail here
exit 1
rm "$tempdir/alpha_gray16.png"
echo "Test $j/$tests PNG interlaced"
convert "$tempdir/normal.png" -interlace PNG -strip "$tempdir/interlace.png"
identify -verbose "$tempdir/interlace.png" | grep --quiet '^ Format: PNG (Portable Network Graphics)$'
identify -verbose "$tempdir/interlace.png" | grep --quiet '^ Mime type: image/png$'
identify -verbose "$tempdir/interlace.png" | grep --quiet '^ Geometry: 60x60+0+0$'
identify -verbose "$tempdir/interlace.png" | grep --quiet '^ Colorspace: sRGB$'
identify -verbose "$tempdir/interlace.png" | grep --quiet '^ Type: TrueColor$'
identify -verbose "$tempdir/interlace.png" | grep --quiet '^ Depth: 8-bit$'
identify -verbose "$tempdir/interlace.png" | grep --quiet '^ Page geometry: 60x60+0+0$'
identify -verbose "$tempdir/interlace.png" | grep --quiet '^ Compression: Zip$'
identify -verbose "$tempdir/interlace.png" | grep --quiet '^ png:IHDR.bit-depth-orig: 8$'
identify -verbose "$tempdir/interlace.png" | grep --quiet '^ png:IHDR.bit_depth: 8$'
identify -verbose "$tempdir/interlace.png" | grep --quiet '^ png:IHDR.color-type-orig: 2$'
identify -verbose "$tempdir/interlace.png" | grep --quiet '^ png:IHDR.color_type: 2 (Truecolor)$'
identify -verbose "$tempdir/interlace.png" | grep --quiet '^ png:IHDR.interlace_method: 1 (Adam7 method)$'
for engine in $available_engines; do
img2pdf $engine "$tempdir/interlace.png" "$tempdir/out.pdf"
compare_rendered "$tempdir/out.pdf" "$tempdir/normal.png"
compare_pdfimages "$tempdir/out.pdf" "$tempdir/normal.png"
cat << 'END' | checkpdf "$tempdir/out.pdf"
Contents.read_bytes() == b'q\n45.0000 0 0 45.0000 0.0000 0.0000 cm\n/Im0 Do\nQ'
Resources.XObject.Im0.BitsPerComponent == 8
Resources.XObject.Im0.ColorSpace == "/DeviceRGB"
Resources.XObject.Im0.DecodeParms.BitsPerComponent == 8
Resources.XObject.Im0.DecodeParms.Colors == 3
Resources.XObject.Im0.DecodeParms.Predictor == 15
Resources.XObject.Im0.Filter == "/FlateDecode"
Resources.XObject.Im0.Height == 60
Resources.XObject.Im0.Width == 60
rm "$tempdir/out.pdf"
rm "$tempdir/interlace.png"
for i in 1 2 4 8; do
echo "Test $j/$tests PNG Gray$i"
identify -verbose "$tempdir/gray$i.png" | grep --quiet '^ Format: PNG (Portable Network Graphics)$'
identify -verbose "$tempdir/gray$i.png" | grep --quiet '^ Mime type: image/png$'
identify -verbose "$tempdir/gray$i.png" | grep --quiet '^ Geometry: 60x60+0+0$'
identify -verbose "$tempdir/gray$i.png" | grep --quiet '^ Colorspace: Gray$'
if [ "$i" -eq 1 ]; then
identify -verbose "$tempdir/gray$i.png" | grep --quiet '^ Type: Bilevel$'
identify -verbose "$tempdir/gray$i.png" | grep --quiet '^ Type: Grayscale$'
if [ "$i" -eq 8 ]; then
identify -verbose "$tempdir/gray$i.png" | grep --quiet "^ Depth: 8-bit$"
identify -verbose "$tempdir/gray$i.png" | grep --quiet "^ Depth: 8/$i-bit$"
identify -verbose "$tempdir/gray$i.png" | grep --quiet '^ Page geometry: 60x60+0+0$'
identify -verbose "$tempdir/gray$i.png" | grep --quiet '^ Compression: Zip$'
identify -verbose "$tempdir/gray$i.png" | grep --quiet "^ png:IHDR.bit-depth-orig: $i$"
identify -verbose "$tempdir/gray$i.png" | grep --quiet "^ png:IHDR.bit_depth: $i$"
identify -verbose "$tempdir/gray$i.png" | grep --quiet '^ png:IHDR.color-type-orig: 0$'
identify -verbose "$tempdir/gray$i.png" | grep --quiet '^ png:IHDR.color_type: 0 (Grayscale)$'
identify -verbose "$tempdir/gray$i.png" | grep --quiet '^ png:IHDR.interlace_method: 0 (Not interlaced)$'
for engine in $available_engines; do
img2pdf $engine "$tempdir/gray$i.png" "$tempdir/out.pdf"
compare_rendered "$tempdir/out.pdf" "$tempdir/gray$i.png" pnggray
compare_pdfimages "$tempdir/out.pdf" "$tempdir/gray$i.png"
cat << END | checkpdf "$tempdir/out.pdf"
Contents.read_bytes() == b'q\n45.0000 0 0 45.0000 0.0000 0.0000 cm\n/Im0 Do\nQ'
Resources.XObject.Im0.BitsPerComponent == $i
Resources.XObject.Im0.ColorSpace == "/DeviceGray"
Resources.XObject.Im0.DecodeParms.BitsPerComponent == $i
Resources.XObject.Im0.DecodeParms.Colors == 1
Resources.XObject.Im0.DecodeParms.Predictor == 15
Resources.XObject.Im0.Filter == "/FlateDecode"
Resources.XObject.Im0.Height == 60
Resources.XObject.Im0.Width == 60
rm "$tempdir/out.pdf"
echo "Test $j/$tests PNG Gray16"
identify -verbose "$tempdir/gray16.png" | grep --quiet '^ Format: PNG (Portable Network Graphics)$'
identify -verbose "$tempdir/gray16.png" | grep --quiet '^ Mime type: image/png$'
identify -verbose "$tempdir/gray16.png" | grep --quiet '^ Geometry: 60x60+0+0$'
identify -verbose "$tempdir/gray16.png" | grep --quiet '^ Colorspace: Gray$'
identify -verbose "$tempdir/gray16.png" | grep --quiet '^ Type: Grayscale$'
identify -verbose "$tempdir/gray16.png" | grep --quiet '^ Depth: 16-bit$'
identify -verbose "$tempdir/gray16.png" | grep --quiet '^ Page geometry: 60x60+0+0$'
identify -verbose "$tempdir/gray16.png" | grep --quiet '^ Compression: Zip$'
identify -verbose "$tempdir/gray16.png" | grep --quiet '^ png:IHDR.bit-depth-orig: 16$'
identify -verbose "$tempdir/gray16.png" | grep --quiet '^ png:IHDR.bit_depth: 16$'
identify -verbose "$tempdir/gray16.png" | grep --quiet '^ png:IHDR.color-type-orig: 0$'
identify -verbose "$tempdir/gray16.png" | grep --quiet '^ png:IHDR.color_type: 0 (Grayscale)$'
identify -verbose "$tempdir/gray16.png" | grep --quiet '^ png:IHDR.interlace_method: 0 (Not interlaced)$'
for engine in $available_engines; do
img2pdf $engine "$tempdir/gray16.png" "$tempdir/out.pdf"
# ghostscript outputs 8-bit grayscale, so the comparison will not be exact
gs -dQUIET -dNOPAUSE -dBATCH -sDEVICE=pnggray -r96 -sOutputFile="$tempdir/gs-%00d.png" "$tempdir/out.pdf"
similar "$tempdir/gray16.png" "$tempdir/gs-1.png"
rm "$tempdir/gs-1.png"
# poppler outputs 8-bit grayscale so the comparison will not be exact
pdftocairo -r 96 -png "$tempdir/out.pdf" "$tempdir/poppler"
similar "$tempdir/gray16.png" "$tempdir/poppler-1.png"
rm "$tempdir/poppler-1.png"
# pdfimages outputs 8-bit grayscale so the comparison will not be exact
pdfimages -png "$tempdir/out.pdf" "$tempdir/images"
similar "$tempdir/gray16.png" "$tempdir/images-000.png"
rm "$tempdir/images-000.png"
cat << 'END' | checkpdf "$tempdir/out.pdf"
Contents.read_bytes() == b'q\n45.0000 0 0 45.0000 0.0000 0.0000 cm\n/Im0 Do\nQ'
Resources.XObject.Im0.BitsPerComponent == 16
Resources.XObject.Im0.ColorSpace == "/DeviceGray"
Resources.XObject.Im0.DecodeParms.BitsPerComponent == 16
Resources.XObject.Im0.DecodeParms.Colors == 1
Resources.XObject.Im0.DecodeParms.Predictor == 15
Resources.XObject.Im0.Filter == "/FlateDecode"
Resources.XObject.Im0.Height == 60
Resources.XObject.Im0.Width == 60
rm "$tempdir/out.pdf"
for i in 1 2 4 8; do
echo "Test $j/$tests PNG Palette$i"
identify -verbose "$tempdir/palette$i.png" | grep --quiet '^ Format: PNG (Portable Network Graphics)$'
identify -verbose "$tempdir/palette$i.png" | grep --quiet '^ Mime type: image/png$'
identify -verbose "$tempdir/palette$i.png" | grep --quiet '^ Geometry: 60x60+0+0$'
identify -verbose "$tempdir/palette$i.png" | grep --quiet '^ Colorspace: sRGB$'
identify -verbose "$tempdir/palette$i.png" | grep --quiet '^ Type: Palette$'
identify -verbose "$tempdir/palette$i.png" | grep --quiet '^ Depth: 8-bit$'
identify -verbose "$tempdir/palette$i.png" | grep --quiet '^ Page geometry: 60x60+0+0$'
identify -verbose "$tempdir/palette$i.png" | grep --quiet '^ Compression: Zip$'
identify -verbose "$tempdir/palette$i.png" | grep --quiet "^ png:IHDR.bit-depth-orig: $i$"
identify -verbose "$tempdir/palette$i.png" | grep --quiet "^ png:IHDR.bit_depth: $i$"
identify -verbose "$tempdir/palette$i.png" | grep --quiet '^ png:IHDR.color-type-orig: 3$'
identify -verbose "$tempdir/palette$i.png" | grep --quiet '^ png:IHDR.color_type: 3 (Indexed)$'
identify -verbose "$tempdir/palette$i.png" | grep --quiet '^ png:IHDR.interlace_method: 0 (Not interlaced)$'
for engine in $available_engines; do
if [ $engine = "pdfrw" ]; then
img2pdf $engine "$tempdir/palette$i.png" "$tempdir/out.pdf"
compare_rendered "$tempdir/out.pdf" "$tempdir/palette$i.png"
# pdfimages cannot export palette based images
cat << END | checkpdf "$tempdir/out.pdf"
Contents.read_bytes() == b'q\n45.0000 0 0 45.0000 0.0000 0.0000 cm\n/Im0 Do\nQ'
Resources.XObject.Im0.BitsPerComponent == $i
Resources.XObject.Im0.ColorSpace[0] == "/Indexed"
Resources.XObject.Im0.ColorSpace[1] == "/DeviceRGB"
Resources.XObject.Im0.DecodeParms.BitsPerComponent == $i
Resources.XObject.Im0.DecodeParms.Colors == 1
Resources.XObject.Im0.DecodeParms.Predictor == 15
Resources.XObject.Im0.Filter == "/FlateDecode"
Resources.XObject.Im0.Height == 60
Resources.XObject.Im0.Width == 60
rm "$tempdir/out.pdf"
echo "Test $j/$tests GIF transparent"
convert "$tempdir/alpha.png" "$tempdir/alpha.gif"
identify -verbose "$tempdir/alpha.gif" | grep --quiet '^ Format: GIF (CompuServe graphics interchange format)$'
identify -verbose "$tempdir/alpha.gif" | grep --quiet '^ Mime type: image/gif$'
identify -verbose "$tempdir/alpha.gif" | grep --quiet '^ Geometry: 60x60+0+0$'
identify -verbose "$tempdir/alpha.gif" | grep --quiet '^ Colorspace: sRGB$'
identify -verbose "$tempdir/alpha.gif" | grep --quiet '^ Type: PaletteAlpha$'
identify -verbose "$tempdir/alpha.gif" | grep --quiet '^ Depth: 8-bit$'
identify -verbose "$tempdir/alpha.gif" | grep --quiet '^ Colormap entries: 256$'
identify -verbose "$tempdir/alpha.gif" | grep --quiet '^ Page geometry: 60x60+0+0$'
identify -verbose "$tempdir/alpha.gif" | grep --quiet '^ Compression: LZW$'
for engine in $available_engines; do
img2pdf $engine "$tempdir/alpha.gif" /dev/null && rc=$? || rc=$?
if [ "$rc" -eq 0 ]; then
echo needs to fail here
exit 1
rm "$tempdir/alpha.gif"
for i in 1 2 4 8; do
echo "Test $j/$tests GIF Palette$i"
convert "$tempdir/palette$i.png" "$tempdir/palette$i.gif"
identify -verbose "$tempdir/palette$i.gif" | grep --quiet '^ Format: GIF (CompuServe graphics interchange format)$'
identify -verbose "$tempdir/palette$i.gif" | grep --quiet '^ Mime type: image/gif$'
identify -verbose "$tempdir/palette$i.gif" | grep --quiet '^ Geometry: 60x60+0+0$'
identify -verbose "$tempdir/palette$i.gif" | grep --quiet '^ Colorspace: sRGB$'
identify -verbose "$tempdir/palette$i.gif" | grep --quiet '^ Type: Palette$'
identify -verbose "$tempdir/palette$i.gif" | grep --quiet '^ Depth: 8-bit$'
case $i in
1) identify -verbose "$tempdir/palette$i.gif" | grep --quiet '^ Colormap entries: 2$';;
2) identify -verbose "$tempdir/palette$i.gif" | grep --quiet '^ Colormap entries: 4$';;
4) identify -verbose "$tempdir/palette$i.gif" | grep --quiet '^ Colormap entries: 16$';;
8) identify -verbose "$tempdir/palette$i.gif" | grep --quiet '^ Colormap entries: 256$';;
identify -verbose "$tempdir/palette$i.gif" | grep --quiet '^ Page geometry: 60x60+0+0$'
identify -verbose "$tempdir/palette$i.gif" | grep --quiet '^ Compression: LZW$'
for engine in $available_engines; do
if [ $engine = "pdfrw" ]; then
img2pdf $engine "$tempdir/palette$i.gif" "$tempdir/out.pdf"
compare_rendered "$tempdir/out.pdf" "$tempdir/palette$i.png"
# pdfimages cannot export palette based images
cat << END | checkpdf "$tempdir/out.pdf"
Contents.read_bytes() == b'q\n45.0000 0 0 45.0000 0.0000 0.0000 cm\n/Im0 Do\nQ'
Resources.XObject.Im0.BitsPerComponent == $i
Resources.XObject.Im0.ColorSpace[0] == "/Indexed"
Resources.XObject.Im0.ColorSpace[1] == "/DeviceRGB"
Resources.XObject.Im0.DecodeParms.BitsPerComponent == $i
Resources.XObject.Im0.DecodeParms.Colors == 1
Resources.XObject.Im0.DecodeParms.Predictor == 15
Resources.XObject.Im0.Filter == "/FlateDecode"
Resources.XObject.Im0.Height == 60
Resources.XObject.Im0.Width == 60
rm "$tempdir/out.pdf"
rm "$tempdir/palette$i.gif"
echo "Test $j/$tests GIF animation"
convert "$tempdir/normal.png" "$tempdir/inverse.png" -strip "$tempdir/animation.gif"
identify -verbose "$tempdir/animation.gif[0]" | grep --quiet '^ Format: GIF (CompuServe graphics interchange format)$'
identify -verbose "$tempdir/animation.gif[0]" | grep --quiet '^ Mime type: image/gif$'
identify -verbose "$tempdir/animation.gif[0]" | grep --quiet '^ Geometry: 60x60+0+0$'
identify -verbose "$tempdir/animation.gif[0]" | grep --quiet '^ Colorspace: sRGB$'
identify -verbose "$tempdir/animation.gif[0]" | grep --quiet '^ Type: Palette$'
identify -verbose "$tempdir/animation.gif[0]" | grep --quiet '^ Depth: 8-bit$'
identify -verbose "$tempdir/animation.gif[0]" | grep --quiet '^ Colormap entries: 256$'
identify -verbose "$tempdir/animation.gif[0]" | grep --quiet '^ Page geometry: 60x60+0+0$'
identify -verbose "$tempdir/animation.gif[0]" | grep --quiet '^ Compression: LZW$'
identify -verbose "$tempdir/animation.gif[1]" | grep --quiet '^ Format: GIF (CompuServe graphics interchange format)$'
identify -verbose "$tempdir/animation.gif[1]" | grep --quiet '^ Mime type: image/gif$'
identify -verbose "$tempdir/animation.gif[1]" | grep --quiet '^ Geometry: 60x60+0+0$'
identify -verbose "$tempdir/animation.gif[1]" | grep --quiet '^ Colorspace: sRGB$'
identify -verbose "$tempdir/animation.gif[1]" | grep --quiet '^ Type: Palette$'
identify -verbose "$tempdir/animation.gif[1]" | grep --quiet '^ Depth: 8-bit$'
identify -verbose "$tempdir/animation.gif[1]" | grep --quiet '^ Colormap entries: 256$'
identify -verbose "$tempdir/animation.gif[1]" | grep --quiet '^ Page geometry: 60x60+0+0$'
identify -verbose "$tempdir/animation.gif[1]" | grep --quiet '^ Compression: LZW$'
identify -verbose "$tempdir/animation.gif[1]" | grep --quiet '^ Scene: 1$'
for engine in $available_engines; do
if [ $engine = "pdfrw" ]; then
img2pdf $engine "$tempdir/animation.gif" "$tempdir/out.pdf"
if [ "$(pdfinfo "$tempdir/out.pdf" | awk '/Pages:/ {print $2}')" != 2 ]; then
echo "pdf does not have 2 pages"
exit 1
pdfseparate "$tempdir/out.pdf" "$tempdir/page-%d.pdf"
rm "$tempdir/out.pdf"
for page in 1 2; do
compare_rendered "$tempdir/page-$page.pdf" "$tempdir/animation.gif[$((page-1))]"
# pdfimages cannot export palette based images
cat << END | checkpdf "$tempdir/page-$page.pdf"
Contents.read_bytes() == b'q\n45.0000 0 0 45.0000 0.0000 0.0000 cm\n/Im0 Do\nQ'
Resources.XObject.Im0.BitsPerComponent == 8
Resources.XObject.Im0.ColorSpace[0] == "/Indexed"
Resources.XObject.Im0.ColorSpace[1] == "/DeviceRGB"
Resources.XObject.Im0.DecodeParms.BitsPerComponent == 8
Resources.XObject.Im0.DecodeParms.Colors == 1
Resources.XObject.Im0.DecodeParms.Predictor == 15
Resources.XObject.Im0.Filter == "/FlateDecode"
Resources.XObject.Im0.Height == 60
Resources.XObject.Im0.Width == 60
rm "$tempdir/page-$page.pdf"
rm "$tempdir/animation.gif"
echo "Test $j/$tests TIFF float"
convert "$tempdir/normal.png" -depth 32 -define quantum:format=floating-point "$tempdir/float.tiff"
identify -verbose "$tempdir/float.tiff" | grep --quiet '^ Format: TIFF (Tagged Image File Format)$'
identify -verbose "$tempdir/float.tiff" | grep --quiet '^ Mime type: image/tiff$'
identify -verbose "$tempdir/float.tiff" | grep --quiet '^ Geometry: 60x60+0+0$'
identify -verbose "$tempdir/float.tiff" | grep --quiet '^ Colorspace: sRGB$'
identify -verbose "$tempdir/float.tiff" | grep --quiet '^ Type: TrueColor$'
identify -verbose "$tempdir/float.tiff" | grep --quiet '^ Endiann\?ess: LSB$'
identify -verbose "$tempdir/float.tiff" | grep --quiet '^ Depth: 32/\(8\|16\)-bit$' # imagemagick may produce a Depth: 32/8-bit or 32/16-bit image
identify -verbose "$tempdir/float.tiff" | grep --quiet '^ Page geometry: 60x60+0+0$'
identify -verbose "$tempdir/float.tiff" | grep --quiet '^ Compression: Zip$'
identify -verbose "$tempdir/float.tiff" | grep --quiet '^ quantum:format: floating-point$'
identify -verbose "$tempdir/float.tiff" | grep --quiet '^ tiff:alpha: unspecified$'
identify -verbose "$tempdir/float.tiff" | grep --quiet '^ tiff:endian: lsb$'
identify -verbose "$tempdir/float.tiff" | grep --quiet '^ tiff:photometric: RGB$'
for engine in $available_engines; do
img2pdf $engine "$tempdir/float.tiff" /dev/null && rc=$? || rc=$?
if [ "$rc" -eq 0 ]; then
echo needs to fail here
exit 1
rm "$tempdir/float.tiff"
echo "Test $j/$tests TIFF CMYK8"
convert "$tempdir/normal.png" -colorspace cmyk "$tempdir/cmyk8.tiff"
identify -verbose "$tempdir/cmyk8.tiff" | grep --quiet '^ Format: TIFF (Tagged Image File Format)$'
identify -verbose "$tempdir/cmyk8.tiff" | grep --quiet '^ Mime type: image/tiff$'
identify -verbose "$tempdir/cmyk8.tiff" | grep --quiet '^ Geometry: 60x60+0+0$'
identify -verbose "$tempdir/cmyk8.tiff" | grep --quiet '^ Colorspace: CMYK$'
identify -verbose "$tempdir/cmyk8.tiff" | grep --quiet '^ Type: ColorSeparation$'
identify -verbose "$tempdir/cmyk8.tiff" | grep --quiet '^ Endiann\?ess: LSB$'
identify -verbose "$tempdir/cmyk8.tiff" | grep --quiet '^ Depth: 8-bit$'
identify -verbose "$tempdir/cmyk8.tiff" | grep --quiet '^ Page geometry: 60x60+0+0$'
identify -verbose "$tempdir/cmyk8.tiff" | grep --quiet '^ Compression: Zip$'
identify -verbose "$tempdir/cmyk8.tiff" | grep --quiet '^ tiff:alpha: unspecified$'
identify -verbose "$tempdir/cmyk8.tiff" | grep --quiet '^ tiff:endian: lsb$'
identify -verbose "$tempdir/cmyk8.tiff" | grep --quiet '^ tiff:photometric: separated$'
for engine in $available_engines; do
img2pdf $engine "$tempdir/cmyk8.tiff" "$tempdir/out.pdf"
compare_ghostscript "$tempdir/out.pdf" "$tempdir/cmyk8.tiff" tiff32nc
# not testing with poppler as it cannot write CMYK images
mutool draw -o "$tempdir/mupdf.pam" -r 96 -c cmyk "$pdf" 2>/dev/null
compare -metric AE "$tempdir/cmyk8.tiff" "$tempdir/mupdf.pam" null: 2>/dev/null
rm "$tempdir/mupdf.pam"
pdfimages -tiff "$tempdir/out.pdf" "$tempdir/images"
compare -metric AE "$tempdir/cmyk8.tiff" "$tempdir/images-000.tif" null: 2>/dev/null
rm "$tempdir/images-000.tif"
cat << 'END' | checkpdf "$tempdir/out.pdf"
Contents.read_bytes() == b'q\n45.0000 0 0 45.0000 0.0000 0.0000 cm\n/Im0 Do\nQ'
Resources.XObject.Im0.BitsPerComponent == 8
Resources.XObject.Im0.ColorSpace == "/DeviceCMYK"
Resources.XObject.Im0.Filter == "/FlateDecode"
Resources.XObject.Im0.Height == 60
Resources.XObject.Im0.Width == 60
rm "$tempdir/out.pdf"
rm "$tempdir/cmyk8.tiff"
j=$(( |