import unittest import os import img2pdf import zlib from PIL import Image HERE = os.path.dirname(__file__) #convert +set date:create +set date:modify -define png:exclude-chunk=time def test_suite(): class TestImg2Pdf(unittest.TestCase): pass for test_name in os.listdir(os.path.join(HERE, "input")): inputf = os.path.join(HERE, "input", test_name) if not os.path.isfile(inputf): continue outputf = os.path.join(HERE, "output", test_name+".pdf") assert os.path.isfile(outputf) def handle(self, f=inputf, out=outputf): with open(f, "rb") as inf: orig_imgdata = pdf = img2pdf.convert([f], nodate=True) imgdata = b"" instream = False imgobj = False colorspace = None imgfilter = None width = None height = None length = None # ugly workaround to parse the created pdf for line in pdf.split(b'\n'): if instream: if line == b"endstream": break else: imgdata += line + b'\n' else: if imgobj and line == b"stream": instream = True elif b"/Subtype /Image" in line: imgobj = True elif b"/Width" in line: width = int(line.split()[-1]) elif b"/Height" in line: height = int(line.split()[-1]) elif b"/Length" in line: length = int(line.split()[-1]) elif b"/Filter" in line: imgfilter = line.split()[-2] elif b"/ColorSpace" in line: colorspace = line.split()[-1] # remove trailing \n imgdata = imgdata[:-1] # test if the length field is correct self.assertEqual(len(imgdata), length) # test if the filter is valid: self.assertIn(imgfilter, [b"/DCTDecode", b"/JPXDecode", b"/FlateDecode"]) # test if the colorspace is valid self.assertIn(colorspace, [b"/DeviceGray", b"/DeviceRGB", b"/DeviceCMYK"]) # test if the image has correct size orig_img = self.assertEqual(width, orig_img.size[0]) self.assertEqual(height, orig_img.size[1]) # if the input file is a jpeg then it should've been copied # verbatim into the PDF if imgfilter in [b"/DCTDecode", b"/JPXDecode"]: self.assertEqual(imgdata, orig_imgdata) elif imgfilter == b"/FlateDecode": # otherwise, the data is flate encoded and has to be equal to # the pixel data of the input image imgdata = zlib.decompress(imgdata) if colorspace == b"/DeviceGray": colorspace = 'L' elif colorspace == b"/DeviceRGB": colorspace = 'RGB' elif colorspace == b"/DeviceCMYK": colorspace = 'CMYK' else: raise Exception("invalid colorspace") im = Image.frombytes(colorspace, (width, height), imgdata) if orig_img.mode == '1': orig_img = orig_img.convert("L") elif orig_img.mode not in ("RGB", "L", "CMYK", "CMYK;I"): orig_img = orig_img.convert("RGB") self.assertEqual(im.tobytes(), orig_img.tobytes()) im.close() # lastly, make sure that the generated pdf matches bit by bit the # expected pdf with open(out, "rb") as outf: out = self.assertEqual(pdf, out) # the python-pil version 2.3.0-1ubuntu3 in Ubuntu does not have the close() method try: orig_img.close() except AttributeError: pass setattr(TestImg2Pdf, "test_%s"%test_name, handle) return unittest.TestSuite(( unittest.makeSuite(TestImg2Pdf), ))